Meal Prepping


Orange Belt
Nov 3, 2023
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Hey guys,

I recently inherited two freezers. Each one is filled with 300 pounds of frozen restaurant quality chicken tenders. I did some back-of-the-envelope calculations, and I can get enough cooking oil to cook them all for under 100 dollars. If ate two pounds a day, that's gonna last me almost a year. These babies are close to 100% protein too. I've been wanting to get into meal prepping for a while now, and I think this is my chance. I'm excited to pull the trigger on this but I've never meal prepped before and this is my first rodeo. Any advice on how to move forward?
Oven cooked chicken is good. You can then chop it up & put in with pasta, rice, a sandwich, a salad. You can put on a skewer with haloumi, onion & capsicum. So many options.
Put it in a curry or make a chicken soup, even. Put in a wrap.

I like to chop up into small chunks, dip them in egg & roll them in flour with salt & pepper, then chuck them on a frying pan. Gives them a nice coating.

So much you can do with chicken.
Chicken Tender nachos

@PurpleStorm @Strychnine

From the sound of it they’re breaded already so some of these suggestions wouldn’t work.

Salads, wraps, some pasta dishes (like a quick Alfredo sauce) with breaded chicken and pasta would work. You can also try to air fry or bake them.

You defiantly don’t want them in soup. Pending on the size chicken parm might work.
From the sound of it they’re breaded already so some of these suggestions wouldn’t work.

Salads, wraps, some pasta dishes (like a quick Alfredo sauce) with breaded chicken and pasta would work. You can also try to air fry or bake them.

You defiantly don’t want them in soup. Pending on the size chicken parm might work.

Yeah if they are breaded forgot the oil and get an air fryer going or bake them on a pan
Technically you can remove the breading on the filets to open up more recipe possibilities lol, it's not on that strongly. It's a little tedious but no way I'd eat that much breaded chicken.
I really like this video here... watched it a while ago when i was into bodtbuilding culture lol.

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