Elections Joe Biden Campaign Rally mega thread! SOTU this Thursday!


Steel Belt
Apr 3, 2002
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To kick off his campaign by marking the 3 year anniversary of the insurrection. They chose Valley Forge to give backdrop to how democracy is on the line. One would think he would kick off his reelection campaign talking about what he has done as president, rather than making it all about Trump.

President Joe Biden plans to mark three years since the 2021 Capitol riot with a speech at Valley Forge, where George Washington staged American troops during the Revolutionary War.

His remarks in Pennsylvania on Saturday are intended to frame the 2024 presidential election as a fight for democracy. Mr. Biden's reelection campaign said he will also be making a speech next week at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, the site of the 2015 shooting by a white supremacist. There, Mr. Biden aims to draw a contrast with former President Donald Trump and the "anti-freedom agenda" of his "[Make America Great Again] apostles," the Biden campaign says.

"When Joe Biden ran for president four years ago, he said we are in a 'battle for the soul of America,' and as we look towards November 2024, we still are," Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said during a campaign strategy briefing on Wednesday.

Trump was the primary focus of the briefing by top Biden campaign officials, who mentioned him more than a dozen times during a session that lasted under 30 minutes.

"The threat that Donald Trump posed in 2020 to American democracy has only grown more dire in the years since," Chavez Rodriguez said, adding the Biden reelection campaign is being run like the "fate of our democracy depends on it — because it does."
Haha. This will trigger the maga chuds for sure. What a better way to commemorate a failed coup than an annual reminder of the failure of these rubes.

Gosh does it just fill me with hope and positivity that our entire political system has become all about trolling one another..
"The threat that Donald Trump posed in 2020 to American democracy has only grown more dire in the years since," Chavez Rodriguez said, adding the Biden reelection campaign is being run like the "fate of our democracy depends on it — because it does."

haha so typical helpless victim rhetoric.

If only the country had someone in charge during those years since 2020 capable of taking action to protect our democracy by at least keeping this dire threat from growing, but I'm sure it was someone else's fault, Biden and Harris would definitely fix it if they had the power.
The delusional old fart is in desperation mode... Everything he's touched has turned to shit. Even using the DOJ to target Trump has backfired.

Keep pounding the 1/6 Drum morons...
So fucking cringe.

I'm sure he'll gaff his way through it then aimlessly meander off stage with a deer in the headlights look on his face.

"Historic" LOL...

And it has nothing to do with Biden's team "trolling". They legit think this is a winning message for them, as his DOJ is going after Trump non-stop, along with Democrat SOS removing him from the ballot, and democrat DA's and AG's going after him, all of which are helping Trump in the polls. And

Joe Biden is the worst rated president in modern history, and his numbers only continue to go down. The bordr is a disaster, people have lost 20% of their buying power, multiple global conflicts. And he is coming out of vacation/his basement and doing a very rare public speech to cry about Trump. Genius.

@Scerpi and I see you just posted the polling about him being the worst, thanks. When he is surrounded by people like Jean Luc Pierre, dunno if he is getting the best advice

haha so typical helpless victim rhetoric.

If only the country had someone in charge during those years since 2020 capable of taking action to protect our democracy by at least keeping this dire threat from growing, but I'm sure it was someone else's fault, Biden and Harris would definitely fix it if they had the power.

Well Biden and the democrats, as their first bill of his presidency, try to pass a bill federalizing the elections. Trying to protect democracy from Jim Eagle 2.0, by making universal mail in ballot, removing ID and signature verification, as well as registering to vote everyone who gets a federal/state issue ID and/or use state or federal services, which would have no way to distinguish non-citizens, as the started flooding the country with non-citizens. Crazy and racist ol' Joe Manchin helped shut that down tho.
Honest question: does anyone give a shit about 1/6? Like normal people not talking heads.

Does anyone really care? How much did it impact their lives compared to inflation?
Never heard a person pumping gas or buying groceries or paying interest rates on loans talking about 1/6 in fact I've never heard it ever mentioned and I think the polls are showing what peoples real concerns are.
Honest question: does anyone give a shit about 1/6? Like normal people not talking heads.

Does anyone really care? How much did it impact their lives compared to inflation?

Never heard a person pumping gas or buying groceries or paying interest rates on loans talking about 1/6 in fact I've never heard it ever mentioned and I think the polls are showing what peoples real concerns are.

Not to mention, all the talk of 1/6 has backfired. More people today think Joe Biden is illegitimate as than in 2021, prior to the 1/6 committee and the media screaming about it.

And there are a lot of people that think there were he legit won, but still feel there were irregularities, just don't want to go as far as to say it was rigged. So to have so many not even say that, but that he is flat out illegitimate is telling.

A speech like this, while trying to remove Trump from ballots, the DNC shutting out any other potential candidates, among other things, I am sure will really help change how that is trending.

A "Coup" with no firearms...laughing......You mean that escorted field trip.
Hey. Just because the chuds broke down the doors and windows to get in and didn’t come prepared, doesn’t mean it wasn’t an attempted coup.
Honest question: does anyone give a shit about 1/6? Like normal people not talking heads.

Does anyone really care? How much did it impact their lives compared to inflation?


You've got @idrankyourbeer who's made it his person Mt Everest... and a handful of the other typical suspects, circle jerking themselves daily in Jan6 threads.

But the average voter doesn't give two shits about it. lol...

"Jan 6th was worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor!!!"

Ok Buddy
Hey. Just because the chuds broke down the doors and windows to get in and didn’t come prepared, doesn’t mean it wasn’t an attempted coup.
The same Muppets who called that escorted Field trip a "Coup" were the ones calling a whole summer of rioting and looting "Protests".... Just like the words "Racism" and "Pandemic" you guys are taking the meaning away from words. I'm surprised during that "Coup".....there weren't more P&B sandwiches and Capri Suns for that field trip.
Honest question: does anyone give a shit about 1/6? Like normal people not talking heads.

Does anyone really care? How much did it impact their lives compared to inflation?
it's the new foundation myth of the left in america. you will hear about it for at least 20 years.
everything that happens will be measured in january 6ts. trump winning again is like five J6s, george floyd dead was about a third of a J6, geting misgendered is about 1/1000th of a J6. you get the picture.

You've got @idrankyourbeer who's made it his person Mt Everest... and a handful of the other typical suspects, circle jerking themselves daily in Jan6 threads.

But the average voter doesn't give two shits about it. lol...

"Jan 6th was worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor!!!"

Ok Buddy

imagine the shit fits the maga trash would have thrown if it was crooked hillary who tried to defraud the country and steal the election and it was the hillary supporters who threw a nuclear meltdown at the capitol and beat up a bunch of cops while trying to stop the election from being certified for the rightful winner.

we would never hear the end of it from these same people who cry about anything from tapdancing to tan suits. oh yeah it would be considered worse than 9/11 or pearl harbor to guys for sure. and it might even be about as bad as those BLM riots, which was like the worst thing ever!

suddenly it wouldn't be just a peaceful and orderly sightseeing tour of the capitol to these political hacks anymore. suddenly it would be a terrible crime, and these cute little chucklefucks right here would still be pretending to be all about law and order and chanting "lock them up!" and "blue lives matter!" instead of crying about a bunch of unrelated and mostly peaceful BLM riots and trying to downplay their own disgraceful and unlawful actions and trying to whatabout it all away

but no, that didn't happen. all you got out of that was that one meme picture of hillary clinton's only fan crying to the sky, meanwhile over 1250 of your fellow culties have gotten hauled off to jail and taking their orderly tours of the american justice system just to own the libs, while the orange election-losing fraudster and rapist who you sad sacks of shit adore so dearly has came under 91 felony indictments for his own wrongdoings, along with plenty of his homeboys who have now decided to take guilty pleas and testify against the mandarin molester.

cope and seethe muppet. cope and seethe.
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