New Diet Log


Front Squat 135x5 135x5 145x5 155x5 155x5
Bench 135x5 155x5 175x5 195x5 215x2
Pendley Row 135x5 145x5 155x5 165x5 175x4
Alternate Set 130

Last week my Military Press ranged 65 - 105 and I finished. I'll add 5 pounds at the start and see if I can finish at 110 Thursday.

Deadlift was 155x5 185x5 225x5 245x4 225x5, so this week I'll try to finish at 255. 135>155>185>225>255.

Edit: My goal for Front Squat should probably by 210x5.
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Overhead Press: 70x5 80x5 90x5 100x5 110x5

Deadlift Tomorrow, and go up in weight next week.
Deadlift today: 135x5 155x5 185x5 225x5 255x4 last set with right hand palm up.

Extra: 2x10 Curls and Triceps Extensions
Sunday Post:


I have a feeling of being fat, but I still fit into the same jeans, so hopefully most of it was muscle.
Front Squat 135x5 155x5 160x5
DB Calf Raises 80(s)x10x3
Bench Press 135x5 155x5 185x5 195x5 205x3
One Arm DB Rows 60#x10x3
I weighed myself after rolling and eating dinner at 246. I forgot to weigh myself this morning. That's probably not too far off. Back to Sunday weigh ins.

Front Squat 135x5 155x5 165x5
DB Calf Raise 80#x10x3

Keeping it easy now that I'm back to dieting.
I'm on the boarder of novice with my Deadlift. I'm fairly happy with myself!

135x5 185x5 225x5 245x3 275x3
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Bench Press

Changed my grip and started going lower down my chest with elbows down about 45 degrees. Evidently I was benching wrong. The new position bothers my shoulder, but I can tell the posture is right from all the posture work I've been doing.

135x5 135x5 155x5 155x5 185x4 135x5

One Arm Dumbell Row 80#x3x5
Body Weight 255

Front Squat 135x5 165x5 185x5
Dead Lift 245x4 275x4 315x1
Scared to weight myself :mad:

Front Squats: 135x5 165x5 190x5
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 40x10 45x8 40x8
Deadlift: 135x5 185x5 225x5 245x4 285x2
Lateral Raise: 20x10x3
Knee Ups: 15x3
I think I'll remind myself of the ever shifting goal posts:

Body Weight 230

Front Squat 245x5
Deadlift 315x5
Bench Press 225x5
Thank you to Sherdog. Over the last two years, talking on this website contributed immeasurably to my understanding of martial arts. Even if I don't talk to you much, I probably read your posts and study them. I might be back on in a few months or something, and it is hard to say goodbye, but I have to move onto something new now.

All I need for martial arts at this point is some more time drilling. No doubt, when I'm finished with that and the other things I have to pick up, I'll be back around.
I'm going to work through a 3 month program I just wrote and see how I feel at the end of it. Each microcycle is going to be 2 weeks long, so I'll be on the same shit for about a month each. I'm going to try to work out 3 days a week, so during each Micro Cycle I'll hit workouts A and B 3 times each.

I'm not trying to do anything crazy cardio-wise, so I'm just going to hit the elliptical for 20 minutes plus 3-5 rounds on the heavy bag on off days.

3 Month Program

Micro Cycle 1

Work Out A

Hindu Squat x50x3
Dumbbell Bench Press x12x3
Bent Over Dumbbell Row x12x3

Work Out B

Lunges xXx3
Bench Dips xXx3
Calf Raises x12x3

Micro Cycle 2

Work Out A

Hindu Squat x50x3
Dumbbell Bench Press x12x3
Bent Over Dumbbell Row x12x3

Work Out B

Lunges xXx3
Bench Dips xXx3
Calf Raises x12x3

Micro Cycle 3

Work Out A

Barbell Bench Press x8x3
Assisted Pull Ups x8x3

Work Out B

Glute Bridge x8x3
Overhead Squats with Barbell x15x3
Calf Raise x8x3
Dips xXx3

Micro Cycle 4

Work Out A

Barbell Bench Press x8x3
Assisted Pull Ups x8x3

Work Out B

Glute Bridge x8x3
Overhead Squats with Barbell x15x3
Calf Raise x8x3
Dips xXx3

Micro Cycle 5

Work Out A

Front Squat x5x5
Dead Lift x5x5
Pull Up xXx5
Knee Raises xXx3

Work Out B

Bench Press x5x5
Dumbbell Press x5x5
Dips xXx5
Knee Raises xXx3

Micro Cycle 6

Work Out A

Front Squat x5x5
Dead Lift x5x5
Pull Up xXx5
Knee Raises xXx3

Work Out B

Bench Press x5x5
Dumbbell Press x5x5
Dips xXx5
Knee Raises xXx3
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Work Out 1

Overhead Squat 45#x12x3 |
Dumbbell Bench 55#x12x3 +
Dumbbell Bent Over Row 55#x5 50#x12 50#x6 -

Sit and Reach
Frog Leg
Sitting Twist
Crossfit Stretch
Workout 2

Jump Rope 5 Minutes
Elliptical 10 Minutes
Five Minute Drill

Mountain Climbers
Reverse Crunches
Side Steps
Knee Raises
Hindu Squats

Workout 3

Super Set x3

Calf Raises 225#xX (stay at this weight and get used to the motion and the grip)
Lunges Unweighted x20 +
Bench Dips x20 +

6 Minute Drill

Hindu Squats
Raised Knee Crunches
Hindu Squats
Bridge and Flex
Hindu Squats
Knee Raises


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