Elections MTG files motion to oust Mike Johnson as Speaker

Havent seen that fool in a long time. Did he ever come back to the forum after Trump lost? I mean the guy in the avatar
There was a sighting in the WR just the other day but it may have been an old post from a necroed thread; I didn't check. He's still on Sherdog, but you only see him in the WR once in a blue moon and then poof! Gone again like a fart in the wind.
It would be funny if they vote for a new Speaker, that with the GOP ever slimming majority a couple on the GOP side is like fuck the FreeDumb caucus and vote for Jefferies.
Nothing would be a bigger highlight to show the current GOP Congress lack of an ability to govern then getting someone from the minority elected as Speaker. I hope it happens because the self own would be fucking hilarious.
It would be funny if they vote for a new Speaker, that with the GOP ever slimming majority a couple on the GOP side is like fuck the FreeDumb caucus and vote for Jefferies.
Nothing would be a bigger highlight to show the current GOP Congress lack of an ability to govern then getting someone from the minority elected as Speaker. I hope it happens because the self own would be fucking hilarious.
That would be quite the historic achievement.
They are sending a warning shot. That's what MTG is used for and she's willing to play that role. Johnson is safe, but he can't go all MIC, Big Pharma, or other heavy spending without a revolt.

There has to come a point when we stop SPENDING so damn much money and stealing from our children. It's obscene what we have already done.
Ahh yes, the GOP. The party that cares for children…
Could fix this funding thing by rescinding trumps corporate tax cuts and getting rid of the loopholes allowing the wealthy to pay next to nothing in tax. But you’d rather shut the government down over and over.
@Whippy McGee is rich and takes trips to DC. You better fuck off trying to mess with his tax breaks. I mean the guy's patriotic but now you're going too far. There's a vast swath of middle class that can be squeezed into poverty before the wealthy should be held accountable to pay as big a percentage in taxes as them.
Make up more shit about me... you're a real goof.

I support a Flat Tax / Fair Tax system where virtually everyone has skin in the game and there are no loopholes for the elite.
A flat tax rate sounds good but it doesn't work. People making 25K a year shouldn't pay the same percentage as someone making millions.
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It would be funny if they vote for a new Speaker, that with the GOP ever slimming majority a couple on the GOP side is like fuck the FreeDumb caucus and vote for Jefferies.
Nothing would be a bigger highlight to show the current GOP Congress lack of an ability to govern then getting someone from the minority elected as Speaker. I hope it happens because the self own would be fucking hilarious.

They wouldn’t even have to vote for him.

The Republican majority is so razor thin they would just need to abstain or walk out of the chamber during the vote for Jeffries to win.
They wouldn’t even have to vote for him.

The Republican majority is so razor thin they would just need to abstain or walk out of the chamber during the vote for Jeffries to win.

The majority lead is down to 1 at this point. These clowns can’t afford to be sick or have an emergency on the day of any vote. It’ll be interesting to see what happens in November. I feel like they’re almost guaranteed to lose the house.
well there defiantly not the party cutting kids dicks off.
They just routinely vote against expanding funding for education, any sort of social service that helps low income families, expensing health ins. You know, all of the things that help people live.
The gop only cares about kids when they are in the womb, that’s fucking it.
It's gotta be more and more embarrassing to be affiliated with this party.

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