International Peru Classifies Transgenderism and Intersexism As Mental Illness

Doesn't make them any less mentally ill, regardless.

This is Peru, not America and I am not American either. Fuck the tranny movement.
So you hate people them for being mentally ill? What the fuck are you even insinuating? The more that you speak, the more that you out yourself of being a sexually repressed virgin. I suppose if you were getting action, you wouldn't seething over random people getting surgeries to make themselves feel better.
Trannies can’t handle the altitude.
It’s science
Can't we say the same for all the caveman religions. if you are gonna play the game of science and criticize for everyone that doesn't live in 100% in tune with it, you should stick to it.

Regardless, I don't how being born with bodily deformity constitutes as a mental illness. That would mean people born without arms are mentally ill.
what is there to discuss? "Ill" people getting modifications to their bodies to make themselves feel more comfortable....I don't know this pertains to people like ourselves. This concept of transpocalypse is just stupid when they makeup like 1% of the population.
Seems like its not important to you , so why are you in this thread?

People shouldn't be encouraged to mutilate their bodies for a ridiculous dangerous social trend. See that? We've begun a discussion here. Can you respond without suggesting I secretly desire to fuck a trans person?
I definitely don't agree with the whole intersex thing as a mental illness. Aren't a small percentage of people just born intersex? As far as the transgenderism part I fully agree.
Seems like its not important to you , so why are you in this thread?

People shouldn't be encouraged to mutilate their bodies for a ridiculous dangerous social trend. See that? We've begun a discussion here. Can you respond without suggesting I secretly desire to fuck a trans person?
The concept of intersex being a mental disorder when its clearly a bodily deformity is laughable. Hence, why I am in this thread.

Who said they were getting encouraged to? Do you really think that people are going through expensive surgeries because Tiktok told them to? What trend is even there? I doubt the Trans-population has surpassed even 5%.
When will trannies cease being so important to right wing men? A question for the ages...
In Canada when they stop doing dumb shit like putting through Bill's that force compelled speech. And it's not just right winger who think that. It's pretty much everyone except the brainwashed

"You will use their pronouns. Or it will be prosecuted as a hate crime"

Government can legislate things we can't say as hate speech. You can't use the N word and harass people makes perfect sense. They should never have the power to tell us what we have to say "or else".

The slippery slope of 1 government setting the precedent for being able to legislate what you must say on their command, the next government can then piggyback off previous bills that were forced through and completely bend its intent with ease.
Seems like its not important to you , so why are you in this thread?

People shouldn't be encouraged to mutilate their bodies for a ridiculous dangerous social trend. See that? We've begun a discussion here. Can you respond without suggesting I secretly desire to fuck a trans person?
what if we agree that people shouldn't be "encouraged" to have surgery. that's different from not allowing surgery.
The concept of intersex being a mental disorder when its clearly a bodily deformity is laughable. Hence, why I am in this thread.

Who said they were getting encouraged to? Do you really think that people are going through expensive surgeries because Tiktok told them to? What trend is even there? I doubt the Trans-population has surpassed even 5%.
who is intersex, since you quoted the trans population as 1%, how many of those are intersex?
How is being intersexed a mental illness? That's literally a physical condition.

"People who are intersex have genitals, chromosomes or reproductive organs that don't fit into a male/female sex binary. Their genitals might not match their reproductive organs, or they may have traits of both. Being intersex may be evident at birth, childhood, later in adulthood or never."

Seems more like being a member of the Peruvian Government is a mental illness.
0.018% of people are intersex….you’re right, this relates to physicality not psychology. Its actually a literal non issue that got lumped in with the mentally unfit.

At least they got it 95% right!
who is intersex, since you quoted the trans population as 1%, how many of those are intersex?
Intersex is the population of people born with genitals from both sex groups. Its different than being transgender. Also, once again correlation doesn't equal causation. If physically handicapped people and men have higher rates of "depression" or any other sort of mental illness, that doesn't mean that being physically handicapped or a man is a mental disorder....
When will trannies cease being so important to right wing men? A question for the ages...

Intersex is the population of people born with genitals from both sex groups. Its different than being transgender. Also, once again correlation doesn't equal causation. If physically handicapped people and men have higher rates of "depression" or any other sort of mental illness, that doesn't mean that being physically handicapped or a man is a mental disorder....
I dont take much issue with it, they are granted access to mental health services, which I'm sure many have. Being gay use to be a mental disorder right here in the good ol USA, which gives them access to mental health services, which is preferable to mutilation, especially since the core target demographic are minors.
How is being intersexed a mental illness? That's literally a physical condition.

"People who are intersex have genitals, chromosomes or reproductive organs that don't fit into a male/female sex binary. Their genitals might not match their reproductive organs, or they may have traits of both. Being intersex may be evident at birth, childhood, later in adulthood or never."

Seems more like being a member of the Peruvian Government is a mental illness.

99.99% of the pink haired commies claiming trans don't have a disorder of sexual development . the DSD rate is 0.018% of the population.

nice try conflating mental ill communists and confused high schoolers with people who have genetic issues.
The concept of intersex being a mental disorder when its clearly a bodily deformity is laughable. Hence, why I am in this thread.

Who said they were getting encouraged to? Do you really think that people are going through expensive surgeries because Tiktok told them to? What trend is even there? I doubt the Trans-population has surpassed even 5%.
You weren't clear about that. A person with a physical deformity is a different discussion.
you see this all the time with leftists. they can't justify the their ideology so they pivot to something irrelevant, in this case talking about people with genetic disorders.
How is being intersexed a mental illness? That's literally a physical condition.

"People who are intersex have genitals, chromosomes or reproductive organs that don't fit into a male/female sex binary. Their genitals might not match their reproductive organs, or they may have traits of both. Being intersex may be evident at birth, childhood, later in adulthood or never."

Seems more like being a member of the Peruvian Government is a mental illness.
Physical illness with an acute mental illness.
there it is.

even then, those folks dont need all out reassignment surgery, if they have parts from both sexes, they get the one that's not right, removed, assuming it doesnt cause all out sterilization.

Dems want all out sterilization of children......
Can't we say the same for all the caveman religions. if you are gonna play the game of science and criticize for everyone that doesn't live in 100% in tune with it, you should stick to it.

Regardless, I don't how being born with bodily deformity constitutes as a mental illness. That would mean people born without arms are mentally ill.
There might be a people lot of feels the same.