Social Jason Aldean accused of a pro-lynching song/music video

I would think tc being thrilled by it and making money from it would be the absolute end of the discussion.

Also her version was also a hit and she had a fine career as far as I know. I don't know where these people come up with this shit or who taught them to think this way

People who think this way feel lonely, hate who they are and the only way they can feel validated is to hope someone considers them an ally in something.

It's truly sad seeing people seek affirmation from strangers that they are "a good person"
the part where he shot the video at a location where it is famous for being the place lynchings were held

“using my grand daddy’s gun” implying it’s a gun that was used to kill black people

having a news article in it where a man writes an article replying to someone’s defence of black people by calling him an “n” lover and other slurs

Every protest video in the video is about blm protesters rather than any other protests because apparently only protests surrounding black people will get stopped in his small town

This only came to light after the video since it wasn’t 100 percent confirmed to be racist with the lyrics but it’s pretty obvious the picture he is trying to paint in the video

He doesn’t say anything about using a gun which you took the time to put in parentheses ironically. This song must be racist as well:

Well sure, but wouldn't you assume many slaves used something they learned as a slave to benefit themselves later in life? How could some of them not?

Because it is the mootest of moot points. Beyond disrespectful to persons who were treated as literal chattel, routinely forcefully separated from their families permanently, beaten, raped, and often worked to death in horrid conditions.

It would be akin to Germans teaching their students some Jews learned how to knit or become expert undertakers as a result of surviving the Holocaust.

Teaching that there was even the thinnest silver lining for the enslaved is wrong on its face, morally and factually.
This was good

Clearly a white supremecist sympathizer. This dude badly needs some enlightened white Sherdoggers to explain to him why he needs to be offended by this song and video. They can key him in on how he has Stockholm syndrome, how he's a self loathing black man, etc.
Clearly a white supremecist sympathizer. This dude badly needs some enlightened white Sherdoggers to explain to him why he needs to be offended by this song and video. They can key him in on how he has Stockholm syndrome, how he's a self loathing black man, etc.
They have made plenty of movies there. The point being unless you have evidence that it was used because it happened there there is nothing to it.
So why did he include BLM in the original cut? If not to prove a point?
So why did he include BLM in the original cut? If not to prove a point?

He included other riots and violence. Do you support the violence and destruction during blm riots as justified violence? I support legal peaceful protest. I condemn riots, the ones that happened in the name of blm and January 6th.
Who exactly is complaining? White people? lol...

He would have had to get approval from Chapman to release the song... Right?

“I never expected to find myself on the country charts, but I’m honored to be there,” Chapman told Billboard in a statement.

“I never expected to find myself on the country charts, but I’m honored to be there,” Tracy Chapman told Billboard.
“I’m happy for Luke and his success and grateful that new fans have found and embraced ‘Fast Car.’”

Yup... White Liberals

Always ready to be offended on behalf of someone else who's not smart enough to be offended

Good lord... these fucks are retarded.... "Oh Tracey Chapmen had zero chance at succes because she's black and gay"
Fuck me... We didn't give two shits about her being either black or gay back then. What the fuck happened with the idiots of this generation?


I listened to the song and, while not as good as the original, it's solid. I'm glad some people will discover Chapman because of it.
They removed all snipers of the blm riots from the video. Pathetic. They caved. Can’t have anything that makes the fiery but mostly peaceful riots look bad

The original, unedited video was still up on Youtube, as of this morning.
The reason why the song is now #1 and shooting through the roof is not because of racism. BLM may be the target because they were the ones behing the most recent riots and looting and burning of many cities. But you can be sure that if any group, any race were buring and looting your city, you would want them to stop. The fake outrage for an opportunity to steal would piss anyone off.
Drugs yes, violent crime where the victim isn’t familiar with the assailant? Exceedingly rare. Front page news for a month if a car jacking or armed robbery or random assault happens.

If Joe beats up his cousin for stiffing him on some meth money, no one cares wether city or rural. But if a random person is a victim through zero fault of their own that’s a much more emotional deal as then “it could happen to anyone”. And that’s really not a part of small towns.

I wonder if it's really rare per capita. Obviously if it's a certain percentage of people who are going to commit crimes like that, it's going to scale up in cities and happen more often.

I also wonder how many mitigating factors there are. A stranger stands out in a small town and is almost certainly going to be suspected so the risk would be higher.