Newbie looking for glove recommendations


White Belt
Aug 1, 2023
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Simply cannot deal with the stench from the gym-provided equipment anymore
I'm doing a mix of Muay Thai and boxing

I've made the decision on a couple things like mouthguard, shin guards, and hand wraps.

Just need help making the decision on gloves since it's a bigger investment than the other gear.
I'm okay with spending a decent amount of money if the quality and durability are up to par.

I'm looking at the Rival RB10 or RB11 Evolution gloves, but I'm slightly worried about how hard they are on the outside.
I'm going to get separate sparring gloves later down the line when I do actual proper sparring, but we do a lot of partner drills during training sessions.

Should I be looking for an all-purpose training glove for now (if so, please give me a recommendation somewhere in the $50-150 range that has good enough durability for the bag but soft enough for my training partner not to hate me) or are these bag-specific gloves okay since we're not going full swing sparring when training?
Hayabusa T3's also look like a good fit for dual purpose (a bit too hard for proper sparring, but are durable enough for bag work and padded enough for some light training with a partner), but I've also seen here and there that they're "overpriced crap"

Open to completely different recommendations! Thanks
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I've never tried Rival or Hayabusa so not comparing but I love my Boon 16oz laceups. They are my overall all around glove for working out and sparring both MT and boxing. (They have a longer more boxing like cuff compared to regular MT gloves.) Other people will probably have more knowledgeable recomendations. Also I have never used the below store, the ones I have I ordered direct from Boon. They don't have great distribution outside Thailand so you may need to Google around to find one where shipping charges aren't crazy. Good luck.
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Bag specific gloves are not suitable for sparring. I myself own a pair of Twins bgvl-3's and they are really well made and reliable. They are very well padded for sparring and they also have padding around the whole hand not just knuckels. This is good in our gym because they don't even have mitts there so we use gloves in mitt workouts but my hands are completely protected by these.
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Simply cannot deal with the stench from the gym-provided equipment anymore
I'm doing a mix of Muay Thai and boxing

I've made the decision on a couple things like mouthguard, shin guards, and hand wraps.

Just need help making the decision on gloves since it's a bigger investment than the other gear.
I'm okay with spending a decent amount of money if the quality and durability are up to par.

I'm looking at the Rival RB10 or RB11 Evolution gloves, but I'm slightly worried about how hard they are on the outside.
I'm going to get separate sparring gloves later down the line when I do actual proper sparring, but we do a lot of partner drills during training sessions.

Should I be looking for an all-purpose training glove for now (if so, please give me a recommendation somewhere in the $50-150 range that has good enough durability for the bag but soft enough for my training partner not to hate me) or are these bag-specific gloves okay since we're not going full swing sparring when training?
Hayabusa T3's also look like a good fit for dual purpose (a bit too hard for proper sparring, but are durable enough for bag work and padded enough for some light training with a partner), but I've also seen here and there that they're "overpriced crap"

Open to completely different recommendations! Thanks

How big are your hands?
I have heard this question alot if you need gloves there different types to fit your needs at Walmart or if you do online go on and get you some really simple before you purchase make sure you get the type of gloves that suit you for example heavybag, grappling or CBT strictly boxing etc etc
I usually use cheap Everlast Everfresh's for bag work and then broken in fairtex bgv9's for sparring and mitts.
It depends how big your hands are. I found that the Fairtex and Twins gloves tend to be softer/looser while the Windy Gloves were a bit tighter for me. I have thick hands though.
Piggy backing off OP.. ive also been looking at the Rival RB10 gloves but specifically for heavy bag work.

My knuckles are fine im mainly concerned about my wrist (poor form on hooks, been fixing that up with my coach)

any feedback on the intellishock/d30 stuff? Is it just a gimmick with neglibile protection or isnit worthwhile

Open to other suggestions too!

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