Opinion Jimmy Kimmel declares US Cities are “filthy and disgusting” after a recent trip to Japan

He was joking about how different the lifestyles of Japanese vs US in terms of culture not the way they want to intrepid it. I know and they are brought up as being very clean people. No doubt the Republicans will run it as Jimmy thinks US is a bunch of slobs. He was joking about it que the most extreme photos.
He was joking about how different the lifestyles of Japanese vs US in terms of culture not the way they want to intrepid it. I know and they are brought up as being very clean people. No doubt the Republicans will run it as Jimmy thinks US is a bunch of slobs. He was joking about it que the most extreme photos.
Do you speak English?
He was joking about how different the lifestyles of Japanese vs US in terms of culture not the way they want to intrepid it. I know and they are brought up as being very clean people. No doubt the Republicans will run it as Jimmy thinks US is a bunch of slobs. He was joking about it que the most extreme photos.

You type like you're having a stroke
I've driven alone in that area at 2, 3 AM in the morning for a bit of a thrill and to remind myself of the dangers of drug addiction. It's like a zombie apocalypse.
My limo driver took me to watts back in 1999 when I went to siggraph99 I had rented a car but I hired a driver for the day to give me a tour of his area. He did not realize I lived not far from similar areas and he did not want me to get out of the car due to the situation in his area. He seemed to believe I had some political pull or wealth to make a difference I told him I did not but the Country needs to improve the job prospects and economic zones. It was funny I ended up renting one of those tour van in the afternoon an took out people from Siggraph to join me LOL. Was hanging out with the Manex films guys at the time never met them before but many did work in Massachusetts at one time and they loved the fact I came from that state. Their boss did the visual effects for the Matrix with them. Got to see the camera rig used to to film bullet time. Nicest bunch of guys I got to hang out with while I was there in LA.

Much of the infrastructure and the "city hygiene" of Japan is very impressive, yet in spite of it there doesn't seem to be much evidence that life there is any better than any number of Western countries. It's like they have an incredible entrepreneurial spirit and engineering held back by very stale and stiff social conventions.
Much of the infrastructure and the "city hygiene" of Japan is very impressive, yet in spite of it there doesn't seem to be much evidence that life there is any better than any number of Western countries. It's like they have an incredible entrepreneurial spirit and engineering held back by very stale and stiff social conventions.
Japan's problem is simple, they have a ton of people and not many resources. It's actually one of the most impressive countries in the world for the amount of resources/land they have and how high their quality of life is.
Welcome to the party pal…

Nice job escaping your echo chamber and seeing what life is like outside of the big cities

Now… if only he went into the reasons why…


- I hope that Kamen Rider kickshis ass. This guys is a horrible comedian.
Japan's problem is simple, they have a ton of people and not many resources. It's actually one of the most impressive countries in the world for the amount of resources/land they have and how high their quality of life is.
I think that's completely wrong. There's a natural tension between "few resources" and "lots of people", because what enables lots of people in the first place are resources.
Japan is a depressing country to work in though. It’s not some kind of utopia like right wingers make it out to be. We may have dirtier cities but I’ll take that over their work culture any day. Amazing place to visit but when you’re a tourist you aren’t living in reality

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