Movies RIP Roger Corman


Green Belt
Mar 20, 2016
Reaction score
The director and one of the most important producers of all time was 98.

Thats quite an innings

Knew the name but not what he'd directed. Interesting mix .
Nooooo. One of the all time most important figures in cinema history. He did the Criterion Closet just earlier this year and though you could tell his age was catching up to him he still seemed to be in better shape than a lot of people in their 70's.
Rest in peace to one of the all time greats.
He lived a long life. And contributed a lot to the industry. RIP
Isn't he the guy that made terrible titty movies?
As in D instead of F?
yaknow what, i’d prob give it a C, C- tbh

fwiw, i think Trank’s Fan4stic is a super solid D+ because there was a lot that movie did right (body horror elements when the team is first coming to terms w/ their powers & the Doom-in-hospital scene in particular), but the wrongs were especially brutal to the point that they overshadowed (what i assume to be) Trank’s vision for the movie