Sherdog did not do ok on web redesign

Fuck yes. We’re back. I created an account on MMA underground I was so desperate.
I was totally loosing faith in the tech dudes. Slightly ridiculous near 5-days.

But whatever. Bit Irritating.
I hate new looks and I don't really like this but....I guess i'll have to get used to it.

It is What It Is.

Chris (Deeming???) please could you, respectfully, get your ducks in a row a bit more before a Xenforo software update. This is what you guys do every day of the week. I do realize Sherdog forums is an ultra-high traffic client and a massive database etc.... but 5 days to do a forum software update? come on mate.
I used to do stuff like this in the City too for 1600person company.
Anyway, thanks for your persistence Chris. got there in the end.
What is this Xenforo 2.3? no idea. Just hope no more functionality glitches.
Probably good, Wouldnt want people reaction hunting like they do in other sites.
I don't agree. The way i see it is a reaction is a reaction. Shouldnt matter if people like, or hate your post. It should count. If you don't want someone to get a higher reaction score, simply dont give them a reaction.

Says black belt but still showing up brown..

Seems like Platinum Members have their belt removed ...
ps. in-middle-of-thread ads are unacceptably intrusive. F that.
Adblocker, ENABLED for Sherdog site.

There comes a point with ads where you piss off the users SO MUCH they all just download and use Adblockers.
and this is what i've done. Quit with the endless "Gotta increase ad revenue". Shooting yourselves in the foot.
Another IRRITATING feature we did not need, and we did not have with the previous Xenforo version.

So far...very unimpressed with the "upgrade".
Upgrades are very very often retrogrades.
Looks really busy on the screen, the report function is prominently displayed for quick and regular usage. I assume many are mad and some are happy. Keep on keeping on Sherdoggers.