Low Carb diet Causes Insulin Resistance [new study]

I will try again.
This is a horrible study that is full of holes and the title of this thread is misleading and an egregious example of headline abuse.

what are you gonna do about it?
what are you gonna do about it?
What part of this post do you not understand? I could re word it but did you happen to read my original reply to your sarcastic comment before you or somebody else deleted them all? I went into more detail n that one.

Pretty simple champ. I will remember it and consider it if I ever see another post from you. Meanwhile I'm open to a discussion in a different sub which is less restrictive anytime if you wish to debate the value of your opinion on the matter.
What part of this post do you not understand? I could re word it but did you happen to read my original reply to your sarcastic comment before you or somebody else deleted them all? I went into more detail n that one.

Pretty simple champ. I will remember it and consider it if I ever see another post from you. Meanwhile I'm open to a discussion in a different sub which is less restrictive anytime if you wish to debate the value of your opinion on the matter.

I could care less how you feel or think about this subject. I'm not debating anything with you so stop mentioning me.
Mammy Erff philanthropy wanna get the numbers down. Eat more meat!
Yeah, I don’t think that is their intention nor their belief. I think they just found a correlation between low carb diets and insulin resistance.
I could care less how you feel or think about this subject. I'm not debating anything with you so stop mentioning me.
Sure but I will continue to mention that not everyone is competent at interpreting studies and the tendency to oversimplify things by relying on reading the headline only is a terrible way to get information. That's only fair to other members who may not be aware of that isn't it?

I would question what the point would be in making such a post and then clipping part of the study without indicating that it was a quote. That might give some the impression that the poster was offering his opinion or support which would be odd if they had not read the study.
Might even give someone the impression that the poster had some special insight into the subject when they may not.

You go out there and have a great day now.
Live your best life.
Enjoy your own truth.
Merry Christmas!
Happy new year.
You are beautiful just the way you are.
Think whatever ya like.

“Self-reported dietary intake and objective physical activity measured by accelerometry were tracked for 7 days.”

I somehow doubt this study is even peer reviewed. Though, if it is, self reported data is about as reliable as survey data. It will never be accurate enough for me to take their conclusions seriously.

So in short, I don’t care if the people who published it are somehow under the impression, debunked over 100 years ago, that human population growth will outpace economic productivity. Thomas Malthus was wrong about that. And everybody has known it forever.
I hear that :)


Unless you go totally bonkers with very creamy sugary sauces or eat way more of it than you should, burgers by themselves don't really cause obesity, it's the fries and soda that does it.
Seems suspicious. Nice try big carb. I'm sure most fad diets aren't going to optimal but compared to the shit most people normally eat anything would be an improvement for most.
You are amalgamating carbohydrates (which may or may not be consumed in a healthy matter) with carb-high american diet, which is absolutely toxic. Its toxicity is attributable to refined sugar, sodium and preservatives first and foremost. Carbs are pretty low on the list of what makes the american diet poison.
Scientism propaganda piece written by malthusians. Most westerners are obese and should cut carbs.
"Scientism"? Wow is that a thing now? As opposed to various weirdos on Youtube who come up with fads for followers and cross selling various products?
You are amalgamating carbohydrates (which may or may not be consumed in a healthy matter) with carb-high american diet, which is absolutely toxic. Its toxicity is attributable to refined sugar, sodium and preservatives first and foremost. Carbs are pretty low on the list of what makes the american diet poison.
I mean that's essentially how everyone is getting their carbs and calories now.

I def agree with your post tho
You are amalgamating carbohydrates (which may or may not be consumed in a healthy matter) with carb-high american diet, which is absolutely toxic. Its toxicity is attributable to refined sugar, sodium and preservatives first and foremost. Carbs are pretty low on the list of what makes the american diet poison.

It's a combination of processed foods AND high carbohydrate over all. There's no sense suggesting that over all carbohydrate intake isn't a big part of it considering how much Americans consume on average. The US has high rates of Adult Onset Diabetes, as well as Alzheimers, which is being referred to as type III diabetes. We successfully exported being absolutely terrified of dietary fat, and saturating otherwise inedible foods with sugar to make up for the nonsensical removal of fat:

And fbats about the time it all went off the rails.
It's a combination of processed foods AND high carbohydrate over all. There's no sense suggesting that over all carbohydrate intake isn't a big part of it considering how much Americans consume on average. The US has high rates of Adult Onset Diabetes, as well as Alzheimers, which is being referred to as type III diabetes. We successfully exported being absolutely terrified of dietary fat, and saturating otherwise inedible foods with sugar to make up for the nonsensical removal of fat:

And fbats about the time it all went off the rails.

The processed meat and meat component of american diet is also very problematic and leads to cancer. I find that to point to carbs without context is a bit misleading. Americans would probably be worst off if they removed entirely the carbs they are eating and replace it with the meat and processed meat products they are eating.

By the way I try to avoid carbs and I do eat meat so this is not some militant point of view. Just pointing out that american meat products are atrocious.
"Scientism"? Wow is that a thing now? As opposed to various weirdos on Youtube who come up with fads for followers and cross selling various products?
It can be traced back to the Rosicrucians and other 17th Century Enlightenment trends and had been studied by phikosophers and theologians extensively.
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Scientism can be traced back to the Rosicrucians and other 17th Century Enlightenment trends. You don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah. 17th century. Then its detractors disappeared for 3 centuries following the West becoming modern. And popped up again on some YT weirdos channels.

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