Lug's Spear: Unleashed S&P


Bench 3x5 155lbs
BORs 3x5 115lbs
Squats 3x5 115lbs
OHP 3x15 45lbs
BORs 1x20 45lbs

for some reason wasn’t really feeling it last night. Glad I did it anyway. I was listening to some psychology podcast a while ago and they mentioned this thought strategy. ‘You don’t have to want to workout to workout. Just remind yourself the every time you workout you are glad you did it after your workout.’ It was true in this case. I liked the feeling I had afterwards.

Bench 3x5 155lbs
BORs 3x5 115lbs
Squats 3x5 115lbs
OHP 3x15 45lbs
BORs 1x20 45lbs

for some reason wasn’t really feeling it last night. Glad I did it anyway. I was listening to some psychology podcast a while ago and they mentioned this thought strategy. ‘You don’t have to want to workout to workout. Just remind yourself the every time you workout you are glad you did it after your workout.’ It was true in this case. I liked the feeling I had afterwards.
Steady exercise keeps me stronger mentally than physically 100%
Rolling log:

today we did some mount escapes if the top guy takes and angle and puts one leg up when you turn on your side. They refer to it as ‘modified mount’ at this gym. I was pretty happy with the escape we did at the end as it was a deep halfguard sweep. My coach doesn’t like deep half guard, he says it everytime. I really like it. Then we get into rolling, my first opponent I had ease escaping mount which was the starting position using the deep half guard sweeps. I managed to get him in an arm triangle 2x. I’ve been working the arm triangle stuff a lot lately from mount. The second guy was much bigger than me, but we had a good back and forth rolling. He caught me in a kimura from bottom halfguard, he said he has been using that a lot with people in the gym. I had a good armbar escape. I got into north south and went for an armbar I learned from a Lachlan video, but then I got reversed. I regret not trying north south choke instead. I’ve been having some luck with the north south choke after studying a Marcelo Garcia instructional. All in all a good training session. I won’t be able to do any BJJ next week since I’ll be on vacation. I hope to use the hotel gym to keep exercising.
Rolling log 10/14:

Today we did some no-gi stuff from mount. It was primarily about maintaining mount and countering hip escapes. Nothing too exciting, but I liked it since mount as an attacker is somewhere I need to improve.

I had a pre-class goal of trying to be intentional about getting a darce choke and also trying the waiter sweep from deep halfguard. We started off in mount and I was paired with a brown belt. I lost my position a couple times to the hip escape and not being fast enough to remove frames. I did manage to get a deep half guard sweep (homer simpson sweep) a couple times. I didn’t get submitted, but I was able to finish a darce (Marce technically if you know that move). Overall I felt like I had a good rolling session. I really need to try this waiter sweep. It gets kind of boring doing the Homer Simpson sweep everytime.
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Bench: 3x5 155lbs
BORs: 3x5 115lbs; 1x20 45lbs
Overhead: 3x20 45lbs
Later raises: 3x20 5lbs

I think the BORs made my lower back sore, it’s always the same spot unfortunately when I injure it. I’ll have to keep an eye on that. I felt tired and didn’t really want to lift, but I went for it knowing I wouldn’t have another chance for a few days.

Bench 3x10 135lbs
BORs 3x5 95lbs
-going easy on this stuff today. I have BJJ this afternoon.

BJJ - Rolling Log:

We are still working on mount techniques. Namely the armbar from mount. This is great for me because I get frustrated when I have mount and don’t get a submission. The movement was more of a self defense armbar that you would probably experience in a street fight scenario or against an untrained opponent. This is a Gracie affiliate gym so that’s kind of to be expected. Against another BJJ practitioner the scenario would never happen. I didn’t mind training it since it also helps with movements.

We get into rolling and I’m initially paired with a similar weight blue belt who has 2 stripes. I’m still a lowely 0 stripe blue belt. I managed to finish a kimura from north south, a heel hook from 50/50, a short choke from back control (trachea choke). He caught me in a knee bar and mounted guillotine. I knew he would go for more leg lock style attacks since he caught me with those in the past. I’ve since become more comfortable and studied some 50/50 attacks with Lachlan Giles instructional. Then we switch partners, now I’m paired with a purple belt. This particular purple belt usually kicks my ass. He was just playing around this time and giving me scenarios to work. I went for the omoplata from closed guard 2x and he somehow managed to reverse the situation the second time and choked me with a triangle choke. We get into a scramble after we reset when I’m on top and trying to hit a darce. I transitioned to a north south choke and then he escaped. The bell rang and class ended. He told me while we were waiting to bow out of class that if I had squeezed the north south choke he thinks I would have finished him. I didn’t go for the squeeze since I didn’t feel like I had my arm sunk in enough around his neck. Overall I’m pretty happy with tonight’s rolling. I feel like heel hooks from 50/50 are easy mode for me right now. Maybe I’ll start going for those more.
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Bench: 3x5 155lbs
BORs: 3x5 115lbs; 1x20 45lbs
Overhead: 3x20 45lbs
Later raises: 3x20 5lbs

I think the BORs made my lower back sore, it’s always the same spot unfortunately when I injure it. I’ll have to keep an eye on that. I felt tired and didn’t really want to lift, but I went for it knowing I wouldn’t have another chance for a few days.
A week or so ago I was doing bor and it was straining my back every time I took a breath so I was putting it on the floor every few reps. Then I googled the penley row after seeing it in some of these logs.
A week or so ago I was doing bor and it was straining my back every time I took a breath so I was putting it on the floor every few reps. Then I googled the penley row after seeing it in some of these logs.
I think I need to do some more research or take it a little easier. I was trying to do the movement based on a rippetoe video I found on YouTube. Maybe I’m not letting it rest on the floor enough?
Bench 3x9 at 135lbs
BORs 3x20 bar only

I went real easy today. I guess I got wrist locked pretty hard at my last BJJ training. I didn’t feel any pain when I was working on escaping it so I’m kind of surprised. I woke up the next morning and it has been super sore and in pain. I wasn’t sure how stable it would be for lifting so I didn’t risk it. It feels a lot better than yesterday. This is definitely a young man’s sport, but it’s too fun to stop. Going to ice it tonight since I’m going back to BJJ tomorrow.
BJJ Rolling Log

We actually did some warm up and stretching today. I liked that since I hope to burn some calories and not get hurt when I can. I think the instructor here stopped doing that as to not deter people who are in poor shape or something. We worked on mount retention and mount escape techniques.

Rolling we rotated partners every 5 minutes. My first partner didn’t really want to roll so we flow rolled. I think he’s trying to take it easy his health hasn’t been great. Second partner I got subbed with an Americana. He was breathing hard when it was said and done and I didn’t feel drained at all. Maybe I should have tried to match his energy to prevent the sub, but I need to work on my guard retention after that one. Third person we were pretty even, neither of us subbed the other. I had a choke mostly sunk in from the back, but he defended well. Fourth guy was a 2 stripe purple belt and I subbed him with an omoplata for the first time. That was a big win for me, but he did tap me 4 times to the 1 tap I had on him. The last guy was a white belt that I caught with a north south choke and arm triangle. Overall a good rolling day. My wrist is still sore, but not too bad. I felt good about my arm triangle that I did better than some of my other attempts. I had a goal of trying to heel hook someone this class before it started, but I actually did not have any attempts.
Bench: 3x5 155lbs
BORs: 3x10 95 lbs
Squat: 5x5 115 lbs
SOHP: 3x20 45lbs
Lateral raises: 3x20 5lbs

-Just trying to take it easy these days and relearn the movements. My wrist is still a little sore from that wrist lock, but is feeling better. I noticed keeping the bar in lockout on bench seemed to stretch my wrist in a way that felt good. Back didn’t hurt from BORs this time so that was nice. I’m just trying to appreciate exercising more frequently right now as opposed to chasing numbers.
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BJJ Rolling Log:

Pre-class goal: Try some k guard entries, outside senkaku 50/50 position, and heel hook submission attempts. ✅

Techniques learned:
Today we did some mount to armbar techniques. I liked this because I want to be better at these. We learned an interesting escape and counter to the escape. Also did some chokes from mount.

Rolling I was paired with the same guy for 30 minutes who is technically a white belt. In this system they are a combatives belt, meaning they learned the Gracie self-defense curriculum. I caught him with a north south choke, omoplata from mount, heel hook from 50/50, heel hook from outside senkaku. I played around with the k guard entries to heel hook positions. That was beneficial for me since I’m new to k guard. I had an x guard sweep where we both laughed as he stumbled around and ultimately fell. I didn’t try to go too hard or anything. I feel like ripping a white belt a new one is not a great way to treat your training partners. I was happy to meet my goals, but I am now questioning if I should become an omoplata guy since I’m tapping a lot of people easily with it lately. It doesn’t seem to work on high competition (not that I want to compete) so it makes me question how valuable it is to specialize in that move.

Bench: 3x5 155lbs
BORs: 1x20 bar
SOHP: 1x20 bar

I would never mention this at my BJJ gym, but that wrist lock messed me up. My wrist has been sore 2 weeks. I’ll need to think of a second excuse to explain why I didn’t do squats. Ok I got it, I was tired.
BJJ Rolling Log

We did some technique drilling today of guard passing and collar chokes from guard. I liked getting some guard passes down for reps. It’s something I enjoy getting the movement practice.

Rolling we started from the knees. I was paired up with a brown belt. I got tapped first with a heel hook when I tried getting fancy with the leg lock positions. I’m going to keep trying though even though 50/50 is my comfort zone. I managed to get a bow and arrow choke from back, but my opponent gave up their back on purpose playing around. I got paired up with a blue belt next and we had a very good back and forth match. Neither one of us submitted the other, but we had a lot of position changes with sweeps and passes. Unfortunately in my first match up I got wrist locked again on my already sore wrist. I hope I don’t pay for this one later.
BJJ Rolling Log

Techniques today we worked on mounted arm triangle. Then a shoulder lock if they resist. Also a mounted triangle as a reaction to arm triangle defense. Arm triangle is my favorite submission from mount and I think the only submission I’ve hit in competition when I actually competed a long time ago.

I rolled with just one opponent this time, another blue belt. I had a lot of success. I got a few butterfly sweeps (Terere Sweep). My deep half guard sweeps were coming together too. I hit the waiter sweep from deep half guard 1x, which I was really happy about. I landed every kimura I attempted and ended up kimura’ing the guy 4x. 2 of the 4 kimura were the tarikoplata or legs kimura variation. I’m really pleased with tonight’s rolling and got a really good sweat going. Defensive wise he was unable to tap me. He had a slick Ezekiel choke attempt that I narrowly avoided.

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