Movies Rate and Discuss the Last Movie You Saw v.16

Godzilla Minus One



What the hell was all the hype about?

The story was crap, the effects were crap, the acting was crap.

The effects in Sharknado were better.

I completely differ with you on this one. I enjoyed it a lot. Solid 7/10 type movie for me.

I loved the 3rd act. Action hero cliche (and devalued by the ultimate ending) but I was totally in on the emotional show down.

too bad you did not like it.
I completely differ with you on this one. I enjoyed it a lot. Solid 7/10 type movie for me.

I loved the 3rd act. Action hero cliche (and devalued by the ultimate ending) but I was totally in on the emotional show down.

too bad you did not like it.

Everyone disagrees with me, this film had huge hype. I just don't understand it. Pretty disappointed.
Godzilla Minus One



What the hell was all the hype about?

The story was crap, the effects were crap, the acting was crap.

The effects in Sharknado were better.

It won the Oscar for its effects. No need to undermine the credibility of your opinion with a statement like “worse effects than Sharknado.

Sorry you didn’t like it. At 4/10 I can only imagine what scores you’d be handing out for the other 30 Godzilla movies over the last 70 years.
It won the Oscar for its effects. No need to undermine the credibility of your opinion with a statement like “worse effects than Sharknado.

Sorry you didn’t like it. At 4/10 I can only imagine what scores you’d be handing out for the other 30 Godzilla movies over the last 70 years.

The low rating is a result of my incredibly high expectations in light of all the hype and the Oscar.

I stand by the Sharknado comment. Those films didn't take themselves seriously and were a ton of incredibly stupid fun, they created a genre that is still going strong. It was filmed for one fifteenth the budget Godzilla was and did some crazy, inventive stuff. If you ever have forty-five minutes to kill I strongly recommend this video, PointlessHub is one of my favorite movie reviewers. His Transformers reviews often make me laugh out loud.

My ratings for the library of Godzilla films varies widely from film to film depending on the time and intent of each one. My ratings for most of them are quite low, but some (especially the first) are really high.
The low rating is a result of my incredibly high expectations in light of all the hype and the Oscar.

I stand by the Sharknado comment. Those films didn't take themselves seriously and were a ton of incredibly stupid fun, they created a genre that is still going strong. It was filmed for one fifteenth the budget Godzilla was and did some crazy, inventive stuff. If you ever have forty-five minutes to kill I strongly recommend this video, PointlessHub is one of my favorite movie reviewers. His Transformers reviews often make me laugh out loud.

My ratings for the library of Godzilla films varies widely from film to film depending on the time and intent of each one. My ratings for most of them are quite low, but some (especially the first) are really high.
the sharknado movies are bad on purpose & completely miss the point of why a lot of people enjoy watching schlocky bad movies.

the atomic breath scene in Godzilla -1.0 was one of the most impressive scenes in a film from 2023, imo. & there were a ton of great films last year, many that i enjoyed more overall than -1.0, but -1.0 was undeniably special in a lot of ways.
the sharknado movies are bad on purpose & completely miss the point of why a lot of people enjoy watching schlocky bad movies.

I disagree.

They're absurdist and pretty funny, have you seen them?
I disagree.

They're absurdist and pretty funny, have you seen them?
you would be wrong, then. it is what it is. would you deny that the sharknado filmmakers are self aware? or are they trying to earnestly make a movie that they think is good?

& yes, i have seen a few but stopped wasting my time.
you would be wrong, then. it is what it is. would you deny that the sharknado filmmakers are self aware? or are they trying to earnestly make a movie that they think is good?

& yes, i have seen a few but stopped wasting my time.

The movies are exactly what they were trying to make, and they made them on almost no money. After the first one stars were lining up for cameos to get in on the fun and to be eaten by flying sharks.

Did I like them? Fuck no, not my jam, but I respect the effort.

As for Godzilla Minus One, maybe the mistake I made was watching it in color. Black and white is so much more forgiving.
Godzilla Minus One



What the hell was all the hype about?

The story was crap, the effects were crap, the acting was crap.

The effects in Sharknado were better.

If I didn't know you much better than this, I'd think you hated the filthy Japs, & cheered when Hiroshima & Nagasaki went kablooey.

Did you watch GODZILLA MINUS ONE right after stubbing your toe, & finding out your best gal left you for a yakuza? Because that was maybe not the best mindset

This movie was fuckin' awesome! I was wowed, & I might have even tear'd up a few times, in a very manly way. And the effects were great
The Sea Hawk (1940)
Adventure film with Errol Flynn as an English privateer raiding the Spanish and defending the sceptred isle. Dastardly King Phillip II, his armada, and his refined but devious ambassador played by Claude Rains are main antagonists, and Brenda Marshall is the love interest.
While not quite as perfect as Flynn's Robin Hood, this comes close. Excellent score, great naval battle scenes, good humor, and fantastic sword battles. Nominated for Art Direction (black-and-white) among others.
If in the mood for a pirate movie, would recommend this over a re-watch of one of Depp's
If I didn't know you much better than this, I'd think you hated the filthy Japs, & cheered when Hiroshima & Nagasaki went kablooey.

Did you watch GODZILLA MINUS ONE right after stubbing your toe, & finding out your best gal left you for a yakuza? Because that was maybe not the best mindset

This movie was fuckin' awesome! I was wowed, & I might have even tear'd up a few times, in a very manly way. And the effects were great

Maybe Tadanobu Asano has ruined me for Japanese monster movie histrionic acting.
Infested (2024) - So this is a French horror movie about killer spiders going wild on some building in France where most of the neighbors are VERY UNLIKEABLE "new french". Needless to say I was rooting for the spiders from the start. 5,5/10
Last edited:
Gandhi (1982)


Another 3 hour one, yes very long but not that bad of a pacing, could have been worse. There are times when my patience was tested but it has enough beats spread throughout to bring back interest.

Obviously Kinglsey is the MVP. He really morphs into the role very well, especially as the film goes on. I can see why he won an oscar for this. The versatility of this dude is insane. Hard to believe while watching that this is the same guy from sexy beast or iron man 3.

I guess you could wonder if the film went a bit too far in portraying him as a flawless, saintly figure. Honestly though, I cant think of many places you could have fit much of that in anyway, considering the film is long enough and already has a lot going on. Beside, the opening text quote already makes its case for this anyway, more focused on the spirit of the story than the nuts and bolts.

A lot of great production design and cinematography as well.

I guess around a 7/10 or so. Solid epic with a fantastic performance.
I watched Late Night With The Devil last night, it was really good and I very much dug the story they told, it had a satisfying final conclusion, I just didnt like the last couple minutes and how they showed it to us, if you seen the movie then you know the scenes im talking about
The story was great, it just failed in the execution in those last couple minutes but at the same time I'm glad it ended the way it did, I just feel the ending wouldve had a much stronger impact if they toned it down a bit
Its exactly what you expect it to be from the trailer and thats exactly what I wanted from this one, really enjoyed the 70's setting, it gave it the right amount of creepyness and mystery with an entertaining bit of campyness added in for flavor, perfect for the Occult subject matter
Solid performances by all the actors and I really liked all the characters, I dont usually dig found footage horror but this film did it the right way

5.8 Thumbs Up Outta 7

Godzilla Minus One



What the hell was all the hype about?

The story was crap, the effects were crap, the acting was crap.

The effects in Sharknado were better.
This is one of those rare times our views on a movie/TV show is so polarizing. I thought Godzilla: Minus One was amazing and my personal favorite Godzilla movie of all time. Super impressed with the production values and visual effects despite its low budget. Really bummed that they didn't show the movie in theaters in my city.

I would give Godzilla: Minus One a 9/10.

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