Locked PWD 1138: A Date That Will Live in Infamy

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Would be hilarious if it's a work and they give Ridge Holland a breaking necks gimmick.

Twitter people would probably seethe.
SRS says its a work for what that is worth.

Seems like he doesn't want to put his own name on that quite yet. Looks like he's ready to throw another Fightful guy under the bus if he has to lol

But only if i can tell u something personal too


about 20 minutes ago I took a poop that came out clean as a whistle. I wiped 4 times and NOTHING! It must be all the fiber I've been taking in to lower my cholesterol!

about 20 minutes ago I took a poop that came out clean as a whistle. I wiped 4 times and NOTHING! It must be all the fiber I've been taking in to lower my cholesterol!

Be sure to share this incredible feat with ur physician

Ok, my turn.

Earlier i was at the big Wiener for 2nd dinner aka commute snack aka 2 polish sandwiches and 2 corn dogs.

Afterwards i treated myself to a nice vanilla softserve cone. I proceeded to eat my ice cream while I was driving, and it was dark already so I can't really see what I am eating let alone the inside of my car.

Well, a few bites into the cone I taste something kinda chewy, kinda strange,
With a pulpy texture maybe?

It was at this point that i realized I had never taken the paper wrap off of the cone,
So i was in fact chewing on the paper!

From there I said wtheck
And just swallowed the paper with the rest of my cone.

Hows that for fiber ingestion.
Be sure to share this incredible feat with ur physician

Ok, my turn.

Earlier i was at the big Wiener for 2nd dinner aka commute snack aka 2 polish sandwiches and 2 corn dogs.

Afterwards i treated myself to a nice vanilla softserve cone. I proceeded to eat my ice cream while I was driving, and it was dark already so I can't really see what I am eating let alone the inside of my car.

Well, a few bites into the cone I taste something kinda chewy, kinda strange,
With a pulpy texture maybe?

It was at this point that i realized I had never taken the paper wrap off of the cone,
So i was in fact chewing on the paper!

From there I said wtheck
And just swallowed the paper with the rest of my cone.

Hows that for fiber ingestion.

I will, but he's a numbers guy. If he doesn't see my cholesterol going down he's gonna chew my ass! He doesn't give a damn Ol Rex's poop is clean as a whistle if the numbers don't add up.

And that's not the right fiber, man!
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