SOUL upon entry: Make a deal with the devil [power/strength training log]

Question: Does your diet in any way accomodate for the fact that you train quite rarely?
Is your daily food intake/nutritional composition dependent on whether you are prior to a workout or after?
I don't know alot about nutrition, but I would guess that given that your workout is very taxing, it might make sense to carb load the days before the workout. Somebody I know trains similarly, and has a very whack diet (related to what is known as Keto diet I believe).
No I dont do carb loading though it can be effective. I just try to eat healthy with lots of protein in all my meals and adjust carbs according to my activity level. I also try to get healthy fats from olive oil, avacados, fish, fish oil supplements, etc. Today I ate 3 servings of oatmeal prior to going to gym. Which is pretty low calorie wise for me but my appetite has been down as of late.

didnt drop hips ...wasnt the best of days strength wise...wonder if my different warm up played any role....will try to set up better next time.

Was really digging my shoes though. Flat perry ellis I got for sub 30$ are awesome for deadlifting.
Nice lift. You made the first part look really easy, although the lockout looked a bit shaky. Either way, awesome lift.

didnt drop hips ...wasnt the best of days strength wise...wonder if my different warm up played any role....will try to set up better next time.

Was really digging my shoes though. Flat perry ellis I got for sub 30$ are awesome for deadlifting.
Good stuff man. You are one strong motherfucker.
Great Lifts bro, Can u give some stats like Height, weight, arm size ect. I dont didnt see these stats anywhere if u wrote em before. I dont go in here alot.
usually i am 5'11/6'0 and 220@7-8%bf tho I lost over 10lb due to a flu and only gained a few I weighed in at about 213lb yesterday. The lockout wasnt that hard. It didnt even really feel like I was struggling at the kind of slowed down then I tried to squeeze hard with my glutes/hips/back to lock it out. I did see the slight shaking of the bar near the top but so be it. I was more concerned that I didnt drop my hips at the beginning because that's what's hard for me as otherwise I am using mostly back.
Thanks guys, now I need to focus a bit on 405 for reps. I need to give Wilhelm a run for his money on this one.
Thanks guys, now I need to focus a bit on 405 for reps. I need to give Wilhelm a run for his money on this one.

I have no doubt you'll smoke me.

By the way, was that 655 pull beltless? I didn't see one and the thought of pulling that much weight without one blows my mind.

Also, do you know that you're pulling from beyond the range? My gym has the same plates and they force the bar 1/2" lower than standard starting height. Even more impressive... every 1/2" counts when you're pulling that heavy.
Good lifts man, im impressed by ur deadlifts at ur weight. U DL around the same as some amatuer bodybuilders i kno. I asked ur arm size to get an idea to how big u r compared to peeps i kno. Ronnie C works with about 800lbs deadlifts by the way.
Keep up the work
No i dont use a belt. I have done 700 without it. Though I considered it.

I dont know about the plates it's possible...I have seen people use standard plates for 1st and then these ones for rest so that they slide off 1/2" lower sounds about the floor I am good...I have done 655 standing on 1-2 45 plates before for added difficulty....

what concerned me more is that bar is fucking's that much harder to pull the weight....I remember using 110lb(50kg) plates in Ukraine and with a good bar....the same weight felt light years easier due to less bar bend....

My endurance blows so I dont know if I can pull it off but I'll certainly give it my all...perhaps I'll aim for 30 you set last time.
2/20/07 8:30pm

Wide Stance Front Squats on a Low Box:
-completely sit back and relax
45-10 reps
135-5 reps
185-5 reps
225-3 reps
245-1+0 rep
255-1+0 rep

Wide Stance Back Squats on Low BOx:
275-1+0 rep
275-1+0 rep

Standing DB Bent Press:
35-10 reps
70-5 reps
100-1 rep, easier with left
105-1+0 reps....left much easier than right

One Arm Chin Ups Assisted with Rope+DB for off hand:
40lb-1 rep each hand...easy
15lb-1 rep each hand....left is easier
15lb-1 rep each right with chin over the bar, left was even with the bar
15lb-1 rep each hand....halfway with right, chin over the bar left....

-1 muscle
-3 muscle ups
-2 muscle ups
-1 muscle up

135-5 reps....3 sec pause on chest
225-5 reps...3 sec pause on chest
275-5+0 reps...3 sec pause on chest
275-12+0 unracking

Standing Rope Crunches on Pulldown station:
140-10+0 reps
150-2+1 reps

Standing Alt DB CUrls:
75s- 4+0 reps

did some pony clamp thumb work...tried pinching 2 15 DBs for time....will try 20s, 25s next time...

-perhaps will do 405 for reps deadlift next time....
10pm END
2/25/07 5:10pm

1 half ass muscle up+1...somehow wasnt up to them today

bodyweight(220)-5 reps to chest with a slight pause
+45-5 reps to chest with a slight pause
+90-3 reps to chest
+135-1+0 reps ...chin over the bar..
bodyweight-12+0 chest with slight pause

135-10 reps
225-10 reps

315(not sure if the bar was 45lb)-5 reps...used this short ghey looking bar....switched bar to
olympic after the set
365-3 reps..
385-3 unracking
405-2+0 unracking

225-22+1 reps...

Cable Rows:
250(stack)-12 reps

2 DB pinch: plastic coated
15s- easy deadlift and 10 sec hold with each hand separately
20s-easy deadlift and 5 sec hold with each hand sep
25s-moderately difficult deadlift and 3 sec hold with each hand sep
27.5s-difficult deadlift and 2-3 sec hold with easy hand sep...

Standing Cable Rope Crunches on PUlldown station:
120-5 reps
160-2+1 reps....almost had 3rd

forced closes+negatives with pony clamps for couple sets for both hands....

6:25pm END

planned to do 405 deadlift for reps but ran out of's pretty hard to find time for these as I like to lift heavy and I only lift once or twice a week....bah..
-grip was almost completely recovered prior to workout....
-also bent a blue IM DU in couple tries.....first kinked it to 3-4 inches from ends but had no power on crushdown then rested and finished it strength is coming back slowly....and my right wrist is almost recovered....