MW Michel Pereira is the legendary S level athlete

Human Bass

Silver Belt
Oct 14, 2009
Reaction score
I'm all in the hype train. Dude has crazy power and insane athleticism to delivery this power in awesome fashion.

He was draining himself way too much to make WW. Now free of an absurd cut, our flying paraense can soar to new highs.

I already believe he can at least surpass Borrachinha, since Paulo lacks that ultimate ko power that Pereira seems to have in abundancy.
He's a fun fighter to have on a card. He's a gatekeeper/ fun fighter like a Josh Emmett notva true contender
Idk about S level but he has really taken things to a new level since his loss to that dude half his size.
Didn’t know what kind of win streak he was on but I don’t ever recall being impressed with his skillset

Dorks here love to declare what a remarkable athlete he is, because he does backflips. Meanwhile, his movement and striking are board stiff.
People overlooked him but he has the skills to be champ. Normally power guys aren't as good at landing. He could be a couple fights from a title shot.
I'm all in the hype train. Dude has crazy power and insane athleticism to delivery this power in awesome fashion.

He was draining himself way too much to make WW. Now free of an absurd cut, our flying paraense can soar to new highs.

I already believe he can at least surpass Borrachinha, since Paulo lacks that ultimate ko power that Pereira seems to have in abundancy.