Kingpin (1996) 49% rotten tomatoes is a joke.


Blue Belt
Jul 5, 2022
Reaction score
Legit one of the funniest movies ever produced. Has some heartwarming scenes, I honestly don’t know how you could dislike this film.

You have to be a guy that sniffs your own farts to dislike this film.

Literally I have never met someone that watched it and didn’t absolutely enjoy it and laugh their ass off.
Not that surprising honestly, Critics are harsh/snobby especially when it come to comedy. Here's some other scores for 90s comedies. Ace Ventura is a 48%, Ace Ventura When Nature Calls is 21%, Tommy Boy is 32%, The Waterboy is 33%, American Pie is 61%, Happy Gilmore is a 62%, Dumb and Dumber is 68%. You got to be undeniable like Hannah Gadsby or Amy Schumer to get a high score on Rotten tomatoes for comedy.

And I've said this before although it's not a comedy 29% for Hook with Robin Williams is criminal, the original Jumanji is a 51%, yet the Rock sequels are 76% and 71%, respectively.
Not that surprising honestly, Critics are harsh/snobby especially when it come to comedy. Here's some other scores for 90s comedies. Ace Ventura is a 48%, Ace Ventura When Nature Calls is 21%, Tommy Boy is 32%, The Waterboy is 33%, American Pie is 61%, Happy Gilmore is a 62%, Dumb and Dumber is 68%. You got to be undeniable like Hannah Gadsby or Amy Schumer to get a high score on Rotten tomatoes for comedy.

And I've said this before although it's not a comedy 29% for Hook with Robin Williams is criminal, the original Jumanji is a 51%, yet the Rock sequels are 76% and 71%, respectively.

Was going to post essentially this. Critics have a long history of shitting on comedy films they consider low brow. It's like half of them don't even understand the basic concept of what comedy is.
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Not that surprising honestly, Critics are harsh/snobby especially when it come to comedy. Here's some other scores for 90s comedies. Ace Ventura is a 48%, Ace Ventura When Nature Calls is 21%, Tommy Boy is 32%, The Waterboy is 33%, American Pie is 61%, Happy Gilmore is a 62%, Dumb and Dumber is 68%. You got to be undeniable like Hannah Gadsby or Amy Schumer to get a high score on Rotten tomatoes for comedy.

And I've said this before although it's not a comedy 29% for Hook with Robin Williams is criminal, the original Jumanji is a 51%, yet the Rock sequels are 76% and 71%, respectively.
Dumb and Dumber 68% is more ludicrous than Kingpins score.

I legit think Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels should have won Oscar’s for that film.
Farrellys did Dumb and Dumber, Kingpin, and There’s Something About Mary in a four year span. Absolutely insane run.

Kingpin is a classic. Woody and Quaid were perfect. Murray was hilarious.

I also tend to think that of their three best comedies, even if Dumb and Dumber and Mary are funnier overall, Kingpin has the most heart to it. Munson’s redemption arc is surprisingly really good.
Why does everyone care so much what other people think of the movies they like? Who gives a shit? If you like the movie, you like it. It doesn’t somehow diminish the movie just because critics or other people don’t like it.

And stop worrying about what movies other people like. That’a their fucking business. This is literally the most subjective thing in the planet - which movies are good and which are bad. And you guys act as if everyone should like the same movies you do, and not like the movies they like.
Dumb and Dumber 68% is more ludicrous than Kingpins score.

I legit think Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels should have won Oscar’s for that film.

As funny as Carrey is in that movie (he’s hysterical) I was always even more blown away by Daniels. He is not a broadly comedic actor like that and he absolutely killed it. Phenomenal comedic performance.

Daniels is so versatile though. He’s one of those examples of just legitimately good actors who can do any genre. Look at the fact that Phillip Seymour Hoffman upstaged everyone else in Along Came Polly. Just a great actor delivering terrific work in a comedic role. That’s how I think of Daniels in Dumb and Dumber.
Comedy and horror are usually the worst genres on RT and critically in general. Everyone has different tastes in comedy and horror. I think Dumb & Dumber is one of the funniest movies ever made but it's 68% on RT. Then some dumb jump scare horror movie like Paranormal Activity has 84%.
Was going to post essentially this. Critics have a long history of shitting on comedy films low brow. It's like half if them don't even understand the basic concept of what comedy is.
I suspect its also often just a case of critics being negative of pulpy entertainment when its actually being made.

You look back to the 70's and the 80's for example and a lot of horror stuff which is widely praised now was viewed very negatively by a lot of critics back then, something like Carpenters The Thing for example.

Things have shifted more recently but then again I think critics have also become much more limp wristed, less willing to call out bad cinema. Rotten Tomatoes wise I think fresh has become the default rating for critics where as arguably it used to be rotten.
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Not that surprising honestly, Critics are harsh/snobby especially when it come to comedy. Here's some other scores for 90s comedies. Ace Ventura is a 48%, Ace Ventura When Nature Calls is 21%, Tommy Boy is 32%, The Waterboy is 33%, American Pie is 61%, Happy Gilmore is a 62%, Dumb and Dumber is 68%. You got to be undeniable like Hannah Gadsby or Amy Schumer to get a high score on Rotten tomatoes for comedy.

And I've said this before although it's not a comedy 29% for Hook with Robin Williams is criminal, the original Jumanji is a 51%, yet the Rock sequels are 76% and 71%, respectively.
We know nowadays rt has sold out. They will push certain movies by including / banning reviewers they see fit and do the same with audience score. Really RT is just a marketing and political instrument with newer movies