Locked PWD 1165: F'n Turtlenecks

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Fury has looked better every single round.
Usyk has run out of ideas already all he can do is straight punches to the body. Fury can hurt him any time he's close
I have no idea who is winning this now
im pumped about this next one. the first one was a pretty good fight if i remember correctly. Jai got his jaw broken in like the second round and still kept fighting and won the decision. damn!
He had his jaw broken in the 2nd and the other side broken in the 11th round. That is some seriously tough motherfucker shit.
I have no clue who won that. Can't be mad either way
@RollSonnenRoll Have you lost power at all in the past couple of hours?
Poor Dixie Speedway isn't gonna get any racing in tonight.
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