Relationship Quick Personality Test


Red Belt
Feb 19, 2016
Reaction score
Took me less than 8 minutes to take a quick MBTI 16 personality trait based quiz and it was quick and easy enough.

I’ve never given all that much heed the complete Meyers Briggs Trait Inventory, but it works well enough... I reckon.

I felt my results were kinda accurate, but some parts I disagree.
Protagonist- or (ENFJ-T)
Extraverted Intuitive Sensory Judging- Turbulent
Personality type: “The Protagonist” (ENFJ-T)
Individual traits: Extraverted – 61%, Intuitive – 64%, Feeling – 56%, Judging – 58%, Turbulent – 64%
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Social Engagement


Give it a whirl and discuss and share results and if they were accurate or not.
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also it was not quick
Personality type is Defender. Says mind is 76% introverted. I can agree with that.

The Defender personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are.
That was a long 8 mins, TS. :)
Mediator, INFP-A.

Introverted, Observant, Feeling (this one is wayyy off), Prospecting, Assertive.


99% introverted but it calls me an adventurer. I don't think it can quite understand how pathetic humans can be

99% introverted but it calls me an adventurer. I don't think it can quite understand how pathetic humans can be
Damn, you’re hella introverted. I’m a pretty big introvert, and it had me at 83%.
That was a long 8 mins, TS. :)
Mediator, INFP-A.

Introverted, Observant, Feeling (this one is wayyy off), Prospecting, Assertive.
Yeah, I can see that fitting you, not so much in the Feeling part.
There were parts that didn’t fit for myself as well, I’m not altruistic at all.

Description seems it fits you though. That said, I don’t see u as all that reserved IRL.
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this is the exact test this gay manager at the IRC used to give to select employees.

I was hired as a consultant & realized soon after exactly why.

he would use this test to filter out & groom potential "victims" to prey on & bang.

first, he only would email this to dudes, & DEMAND results. then I learned he was banging one of the techs on his team.

he kept having house parties, inviting dudes - he kept inviting me to his place & everytime I declined, he would treat it as if I fucked up at work.

then the dudes in the 'Traffic Dept' over there told me how they all know that he's gay. one of the guys (who is black) told me he goes in full steam on black dudes, & later proved it to me by making small talk with other black dudes from other depts., where he'd casually bring up the gay manager - like an inside joke, with me on the side not understanding. all the guys would button-up with discomfort, & some would just say "fuck that guy" etc haha.

if you want to understand how gay this dude was, he was exactly like this:

INTP. Putting me in the same group as Einstien, Socrates, Abraham Lincoln, and other great Americans. Honestly I gotta say that is seriously ridiculously true thank you 16 personalities for proving im a genius.

99% introverted but it calls me an adventurer. I don't think it can quite understand how pathetic humans can be

Parts of it kinda make sense to me.
I’ve only seen a few episodes, but I see u sometimes as this dude. ;)

Just read the parts of early description, parts of it appear to work, imo.
Adventurers live in a colorful, sensual world, inspired by connections with people and ideas. These personalities take joy in reinterpreting these connections, reinventing and experimenting with both themselves and new perspectives. No other type explores and experiments in this way more. This creates a sense of spontaneity, making Adventurers seem unpredictable, even to their close friends and loved ones.

Despite all this, Adventurers are definitely Introverts, surprising their friends further when they step out of the spotlight to be by themselves to recharge. Just because they are alone though, doesn’t mean people with the Adventurer personality type sit idle – they take this time for introspection, assessing their principles. Rather than dwelling on the past or the future, Adventurers think about who they are. They return from their cloister, transformed.
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Yeah, I can see that fitting you, not so much in the Feeling part.
There were parts that didn’t fit for myself as well, I’m not altruistic at all.

Description seems it fits you though. That said, I don’t see u as all that reserved IRL.
Thanks! I view myself as far more analytical than emotion-oriented, but that’s just my perception of myself. A lot of yours seems to fit for you. You’re not altruistic? You seem like you would be.
INTP. Putting me in the same group as Einstien, Socrates, Abraham Lincoln, and other great Americans. Honestly I gotta say that is seriously ridiculously true thank you 16 personalities for proving im a genius.

Genius master race stand up


This trait determines how we interact with our environment.
Extraverted: 18%
Introverted: 82%

This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.
Intuitive: 70%
Observant: 30%

This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.
Thinking: 25%
Feeling: 75%

This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.
Judging: 67%
Prospecting: 33%

This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.
Assertive: 25%
Turbulent: 75%

I'm speechless...
Your personality type is:

The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in the Explorer Role group, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd
Thanks! I view myself as far more analytical than emotion-oriented, but that’s just my perception of myself. A lot of yours seems to fit for you. You’re not altruistic? You seem like you would be.

Same boat.. saw u as more analytic/patient than emotional.
More pragmatic than altruistic. -I can be generous or giving, after I’ve taken care of all my selfish needs. Lol I don’t even like sharing food.
While the quiz gets something’s blandly accurate @Zer alluded to, they sugarcoat a lot of shit.