Nickelback is insanely underrated


Oct 7, 2018
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When you have dogshit like Hinder, Puddle of Mudd and Hollywood Undead I don't wanna hear complaints about Nickelback. Are they amazing? No. Not everything needs to be. Give me pretty good and I'm happy.
Hero from Spider-man
How you remind me
Far Away
Never Again
Because of You
Leader of Men
Photograph is an awful song tho
They're just very bland more than anything else. Not the worst band in the world but maybe the most middle of the road one.
I think they're ok, they have some decent tracks

I remember back when I was in Alberta I drove through their hometown (Some tiny place out in the middle of nowhere called Hanna) and I didn't see any references to Nickelback at all. Like I didn't expect a 50ft Chad Kroeger statue but maybe like a roadsign or something. I felt kind of bad for them since then
I don't know if they're underrated, but I do think it's one of those bands where, for whatever reason, it became safe and cool to deride them as if by doing so it imbued the person hurling the insults with elevated musical tastes, or something. Typical edgelord stuff.

They write catchy melodies. They aren't Led Zeppelin, but they aren't trying to be. The people who like them don't care about the silly condescending edgelord stuff, and the people who like them far outnumber the posturing edgelords, that's why they have so many hits.

So I think they're as advertised. Ignore the white noise.

Also, Photograph is a fine song. It's quite unique. Not many songs out there about that sappy feeling of nostalgia that sometimes overwhelms us in small moments.
Bet they'd trade all the money they've earned just to have someone remember them.
I saw them live in Edmonton during their peak and they put on a hell of a stage show. Musically they were tight and there was some sick pyro shit going on.

Not really my cup of tea though, they're pretty bland and generic. Unfortunately became the whipping boys for musical taste pomposity as Mick pointed out.

They'll be a band that becomes fucking huge in 2040, when that generation chooses to prop them up due to their cult status as being terrible in the 2000's. Reverse edgelordism coming full circle. This much is known.
There a pretty decent band. I love some of their music.
I don't know if they're underrated, but I do think it's one of those bands where, for whatever reason, it became safe and cool to say deride them as if by doing so it imbued the person hurling the insults with elevated musical tastes, or something. Typical edgelord stuff.

They write catchy melodies. They aren't Led Zeppelin, but they aren't trying to be. The people who like them don't care about the silly condescending edgelord stuff, and the people who like them far outnumber the posturing edgelords, that's why they have so many hits.

So I think they're as advertised. Ignore the white noise.

Also, Photograph is a fine song. It's quite unique. Not many songs out there about that sappy feeling of nostalgia that sometimes overwhelms us in small moments.

tbf there'll be plenty of people who just don't like them, as there is with any band that gets heavy airplay. Although that might become less of a thing as it becomes far easier to avoid music you don't like.
tbf there'll be plenty of people who just don't like them, as there is with any band that gets heavy airplay. Although that might become less of a thing as it becomes far easier to avoid music you don't like.
Meh. We could nitpick by highlighting that even the most popular bands or artists in history technically have more non-fans than fans on planet earth, but all that serves to highlight is that whatever hipster darling band is beloved by any particular edgelord hating on Nickelback suffers an even larger number of non-fans than Nickelback (or other popular acts). Nickelback enjoys a superior ratio of fans to non-fans.

That's why Nickelback is so popular, and those songs get so much airplay. Because the people who like them, perhaps many of them in secret, robustly outnumber those who openly despise them.
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Meh. We could nitpick by highlighting that even the most popular bands or artists in history technically have more non-fans than fans on planet earth, but all that serves to highlight is that the whatever hipster darlings are beloved by an particular edgelord hating on Nickelback suffers an even larger number of non-fans, an inferior ratio of those who like them to dislike them, than Nickelback (or other popular acts).

That's why Nickelback is so popular, and those songs get so much airplay. Because the people who like them, perhaps many of them in secret, robustly outnumber those who openly despise them.

Applies to anyone though. You could say the same about Garth Brooks or Limp Bizkit or whatever other shite became popular.

I suspect the reality with most bands is most people are indifferent. That's certainly my feeling towards Nickelback.
Don't feel too bad for them. They like the hate and the attention it brings them. They got that John Cena heat.

That said, yeah, the hate just boiled over for some reason or another. Some say it was that one big hit they had, that apparently set some record for how often a song was played on the radio. You couldn't escape it.

It's kind of crazy how big they got, though. I remember my buddy just happened to be into them before they blew up. They were just a harmless poppy garage rock band, with some catchy tunes. I saw them on the second stage at Edgefest, and then like a year or two later, they were on top of the world. They kind of blew up like the Barenaked Ladies did, who performed at my fucking high school once. Just got that one big hit, and it was the gravy train for life.
You forgot their best song (Someday).
I have fond memories of Photograph because it played on AFN radio all the time when we'd get to spend some time on base in Iraq.
I just don't like butt rock, not particularly against Nickelback, but them, Puddle of Mudd, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Damn Yankees, that sort of shit just is not my thing man.
Well produced well written and well performed so to the group think meme mob I say “oh well”

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