Locked PWD 1160: The Triple H Era has begun

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He might've got that 2 for 1 special! He also keeps a larger beard now instead of just the goatee. That helps a lot. Plus, he also just stays leaner in general now that he wrestles without the vest.
Losing the vest, and the new music were the biggest parts of him getting to the next level IMO. Beard and teeth definitely helped too
We also had it in my dorm as one of the few movies. We had watched it one night and had several people over sleeping all over the place and when the movie was over it went back to the DVD menu which was a loop of just 2-3 scenes and one was the lady screaming "OH WE GONE NEED MORE WAX!" and nobody wanted to actually get off their ass(Damn stoners but I was just too tired!) so we just cackled for what feel like all night at the lady screaming that. One of those things where it just gets funnier every time for no reason at all.

It popped me right now lol
We also had it in my dorm as one of the few movies. We had watched it one night and had several people over sleeping all over the place and when the movie was over it went back to the DVD menu which was a loop of just 2-3 scenes and one was the lady screaming "OH WE GONE NEED MORE WAX!" and nobody wanted to actually get off their ass(Damn stoners but I was just too tired!) so we just cackled for what feel like all night at the lady screaming that. One of those things where it just gets funnier every time for no reason at all.

LOL that's how it was for us too. I can still hear that lady's voice. It would sit there on the menu for a while until someone randomly came into that room and just hit play again.
Today I did the referee raise the arm and drop it three times on Baby Buss. It didn't go over too well and she cried literally for the next six hours, minus when she would pass out after eating.

The day ended when I dropped a bowl on my foot and glass shattered everywhere, which caused me to get some color.

It was a tough day at the office of Papa Buss
So today our trainer was talking about this guy she was having to deal with on the phone and how difficult he was being. When she described him, instead of saying he was a dink, she said he was a twink!

She had NO clue as to what that meant, and when someone told her, she freaked out because she had been saying it to everyone in the department.
for years my brother would call people a "twat" instead of a "twit" when they were being dumb, lol
Today I did the referee raise the arm and drop it three times on Baby Buss. It didn't go over too well and she cried literally for the next six hours, minus when she would pass out after eating.

The day ended when I dropped a bowl on my foot and glass shattered everywhere, which caused me to get some color.

It was a tough day at the office of Papa Buss
No one said being a dad would be easy.
Stop being a bussy.
Today I did the referee raise the arm and drop it three times on Baby Buss. It didn't go over too well and she cried literally for the next six hours, minus when she would pass out after eating.

The day ended when I dropped a bowl on my foot and glass shattered everywhere, which caused me to get some color.

It was a tough day at the office of Papa Buss

Jon Moxley over here bleeding for a bowl!
FUck......episode 5 of X-Men 97 almost made my sour soul cry.
Jon Moxley over here bleeding for a bowl!
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