Movies Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 vs Infinity War and Endgame

most iconic duo for Marvel, 00s or 10s

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Everything you can imagine is real
Dec 30, 2020
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Pick the most iconic duo for Marvel, 00s or 10s?
I do find in retrospect the Spiderman films suffer a bit from the same kinds of stories having been done to death for the last 20 years, the Russo Marvels were always a welcome change from those typical hero plots.
Dont let nostalgia fool you.

Infinity War is the best movie of the lot, and the highest of the highs in Endgame rival any superhero movie. This one is an easy slam dunk.
Endgame was retarded and gets worse as time goes by. It could have been such a high with what was set up, but it sucked.
Spiderman 2 = IW
Spiderman > Endgame

Endgame really wasn't really that great a movie by itself. Most rate it highly because it "ended" the previous 200+ MCU films.
As a duo I'd give it to Avengers. But Spider-Man 2 is the best movie of the bunch.
Spider-Man 3 > entirety of MCU post 2014
Infinity war alone was awesome enough to win this.

I like watching infinity war and pretending the story ends there. Thanos won. Deal with it. Endgame doesn't exist.
Spider-man 1 & 2 easily. Spider-man 2 is arguably one of the best ever in the genre. Infinity War was really good and I was impressed by how they juggled so many storylines, but I still prefer a more focused movie over a big ensemble. Endgame was average at best. The time travel stuff didn't land at all with me, neither did fat Thor and Prof Hulk. The CGI at the end was terrible as well.


This one still exists and is still the best imo
What makes it a better movie ? Is it the ridiculously cheesy fight scenes, or the confused idea that it was supposed to be gritty and grounded, with a man in a bat suit figting a clown? Most overrated movie I've ever seen. Nothing about it makes any sense.
I'd have no trouble declaring Infinity War the best among the four. I think the first two Raimi Spideys are gold but Infinity War was next-level, as great of a culmination of those earlier MCU movies and characters as you could have hoped for.

Is Endgame as good as Infinity War? No. Is it a satisfying and fun conclusion to those first phases of the MCU? I absolutely think so.

For those reasons, I vote for the Russo films.

But Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 are among my favorite comic book films.
Spider-Man 3 > entirety of MCU post 2014

Bernerd being the deus ex machina that gets Harry back on team good guy is intelligence-insulting enough to make that movie worse than Iron Man 2 and Iron Man 3. And that's not even including Heel Peter gyrating down the street or the jazz club scene which is probably the nadir of the entire Raimi trilogy.

And I say that as someone who doesn't even think Spider-Man 3 is that bad.
Infinity Wars was great yet Endgame is a steaming pile of shit.

The click of the fingers should have been the endbof that phase of Marvel