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I sometimes forget the heavies exist. Every few months I be like "oh yeah, this is actually an MMA forum"
I know there is a boxing and marital arts gear forum but a MMA forum. Must be recently added.
This guy mixed 104 different energy drinks together, brought it to his gym and pretended it was a homemade energy drink and had everyone there try it and every one loved it <lmao>

I'd try it.

Dang, someone just posted his scene with JR from Beyond The Mat a couple days ago. He was the guy JR said needed more size in his shoulders and upper arms.

@RollSonnenRoll @Frank23 and me have been meming that scene for years. I'm oddly saddened to hear this. I hope he added more size on the upper arms.

Or what if he had Cody with him and we became fast friends. I spend my childhood at the Rhodes house and Big Dust teaches us how to work(both in a 20 x 20 ring and in the back!). I'm making indy shots through high school and college and get brought in as one of "Dusty's Kids" in that initial FCW/NXT class. Me and Mox's weird personalities mesh well and instead of Seth Rollins in the Shield, it's me!


That could have been me getting unceremoniously punched in the face and humiliated last week!
If you're less of an gratingly annoying natural heel than Seth (which I'm thinking you are) then they make the right choice and have Roman swing the chair and side with The Authority. He's their attack dog for a year or so until he gets fed up with being blamed for shit and cuts loose to a big babyface pop. We could have avoided all those years of beach balls and suffering succotash and "being shoved down our throats." The only thing missing was "The American Daydream" Dusty Roll!
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