Looks like tech industry is no longer a place for stable employment

Nameless King

Purple Belt
Jun 19, 2019
Reaction score

Tech industry such as IT was regarded as the most safest bet. Well, no longer it seems. A lot of companies shedding jobs. Gaming industry the same. What is going on people.

Link above got list of all tech companies with recent layoffs and numbers.

Best Buy Geek Squad is always hiring

As somebody who works in tech, it's never been a stable profession.
This is basically what I came to ask, which is if the tech industry was ever stable.

It just seems to be like an industry in which billionaires are made overnight, and where they basically make apps to skirt laws and do things that are otherwise illegal, would not ever be very stable.
It's extremely rare to stay with one or two companies over a tech workers life (since the 2000's) but the demand for tech workers is outpacing the lay offs.

So while the stability has always been an issue since the .com bubble popped, the options have always been there and continues to be.
This is basically what I came to ask, which is if the tech industry was ever stable.

It just seems to be like an industry in which billionaires are made overnight, and where they basically make apps to skirt laws and do things that are otherwise illegal, would not ever be very stable.

There's always been a high chance for another company to buy you out or being laid off to cut expenses. Tech is considered an expense and you are a dime a dozen.

If somebody wants stability they are better off working in the medical industry or public sector
I remember when blue collar workers lost their jobs in 08 and again during the Canadian oil crash around 2015 and these people told us to “learn to code”.

Well now it’s my turn - learn to weld. Literally. Please do. I don’t want to see evil tech giants ruin your lives. Take the power back and do things on your own terms. I’ll never root against or laugh at the failure of people trying to support themselves
Is learn to solder the new learn to code?

There used to be memes about teaching coal miner's to code.

When the layoffs starting rolling out in tech recently, it happened to coincide with a shortage of skilled mining operators.

Best one I saw, on twitter I think, was some sassy Dev complaining about all the layoffs, and someone quoted his post from years ago telling miners to learn how to code and responded - why don't you learn how to mine coal?
Shouldnt be surprised to see companies who over hired during COVID start contracting over the past couple years.