Movies Nightbreed 1990


Brown Belt
Jan 29, 2023
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I was in idle mode on the internet this evening and bumped into this horror classic of 1990. Since I didn't know the movie , I did a quick search on Google and discovered it was based on Clive Barker's classic horror novel Cabal.
I still have to watch it, but this time sooner than ever.

Watched it when it came out on VHS... don't even remember what it was all about
You mean you didn't walk into Blockbuster to rent a video, but passed by the horror section on your way to the new releases and spotted this cover box?


Cronenberg was great in it.

I like it. I own it, but it's got a definite B movie style to it, specifically the acting and music.
You mean you didn't walk into Blockbuster to rent a video, but passed by the horror section on your way to the new releases and spotted this cover box?


I watched it on YT so I didn"t see the cover artwork of any kind, but is that the real cover of the VHS version ? A bit reductive ain't it !!!!!
Cronenberg was great in it.

I like it. I own it, but it's got a definite B movie style to it, specifically the acting and music.
Been awhile since I watched it, remember it being a bit messy plot wise but having some fun ideas behind it and a lot of effort into the production design.

Not close to the level of the best examples but it does kind of feel like one of the films which were the tail end of classic 70's/80's horror, stuff like Candyman, The People Under The Stairs, Ferrera's Bodysnatchers, In the Mouth of Madness etc that clung on into the 90's before the modern teen slasher took over with Scream.
Well, production - wise, the movie did fall behind standards a bit, you know, being a movie based on a great author's novel (Clive Barker), it should've been produced better, but photography was cool.
I feel like I watched this entire movie scrambled, just hoping to see a pair of tits for a split second.
I watched it on YT so I didn"t see the cover artwork of any kind, but is that the real cover of the VHS version ? A bit reductive ain't it !!!!!
It was placed in the same row as Nightmare on Elm Street I, II, III, IV, V, VI
I've passed by that cover box so many times at Blockbuster, I can even remember which shelf it was on.
Third shelf from the bottom.
It was placed in the same row as Nightmare on Elm Street I, II, III, IV, V, VI
I've passed by that cover box so many times at Blockbuster, I can even remember which shelf it was on.
Third shelf from the bottom.
In any case, the VHS cover artwork does not do the movie justice .....not one single bit to ruin artwork ...OMFG !!!!
Not really a horror movie more just a monster movie. Was pretty solid when I watched as a teen. I saw this in movies on a date
Not really a horror movie more just a monster movie. Was pretty solid when I watched as a teen. I saw this in movies on a date
Well, it did start with a few slashings ??
I watched this when it came out - I remember being terrified! I also had the video game
I read the book. Don't think I ever saw the movie.

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