Recent fights/results/news from Japan II

awww damn, thanks for the link.

read about abema tv app on facebook yesterday, but couldn't find the world sports tab.

Going to be a great card.
Good fight, Kaew was landing big knees but got warned like 10 times for double handed clinch. Lucky he didn't get a point deducted.
let's see if the Takeru hypetrain gets derailed.
taiga looking good at 60Kg.

Koya vs. Taiga in the final.
Taiga won. just blasted Koya most of the time. looked great.

Ilias Bulaid vs Kaew Fairtex
Why did Kaew did not get an official warning? The ref warned him 6 times for clinching but every time he got away with it. Should have been a point reduction
What are the rules? He wasn't "clinching" he was just pulling his head when kneeing.
you are not even allowed to use 1 hand to clinch since the original organization died. k1 global made the no clinch rule when they started and those are the rules k1 japan uses

What the hell has happened to hirotaka? that 2 in a row he has lost and he is the division champion. Now which guy gets a title fight first? do they all go into a world gp before a title fight? What about Tiaga does he get a title shot off the tournament win? so many questions!
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horrible idea to give the champion non title fights. I guess other organisations to this if the weight is uneven, but what is K1's reasoning?
Hirotaka has to defend his belt in the 60kg world GP in September I think.

This fight in particular he asked for since he wanted to bounce off from his last loss. Looks like it backfired.

I was gonna make a snark about the quality of Takeru's opponent, but he countered a kick catch with a spinning back fist so all is forgiven.
Hirotaka has to defend his belt in the 60kg world GP in September I think.

This fight in particular he asked for since he wanted to bounce off from his last loss. Looks like it backfired.

I was gonna make a snark about the quality of Takeru's opponent, but he countered a kick catch with a spinning back fist so all is forgiven.
The belt he has is separate from the tournament belt so I'm pretty sure he can't defend it in the tournament and regardless or the tournament outcome he is still the 60 kg division champion
K-1's clinch rules are so fucking stupid. So annoying to see a ref run in there and interupt free flowing action. Half the time Kaew was just sticking his arms out and not even grabbing NO CLINCH! That ref was Joop Ubeda level annoying.
Damn fightstadium YouTube channel keeps hooking us up! When is Yod fighting next?
While I personally don't prefer the K-1 no clinch rule, I do find it interesting to see how its implemented and how fighters react and adjust to it.

I thought Ilias looked good, I scored round 3 for him.

I'd like to see Wolf vs Taiga.
Ilias looked lost to me. Couldn't get any type of flow or employ a decent strategy.
What's the deal with Takeru? Has he beaten good fighters, or is he an unproven hype job who is in the right promotion and gets spectacular knockouts over bums?

He beat Taiga who is pretty good....the other guys he fights are mostly second rate.

And yes the K1 clinch rules are complete ass. Makes me want to claw out my eyes when you get those fights with the ref yelling 'NO CLINCHING' every 5 seconds.

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