Media Nate Diaz left Jorge speechless in press conference

It's hilarious how many non-black people think they can just drop the N word lol dude is such a dumb fuck.
For a Euro you sound a special type of ignorant dumb. Assigning words to certain races to not seem racist lmao. But it's complicated right? Haha. Clownworld shit.
This incident will only sell more ppv buys. Nate is ahead of the game.
Nate saw Conor's coming back and immediately dipped lol
Is this play fight happening'?
As much as people dislike Jorge at least he's a real street fighter 'thug' whereas Diaz is just a vegan fake gangster. He ain't even from the streets and looks like a wigger.
It's way too late for CTE, CTE already caught Diaz.
It adds up. It's like a injured knee. The degree of injury gets worse and worse. Or recovers a bit. Fighters get cte cause by the time they have been very active it would be good to retire. But then they are at their height of fame and get paid the most.
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Nate just created controversy, he has everyone talking again. Intentional or not, he has move the needle yet again. The fight will sell even more. Weird how he consistently manages to do that.