No version of Volk beats Topuria

This is an interesting idea. I think you raise a good point. People are dazzled by power but also by speed and flash. There's the tendency to say, "oh that guy isn't a good striker. He just has power" but Even in situations where that's true, it's like so what? The power guy obviously that figured out ways to make that power land, which can be way more involved and difficult to pull off than someone born with natural speed and athleticism flicking a jab out there much faster than their opponent ever could.

Its like there's this idea that true striking proficiency is measured by how slick and flashy a striker can throw their hands. But if that's all you can do, are you really good? Is it better to be 90 percent likely to touch your opponent with a strike, but only 2 percent likely to knock him out? Or is it better to be 2 percent likely to land a shot that is guaranteed to win the fight?

I think when we talk about effective striking we really need to just look at the results. As tempting as it is for me to sag volk is the better striker, I don't know if that statement makes any sense. Real, effective striking involves speed and power. And also thibgs like toughness, and doggedness, and also definitely chin. Max Holloway is a very effective striker even though, or maybe more like because, he is able to absorb so many shots.

Great post.
Why do so many Sherdoggers insist on saying super gay shit like this every time an aging fighter gets beat by a younger guy?
This is an interesting idea. I think you raise a good point. People are dazzled by power but also by speed and flash. There's the tendency to say, "oh that guy isn't a good striker. He just has power" but Even in situations where that's true, it's like so what? The power guy obviously that figured out ways to make that power land, which can be way more involved and difficult to pull off than someone born with natural speed and athleticism flicking a jab out there much faster than their opponent ever could.

Its like there's this idea that true striking proficiency is measured by how slick and flashy a striker can throw their hands. But if that's all you can do, are you really good? Is it better to be 90 percent likely to touch your opponent with a strike, but only 2 percent likely to knock him out? Or is it better to be 2 percent likely to land a shot that is guaranteed to win the fight?

I think when we talk about effective striking we really need to just look at the results. As tempting as it is for me to sag volk is the better striker, I don't know if that statement makes any sense. Real, effective striking involves speed and power. And also thibgs like toughness, and doggedness, and also definitely chin. Max Holloway is a very effective striker even though, or maybe more like because, he is able to absorb so many shots.

while i agree with your post, because i've always said Ngannou can box when everyone just said he was a windmill. it's the same thing people say about Deontay Wilder. but it's not the flash and the speed that made Volk a good striker. it was his instincts and his defense. he knew not to try and win every exchange, he knew how to pick which exchanges to try and win, he didn't overextend trying to look for finishes, and he kept it simple, jab, right hand, low kick. he could read the distance really well when he played his outside game and he played a very safe but effective style. vs Ilia that's not the style he had.
Topuria has one way to win: a big punch. He capitalized on it perfectly yesterday, so congratulations to him.

But overall striking wise, Volk was easily busting him up with volume. Wrestling, I doubt he’s stronger than Volk, who could hold his own against the heavier wrestling phenom Islam. Submissions, well noone has ever submitted Volk, he’s basically impossible to choke or tap, as we’ve seen more than once from BJJ experts.

So Topuria might KO him again in the inevitable rematch, but I doubt he has other roads to victory.

IMO if they theoretically fought multiple times, it would be 80% dominant decisions for Volk, 20% flatline KOs for Topuria.
Volk is 35 and has lost 3 of his last 4 getting KO'd twice. If they fight 10 times, I think Topuria wins at least 8 of them. I don't think we will see the Volk that beat Max in the 3rd fight again. If you are using a time-machine to go back a few years then it's a different story. Peak-Volk is a great fighter with a very high fight IQ. His next fight he will probably be worse than he was against Ilia.
Is Ilia a good wrestler? Good wrestler to me is khabib crew level or arman/merab.

All I see is that he did greco as a kid in georgia but then moved to spain and became a BJJcel at 15.
Good wrestler to you in probably the greatest mma wrestler in UFC history? Lol
Prime Volk beats him and maybe Volk could even beat him in a rematch unless his chin is gone completely
The guy who was KOed is "clearly the better striker"?

Volk was throwing very weak jabs and lowkicks mostly, Topuria was obviously looking to try and set up a big shot and then he did.
He could be the better striker but Volk is definitely not the same fighter he once was
Illia landed better shoots in the first and everytime he got closer and closer with the counters he found his timing and koed him instantly

And you are delusional if you think Volkswagen can beat Illia
If anyone can beat ilia it’s Volk. But Volk looks old in there now so who knows
Nevermind that Volk was beating Topuria, until he got caught with that right hand.
Truth is, that shot he caught Volk with probably knocks him out anytime in his career. Volk isnt known for having a granite chin. Watching the fight though it was pretty clear Ilia didnt have anything for him at range. Volk was jabbing, kicking him and circling out for the 1.5 rounds it lasted.

Only in the pocket did Ilia have the advantage during the fight, although Volk did seem scared to engage there the whole fight, which makes sense he got flatlined 4 months earlier.

Even then though, when Ilia get got him to the fence and flatlined him, it was strange to see Volk decide to throw a counter in the middle of a combo with his back by the fence and no where to go. Prime for prime I would lean Volk but he really can get flatlined any moment if he were to make a single mistake like that.
Truth is, that shot he caught Volk with probably knocks him out anytime in his career. Volk isnt known for having a granite chin. Watching the fight though it was pretty clear Ilia didnt have anything for him at range. Volk was jabbing, kicking him and circling out for the 1.5 rounds it lasted.

Only in the pocket did Ilia have the advantage during the fight, although Volk did seem scared to engage there the whole fight, which makes sense he got flatlined 4 months earlier.

Even then though, when Ilia get got him to the fence and flatlined him, it was strange to see Volk decide to throw a counter in the middle of a combo with his back by the fence and no where to go. Prime for prime I would lean Volk but he really can get flatlined any moment if he were to make a single mistake like that.
Solid take brother, took the words out of my mouth.
Loss of speed and reflexes can make a huge difference in a fight like this. Who knows, maybe a younger, hungrier, more alert Volk would've seen the bombs coming.
Volk is 35 and has lost 3 of his last 4 getting KO'd twice. If they fight 10 times, I think Topuria wins at least 8 of them. I don't think we will see the Volk that beat Max in the 3rd fight again. If you are using a time-machine to go back a few years then it's a different story. Peak-Volk is a great fighter with a very high fight IQ. His next fight he will probably be worse than he was against Ilia.

Hopefully he’ll surprise us, but you definitely could be right.
Reminiscent of Izzy's fights with Poatan. Izzy getting ahead with his work but Poatan just needs one.
It was much more competitive, on the flip side the rematch was going Alex's way pretty clearly till that counter
Volk was literally beating Topuria on points up till getting caught with a flash KO

Boxing fans wil tell you that a Flash KO isn't the most convincing way to win a fight... What Strickland did to Izzy is by far more convincing... or a typical GSP 50-45 where he beat you everywhere