It's been about 30 years since a Canadian team won a Stanley Cup.

Do you think a Canadian team wins the 2024 Stanley Cup?

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Big kick in the balls has to be the Nordiques leaving Canada, becoming the Avs and becoming one of the dominant franchises in the mid 90s-2000s.
The thing with that is, they never would have become that without moving. There is less than zero chance the Habs would have traded Roy to the Nordiques which is what really led the Avs to becoming so dominant.
Oilers is the only chance left. I wonder if they can pull it off.
Oilers is the only chance left. I wonder if they can pull it off.
Not beating Dallas. Goaltending aint good ehough, defense average at best and then they have Perry and Kane who i would bet on to take a stupid penalty at worst possible time (say right after your team equalizes in 3rd period in game 5/6/7).
Not beating Dallas. Goaltending aint good ehough, defense average at best and then they have Perry and Kane who i would bet on to take a stupid penalty at worst possible time (say right after your team equalizes in 3rd period in game 5/6/7).

I think the Oilers defense is pretty underrated. They still have their reputation from last year when it genuinely was terrible.

But they will probably have to be more consistent against the Stars than they were against the Canucks to win. They showed a really high peak level, but shoddy goaltending at times and played poorly on a couple road games. Especially game 5.

Their 3rd period play also left a lot to be desired, but as I said in the NHL thread the Canucks seem to have some kind of cockroach X-factor. They did the same thing to Nashville in a few of their games that series. 3 straight goals in the 3rd period to win 4-2 in game 1, 2 goals with the goalie pulled and then winning in OT in game 4, and then breaking the 0-0 tie with 1:39 left in game 6.
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I think the Oilers defense is pretty underrated. They still have their reputation from last year when it genuinely was terrible.

But they will probably have to be more consistent against the Stars than they were against the Canucks to win. They showed a really high peak level, but shoddy goaltending at times and played poorly on a couple road games. Especially game 5.

Their 3rd period play also left a lot to be desired, but as I said in the NHL thread the Canucks seem to have some kind of cockroach X-factor. They did the same thing to Nashville in a few of their games that series.
Maybe they played well so far these playoffs but same dmen as they had against Vegas last playoffs and same goalie. I dont trust them even if pairings are different than against Vegas.
Maybe they played well so far these playoffs but same dmen as they had against Vegas last playoffs and same goalie. I dont trust them even if pairings are different than against Vegas.

Yeah I'm not sure if it's just the defensemen. As a team they play more responsibly. They have a different coach. Last year they were largely about the offensive rush transition game and they would very often leave themselves vulnerable. Felt a bit bad for Skinner as I thought most goalies would look bad with the Oilers' style last year. But they would often score like 6 goals, so. Skinner has failed to impress these playoffs though now that the Oilers actually play defense.
Yeah I'm not sure if it's just the defensemen. As a team they play more responsibly. They have a different coach. Last year they were largely just about the offensive rush and they would very often leave themselves vulnerable. Felt a bit bad for Skinner as I thought most goalies would look bad with the Oilers' style last year. But they would often score like 6 goals, so. Skinner has failed to impress these playoffs though now that the Oilers actually play defense.
Dallas in 5
The thing with that is, they never would have become that without moving. There is less than zero chance the Habs would have traded Roy to the Nordiques which is what really led the Avs to becoming so dominant.

Irony was the Wings lighting him up in his last game with the Habs only to force him to Denver and causing the Wings much pain (but also great moments in that Rivalry)
Irony was the Wings lighting him up in his last game with the Habs only to force him to Denver and causing the Wings much pain (but also great moments in that Rivalry)
It's amazing how that 1 single game really altered not just Montreal and Colorado, but really the whole league in the 90's.
IMO, unlikely again this year. Each team just has holes. Winnipeg probably has the best chance because while not a Cup winner, their goalie is probably the most reliable of the bunch. Not sure if McDavid can drag them out if the oilers goaltending doesn't show up like the last couple of years.

This has not aged well considering how said reliable goalie folded like a cheap suit
I always root for Canadian teams tbh.

Would love to see Oilers take it but nah, either Rangers or Panthers hoist the Cup this year.
I don't know much about hockey but would like to see a Canadian team win it. I think it's tough for those teams to attract free agents. Hockey doesn't pay big money like other American sports. Considering how short a career could be I would rather sign within an american team then pay Canadian taxes. Especially if you are not from Canada. I've met some people from Winnipeg and they live in the states for a reason. Remember it's a winter time sport like the NBA. Not sure if I would want to spend a winter in Winnipeg or Edmonton.
As a no nothing of the sport I imagine as a euro player you can sign a contract with a Canadian team and get hit with heavy taxes. Or sign on as a free agent in Vegas Texas or Florida and no state taxes is a bonus. Especially if your just a dude not a star player. It's a hard sport with a short career span. If your canadian I guess you don't mind playing in your country but as a foreign player I would prefer not to pay those taxes. Anyway go Edmonton hopefully they pull it off.
They'd win every year if the Canadian players played for Canadian teams. They all want to go play in the States.
As a no nothing of the sport I imagine as a euro player you can sign a contract with a Canadian team and get hit with heavy taxes. Or sign on as a free agent in Vegas Texas or Florida and no state taxes is a bonus. Especially if your just a dude not a star player. It's a hard sport with a short career span. If your canadian I guess you don't mind playing in your country but as a foreign player I would prefer not to pay those taxes. Anyway go Edmonton hopefully they pull it off.

This. Why would anyone want to play in Canada where they get ass raped on taxes when they can play in the States and keep their money?