International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

I Guess Cameron an Macron must be shaking in their boots also as Cameron said Ukraine free to use Stormshadow to hit Russian military target in Russia. Macron just repeated that France is willing to put boots on the ground in Ukraine.
Macron I think that is Talking like this because....he does wants that French Senate will agree to increase...def budget....
Maybe France will be next country in future who will do nuclear test." Only one thing Russia does respect is brutal force and direct threats, all other methods of communications and discussions they will see as our defeat. Russia always was, is and always will be Empire of Evil and lies."
Trademark : Ronald Reagan.
Large offensives in a war of attrition doesn't seem like the smartest but right now seems like the best offensive opportunity Russia is going to get for a while.

Enjoyed a large artillery advantage while US dicked around, weather is amicable for it and there may be a slight window before the czech initiative ammo and US aid arrives in meaningful enough numbers to get ukraine back to a near fire parity.

Ukraine artillery system attrition is very low though so once the munitions arrive they'll have no problem forwarding them to the Russians. Russia has to act quick if they want any chance of gaining ground.
putin fucked up again, instead of knocking out energy infrastructure at the start of winter when aid was held up,and maximising despondency over the cold dark months, he waited until summer when its more bearable, although still a giant pain in the arse. he has a few weeks to make any significant gains beyond the 1 or 2 towns he has taken. ukraine will now recieve enough arms to grind up his new meatwalls over the rest of the year. and we will see if F16 fighters put a dent in his airforce, im guessing russian pilots and airframes are showing signs of wear compared to NATO standards.lets see how russian civillians like their power grids being knocked out for a change.
putin fucked up again, instead of knocking out energy infrastructure at the start of winter when aid was held up,and maximising despondency over the cold dark months, he waited until summer when its more bearable, although still a giant pain in the arse. he has a few weeks to make any significant gains beyond the 1 or 2 towns he has taken. ukraine will now recieve enough arms to grind up his new meatwalls over the rest of the year. and we will see if F16 fighters put a dent in his airforce, im guessing russian pilots and airframes are showing signs of wear compared to NATO standards.lets see how russian civillians like their power grids being knocked out for a change.

Russia has been taking out Ukraines energy grid for awhile, including over the winter. Have you been living under a rock?

Your whole post is trash btw.
putin fucked up again, instead of knocking out energy infrastructure at the start of winter when aid was held up,and maximising despondency over the cold dark months, he waited until summer when its more bearable, although still a giant pain in the arse. he has a few weeks to make any significant gains beyond the 1 or 2 towns he has taken. ukraine will now recieve enough arms to grind up his new meatwalls over the rest of the year. and we will see if F16 fighters put a dent in his airforce, im guessing russian pilots and airframes are showing signs of wear compared to NATO standards.lets see how russian civillians like their power grids being knocked out for a change.
I don't think there will be any big Russian offensive at all, besides local attacks like we've been seeing. The real time intelligence and targeting just makes it too costly. I think it's going to be the grind for as long as this goes on.
Also, Ukraine doesn't and won't have enough cruise missiles to waste on hitting russian electric stations.
France had delivered part of military aid scheduled to be delivered in this month.
Batch: again 50 gliding bombs and 3000 155 mm artillery in April.
Undisclosed model and number of missiles.

Macron wants that France till December will rack up monthly supplies for ukr till 100 bombs and 6000 155 mm shells each month year more for each portion.
Putin is continuing successful hiring process for his so called special military operation. Mainly in Siberia and priority are 21-35 y.o guys who already had served mandatory military service term.

Employers ofc need to hire replacement and Siberia each day is more and more turning into Chinatown and Uzbekistantown..

Murder rate among Russian soldiers surges 900% after returning from Ukraine​

"The number of Russian soldiers committing murder after returning home from the frontline has soared over the past few years amid “chronic mental health” issues linked to serving on the battlefield.

Data from Moscow’s judicial department showed that 113 active servicemen were convicted in 2023 – representing a nearly 900 per cent increase on just 13 convictions in 2022.

The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the high number of homicides was in part due to the release of thousands of ex-convicts pardoned for their participation in the war as well as post-traumatic stress disorder after returning from the frontline.

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The MoD said: “The high numbers of homicides by serving and veteran Russian soldiers are likely in part due to enduring war-related chronic poor mental health issues.

“These include post-traumatic stress disorder, and battlefield desensitization to violence. Alcoholism and drug use from low morale and boredom are likely contributing factors.

“Compounding this is the return into the general population of ex-convicts with a pre-existing propensity for criminality and extreme violence.”

It comes as NGO Russia Behind Bars said 15,000 prisoners pardoned for their participation in the war against Ukraine had returned home from the frontline."

Oof. Yeah this war looks like it would really take its toll on people mentally.

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