Media Pereira surpasses Francis on the PowerKube

Facts or nah?

  • 📠 (affirmative)

    Votes: 28 41.2%
  • 🧢 (cap)

    Votes: 40 58.8%

  • Total voters
Youngins these days with their "cap" lol
Dana rigged that machine to make Francis look weak
Too bad he can't take a punch like that

Or from someone with pink hair & paints their nails....
All those accelerometer and impactometer devices need careful frequent calibration or they become vastly unreliable … to have people hit it in different days, let alone different years, makes the results largely meaningless. Clearly Poatan hits very very hard, but the number cannot be compared with someone else’s from years ago (the software has probably been updated several times too).
Dana had the techs mess with the power cube so it would be easier to wipe Ngannou's record out :eek:
Who still cares about these silly machines
Anthony Joshua showed who carries the power in their hands

I've been saying for ages, that fools thinking Francis punched harder than Wilder or Aj is retarded, because he hit some score on a carnival toy

Has Francis woken up yet? In all sincerity that was a brutal beat down
Big fan of Alex, but these machines aren't that reliable. Lorenz Larkin scored over 200k on a roundhouse kick, but Rockhold only scored 150k. Tom Aspinall only scored 30k on a punch which isn't believable.