Should "Touching Gloves" (MID-FIGHT) be a DQ or Foul?


Po Atan
Nov 24, 2022
Reaction score
First, let there be no mistake: I am a proponent of GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP.

BEFORE the fight, I love seeing professionals acknowledge each other's abilities, etc.
AFTER the fight, I love seeing professionals acknowledge each other's struggle together, give props, and end it in a good way.

However, DURING a fight, I want to see two people trying to kill each other.

Maybe touch gloves in the beginning of the fight.
Maybe touch gloves at the beginning of each round.

But once each round begins, I want to see two people trying to kill each other.
If one person lands a good shot, who TF wants to see "a glove-bump" ???

Any fighter who initiates "a glove bump" after he's been clipped, is basically shitting all over himself, trying to slow the momentum.
This is beta-male fukkery, and should never be allowed in a professional contest.

This is a piggy-back post on the travesty of Garry vs. Neal, both of whom should have been stripped and removed from the UFC roster.

You want to be "buds," and spar in your driveway, go ahead.

But when fans pay $85 to watch you fight, then you need to make it a dogfight, and go for the finish, the moment you see weakness.

If you can't do that, you are not an authentic professional fighter, working for the fans.

Bottom line: we fans pay everybody, from top to bottom.
Make sure you never piss us off with this billhit again.
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I can see the logic in this to a degree.
I don't want to pay $85 to watch two guys spar, save that for Fight Night cards if you want to save on damage.
As a lifelong martial artist, I also love sportsmanship over everything in combat. Machida and the like are embodiments of what the sport should be, and I instinctively root against fighters that dole out punishment to obviously KO'd opponents instead of walking away, but I'm kind of sick of seeing guys getting overly buddy buddy in there.

There was a moment in boxing where people were shitting on Shane Mosley for fist bumping Mayweather repeatedly, seeing it as him "conceding victory."
There's been a few examples I've seen where this glove touching / hugging shit is definitely stalling the fight, and should be penalized. The KZ vs Yair fight comes to mind immediately, Yair hugged him like 10 times in the 5th round and it was annoying asf.

What I'd like to see is fighters just not going with it, if they raise their hand for a touch just try and fucking punch them, get rid of the whole "sportsmanship is required every time your opponent requests it", it's nonsense, a glove touch at the start of the fight is plenty, the sportsmanship can wait 'til after the fight.
I can see the logic in this to a degree.
I don't want to pay $85 to watch two guys spar, save that for Fight Night cards if you want to save on damage.
As a lifelong martial artist, I also love sportsmanship over everything in combat. Machida and the like are embodiments of what the sport should be, and I instinctively root against fighters that dole out punishment to obviously KO'd opponents instead of walking away, but I'm kind of sick of seeing guys getting overly buddy buddy in there.

I too am a huge fan of sportsmanship ... before ... and after ... but I pay money to see people trying to annihilate each other (within the rules), when that gate closes.

Glove touches before, and after, every round are okay ... but NEVER after a good shot.

Real fighters recognize this as WEAKNESS and should go for the kill.

That's what we pay to see.
There's been a few examples I've seen where this glove touching / hugging shit is definitely stalling the fight, and should be penalized. The KZ vs Yair fight comes to mind immediately, Yair hugged him like 10 times in the 5th round and it was annoying asf.

What I'd like to see is fighters just not going with it, if they raise their hand for a touch just try and fucking punch them, get rid of the whole "sportsmanship is required every time your opponent requests it", it's nonsense, a glove touch at the start of the fight is plenty, the sportsmanship can wait 'til after the fight.


Glove touching "before" each round, and "after" each round, is okay ...

NEVER in the middle of a fight, when you got your bell rung.

That is a cowardly "stalling of action" that even Ray Charles can see.
I detest it, I really have an issue with fighters constantly high fiving and fist bumping and even sometimes hugging during the fight, its ridiculous and is a huge disgrace to the history of the sport and everyone who has ever competed in it

If you notice basically all the fights where the 2 fighters are constantly high fiving and fist bumping never end in a finish, it always goes to decision. I think thats because it just gives the vibe of a friendly spar and the fighters relax more.. even if they don't want too, its subconscious.

As you said fist bump, high five before and after the fight is great and thats respect, no issues whatsoever. But to keep doing it during the fight just gives the impression its not a actual "fight" and all seems too much like friendly sparring to me.. and like I said why is there no finishes in those fights. Just by the law of averages theres probably a fight where there was a finish when the fighters were constantly high fiving and fist bumping after a flush punch was landed... but honestly most of them go to decision, I've noticed it since ages
First, let there be no mistake: I am a proponent of GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP.

BEFORE the fight, I love seeing professionals acknowledge each other's abilities, etc.
AFTER the fight, I love seeing professionals acknowledge each others struggle together, give props, and end it in a good way.

However, DURING a fight, I want to see two people trying to kill each other.

Maybe touch gloves in the beginning of the fight.
Maybe touch gloves at the beginning of each round.

But once each round begins, I want to see two people trying to kill each other.
If one person lands a good shot, who TF wants to see "a glove-bump" ???

Any fighter who initiates "a glove bump" after he's been clipped, is basically shedding all over himself, trying to slow the momentum.
This is beta-male fukkery, and should never be allowed in a professional contest.

This is a piggy-back post on the travesty of Garry vs. Neal, both of whom should have been stripped and removed from the UFC roster.

You want to be "buds," and spar in your driveway, go ahead.

But when fans pay $85 to watch you fight, then you need to make in a dogfight, and go for the finish, the moment you see weakness.

If you can't do that, you are not an authentic professional fighter, working for the fans.

Bottom line: we fans pay everybody from top to bottom.
Make sure you never piss us off with this billhit again.
Before and after the fight is fine; but at the start of each round it gives the wrong people a way to size you up or put one in a bad spot right away. However, I definitely don't like what you said...I thought Zombie vs Yair was a prime makes you as a fan lose the desire watching, like you said, it becomes two beta-males fighting...I don't like it...Nick Diaz would never do that for the exact reasons, and no fighter really cares about you before or after the fight like family stop pretending its like does come across as really fake.
Glove touches before, and after, every round are okay ... but NEVER after a good shot.

Real fighters recognize this as WEAKNESS and should go for the kill.

That's what we pay to see.
Agree with this.
No hugging friendly bs, you get a glove touch at the start and end of a round.
The KZ vs Yair fight comes to mind immediately, Yair hugged him like 10 times in the 5th round and it was annoying asf.
That one was particularly egregious.
Before and after the fight is fine; but at the start of each round it gives the wrong people a way to size you up or put one in a bad spot right away. However, I definitely don't like what you said...I thought Zombie vs Yair was a prime makes you as a fan lose the desire watching, like you said, it becomes two beta-males fighting...I don't like it...Nick Diaz would never do that for the exact reasons, and no fighter really cares about you before or after the fight like family stop pretending its like does come across as really fake.

You agree with me, and disagree with me, contradicting yourself.

Put the gummy bears down, go to sleep, and re-read tomorrow with a full deck.
So referee should know when they touch gloves and when its just parry/hand control?
Sometimes fighters fake groin shots and eye-pokes. They would play with this rule too.

How many referee fuck ups is justified price for this rule?


UFC need to employ Wand to train fighters about 'in combat attitudes'
So referee should know when they touch gloves and when its just parry/hand control?
Sometimes fighters fake groin shots and eye-pokes. They would play with this rule too.

How many referee fuck ups is justified price for this rule?
Is timidity still against the rules? Sometimes it does seem to border on this...

Great to see the coloured text back in OP too @IronGolem007
Hate to use the term, but this thread projects so much "beta" energy that it's crazy.

Sorry, scrotum-head,

This thread seeks to eradicate beta-efforts to "make peace" in the middle of a GD fight.

Fighters should be fighting, not touching gloves.
First, let there be no mistake: I am a proponent of GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP.

BEFORE the fight, I love seeing professionals acknowledge each other's abilities, etc.
AFTER the fight, I love seeing professionals acknowledge each others struggle together, give props, and end it in a good way.

However, DURING a fight, I want to see two people trying to kill each other.

Maybe touch gloves in the beginning of the fight.
Maybe touch gloves at the beginning of each round.

But once each round begins, I want to see two people trying to kill each other.
If one person lands a good shot, who TF wants to see "a glove-bump" ???

Any fighter who initiates "a glove bump" after he's been clipped, is basically shedding all over himself, trying to slow the momentum.
This is beta-male fukkery, and should never be allowed in a professional contest.

This is a piggy-back post on the travesty of Garry vs. Neal, both of whom should have been stripped and removed from the UFC roster.

You want to be "buds," and spar in your driveway, go ahead.

But when fans pay $85 to watch you fight, then you need to make in a dogfight, and go for the finish, the moment you see weakness.

If you can't do that, you are not an authentic professional fighter, working for the fans.

Bottom line: we fans pay everybody from top to bottom.
Make sure you never piss us off with this billhit again.
I'm with you in that I don't like it either. You might be taking it a bit too far with a foul. DQ is way overboard...........