Somewhat of a conjugate log

deficit deadlift for 500 with some in the tank.....since I only max one lower body lift a week I tend to push it as hard as I can but every so often I leave a little bit in the tank which is ok
hit a 255 incline bench with a little in the tank a minute go but did not record it. This heat wave is ridiculous I cant go outside and do cardio and running in place indoors is super boring. Took some BP, threw a bucket and fielded some grounders off the wall with a tennis ball this morning before heat came. Looking forward to this tournament at the end of October.
just snatch grip deadlift 480 likely had 495 if I really barely trying tbh peep my Facebook if you want to see it I was feeling psychotic
hit 285 on pause bench with more in the tank last upper workout then hit 435 with more in the tank for a paused pin squat

added in a couple of days of burpees and it definitely helps conditioning for the field

Well it has been 10 days since my last workout just flew back into texas from arizona from the tournament. Was pretty much all I hoped it would be even though we got bounced in the quarterfinals. All the lifting and other training paid off because I had many hits over the course of 8 games total, many stolen bases, hit the fence at 350 in my last at bat in the ninth to mount somewhat of a comeback attempt. bad news I dinged my pinky up pretty nice stealing third base so I have to go get it looked at. I am completely exhausted right now and I think I forgot what it is to lift weights so we shall see what happens when I get started again tommorow.
Well im going to have to get surgery on the pinkie on Monday. Stinks but o well that's the price we pay for not sitting around and doing nothing. Will probably do some type of short term linear progression when I can lift again so it should come back fast as I have plenty of time to get my strength back up as I'm planning on traveling to another tournament next spring.
Well im going to have to get surgery on the pinkie on Monday. Stinks but o well that's the price we pay for not sitting around and doing nothing. Will probably do some type of short term linear progression when I can lift again so it should come back fast as I have plenty of time to get my strength back up as I'm planning on traveling to another tournament next spring.
Sorry man, hope the surgery goes well
update this injury is still going on being that I had to get the tendons reattached. Had to get it drained yesterday. I am sitting here chomping at the bit and slowly becoming a shell of where I was at. The mission is to get recovered and try in earnest to get my strength back. Frustrating but it is what it is I cannot control the uncontrolable all I can do is control my attitude about the situation.
Best of luck healing up man. Keep your wind n flexibility up while your down
Going to try to start a conjugate log again albeit I am much weaker than I had built up to pre broken finger. Here's to hoping I can get it back. If it is any consolation I was able to rehab it enough over the last few months and ended up winning a big tournament in Las Vegas last week. The goal is to somehow survive until October and play the World Series.

Lower DE
p snatch 146x3x5
squat 285x4x5 70%
deadlift 355x2x5 70%

will be doing various sprints/jumps and javorick complexes for conditioning. I wont log the baseball affiliated stuff I do practice wise.
ME upper
seated pin press eye level up to a tough 195x1
back offs 165x3x3 85%

close grip bench

chins 23 ILBSx11, bw x11

sprints 5x 30 yards various start positions

banded upright rows 3x a bunch


this world is completely awful im just thankful I get to still train
Max effort lower
power clean 196x3x5

315 front squat left some in the tank
back offs 255x3x3

rack pull 490x8 left probably 3-4 in the tank

ohs hold stretch

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