Joe Bourbon’s Basement Pub – A Sanctuary for All Lifters

If you ever have cash burning a hole in your pocket, I recommend virus for spats and tighter shorts.
I'll just wait until the company I work for starts selling Virus and I get the employee discount
Rugby shorts are the best when it comes to lifting, running or, well, rugby. Or even just being out and about. But they suck for grappling, unfortunately.
My gym fortunately has eight squat racks, so it's usually not hard to find a place to train, but there's even more skinny and/or chubby teenagers in muscle shirts these days.
I'm not going to lie, I'd also love somewhere high enough to hang my rings again. Managed to get a few sets of skin the cats in with my warm-up the other day, and they felt great. I definitely think there's something to be said for proficiency with the rings and shoulder strength and health.

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