Locked PWD 1161: Get Well Soon, Mami

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Bought Roxie a replacement squeaky ball at the grocery store this morning and then I grabbed her a bacon ultimate cheeseburger from the Jack In The Box also
The food has been sitting in her dish untouched while she bounces al over the house playing with her new squeaky ball for the last 20 minutes

She really loves these darn squeaky balls
My almost 13 year old, 14 pound mutt is farting so bad I'm working from my balcony
A guy by the name of GREG MADDUX didn’t either!

Mother fucker's old!!
My almost 13 year old, 14 pound mutt is farting so bad I'm working from my balcony

Roxie's still a pup so I dont have to deal with that yet with her

My ole Fred Dog used to have my house gassed out 24/7 and then one day he passed away but the gas stayed, it was then that I realized poor ole Fred was getting blamed for everything when my Daisy Dog was contributing her fair share lol
Cody rhodes is gonna be in the naked gun reboot. From what I can tell from the character description, he is gonna be the hospital staff worker who tries to kill Nordberg...

UUUUGGGHHHHHH why must everything be rebooted??
Roxie's still a pup so I dont have to deal with that yet with her

My ole Fred Dog used to have my house gassed out 24/7 and then one day he passed away but the gas stayed, it was then that I realized poor ole Fred was getting blamed for everything when my Daisy Dog was contributing her fair share lol
Quit blaming it on the dogs Pete!

So maybe now the idiots crying about HHH only canning Asians will shut the fuck up.


I crack myself up sometimes.
@My Spot can you please post that Roxanne is All Elite gimmick again so I can right click save and add it to her IG page, giving you full credit of course
Wrestling or hockey... decisions decisions...
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