Prime Overeem vs Prime Perreira

The presumably mean no "Uber" versions but the earlier Pride era and the latter Econo versions were very different fighters, one mostly a grappler and clinch fighter, the other preffering to pick away from range.

The Reem doesn't get enough credit for adapting his game to suit his current capabilities
Pereira beats the steroid cheat. Reem is too chinny and would get slept by that left hook
Overeem always found a way to get KTFO by big punchers so that's probably what would have happened.
Overeem would take him down and maul him or sub him. The dude is big enough, capable enough and smart enough to go with a solid grappling plan.



Obviously there is more material to post but these came to mind first, and people don't even consider that prime AO.
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The only way this would work if you allow horsemeat, Alex on Horsemeat is a very very scary thought.
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People are forgetting TS's "Within 10 pounds of each other" thing. This completely rules out the ridiculously juiced Overroid who fought in K-1, Strikeforce and Brock in UFC (where he left the U.S. to skip a drug test). He cut from 280 to make HW with very little body fat. This leaves a few options

  • Early LHW Pride Overeem who got finished by Chuck Liddell, Shogun, Arona, etc. Pereira destroys this version.
  • Overeem a little later who's juicing and turning into a full-sized HW. The version who beat Vitor a couple of times but lost to Sergei and Werdum. This is more of a toss-up. Either Overeem via wrestling or sub or Poatan by KO/TKO
  • Overeem after getting busted in the UFC for juicing. Not as big as Ubereem with the comic book muscles, but still benefited from years of roid use. Not sure if Pereira would be within 10 pounds as Econoreem was still a pretty big HW. Nonetheless, I say the same as above. Either Overeem via wrestling or sub or Poatan by KO/TKO
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Horsemeat Reem clinches and destroys lol
If not Horsemeat than Alex P destroys any other version.
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Overeem would take him down and maul him or sub him. The dude is big enough, capable enough and smart enough to go with a solid grappling plan.



Obviously there is more material to post but these came to mind first, and people don't even consider that prime AO.

I love when elite strikers learn how to GnP and boy did Reem learn it well.

For those that didn't watch ur vid here's it timestamped for nasty GnP, turn ur volume up
Man you have 2.688 messages since november 2023.
Do you need help? Are you ok? Are you locked in a basement trolling 24/7 at gunpoint?
I limited my time on social media so I get on here every 30 mins at least, even at work. But I always comment like 3 times on whatever thread I post on so it adds up lol
Econoreem probably takes him down and taps him out at LHW. Tough to say though. Reem had poor fight IQ then and could also get flatlined at any moment.

Ubereem vs HW Poatan would be interesting. I like Alex’s chances more at HW against a purely standup Reem.

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