Movies Is The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction the two best movies in the last 30 years?

Is The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction the two best movies in the last 30 years?

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tarantino is great because his stuff sells but I'm not always a big fan of his stuff, but then, sometimes I am. He's really, really good. All the violence, all the cool acting guys not really my thing. I'll take a movie with more depth. I still think Django Unchained was phenomenal but I wouldn't put that over all else.

Agreed.. his movies are entertaining but not a lot of depth. Although you'd want to think a movie like Pulp Fiction has some brilliant underlying message, really its just a fun movie with iconic lines and scenes
cmon guys not all tarantino is good. remember the chick with the sword smh/
Shawshank is so over rated to me. Take the scene when they are on the roof after retiring it and were all drinking beer. This no way rings true to me, the way Andy acted, the other guys who were supposed to be hardened criminals. They all seemed more like the Bowery Boys.

Take the final scene on the beach when Andy is working on the boat. You would never have a boat under repair right by the tide line like that. No way to get it fixed and back in the water like that. If he just got a whole bunch of money from the bank he would have bought something more sea worthy.

The story just seemed a little thin.
cmon guys not all tarantino is good. remember the chick with the sword smh/
couldn't really get into hateful eight either. Never saw the Bruce lee mocking film, I'm a super Bruce fan but that isn't the reason, just never was interested enough. The clips of the BL actor were amusing though and Bruce was haughty and arrogant when he had the crowd around him, that was only one part of him though. Many folks who knew him will tell you he was just as mild mannered in their opinions.
They were both very good. Shawshank was my favorite for many years.

But I think these films were better:
Sling blade
The prestige
Kill bill
Old boy (the original Korean version)
People hating on Shawshank are just trying to be cool I swear.

It is a well told story, acted well that is entertaining. But these goobers are acting like its produced by a 12 year old and the actors are straight from the support unit.
Not even hating on the movie, it's fine, just don't get what the greatest movie ever about it. Not even sure it's the best movie with Morgan Freeman, that might be Se7en, but it's all opinion anyway.
Not even hating on the movie, it's fine, just don't get what the greatest movie ever about it. Not even sure it's the best movie with Morgan Freeman, that might be Se7en, but it's all opinion anyway.
sometimes it's not how great or not great something is but how it resonates, and even if it wasn't great, it resonated. There are lots of films in H-wood history that weren't really all that good but many of us watched and loved them anyways because they resonated. ET had the them of "home" that's a universal and it was put across very sympathetically, same for Wizard of Oz, both good to great films but the theme is one that we as humans crave.
sometimes it's not how great or not great something is but how it resonates, and even if it wasn't great, it resonated. There are lots of films in H-wood history that weren't really all that good but many of us watched and loved them anyways because they resonated. ET had the them of "home" that's a universal and it was put across very sympathetically, same for Wizard of Oz, both good to great films but the theme is one that we as humans crave.
Sure, but who among us hasn't tried to catch a guy who made another gentleman smash a hooker with a knife attached to his weiner? I think that really hit home for a lot of people.
Sure, but who among us hasn't tried to catch a guy who made another gentleman smash a hooker with a knife attached to his weiner? I think that really hit home for a lot of people.
ya, that's true too, we do have a macabre fascination with crazy, dark shit, that's just in us as humans and Hollywood being sick and perverse from the start will raise us to the point of some of us folding. The arts have a dark side, i get that as a musician but it's really not something to glory in or revel in, humanity is the same,we have a dark side, there's nothing of our highers self there. BTW which movie are you referring to?

The 2 specific examples I was referring to were not really hidden though. Two fairly clear story arcs with clear setup and explanation. No logic to question, as the poster did.
I wouldnt say this stuff is "hidden", it is typically pretty out in the open but not what tends to be focused on.

The ironic thing is that I think Django whilst perhaps his most overt message film in the publics eyes was I would argue actually his simplest in terms of theme and character, we see the good guy kill the badguy at the end and thats pretty much it. The badguy himself being black you could argue is interesting(and Shultz character is definately a lot of fun) but the film doesn't really expand on that at all, he's just bad because he is.

Shawshank and that whole raft of "prestige drama" of the era for me was really Hollywood making pretty broad shmaltzy films with a pretty simplistic(often very conservative) message and looking to dress it up as something profound. Personally I think the blockbusters of the 70's and 80's often had a lot more real substance to them than that era of bland audience pandering, far from being any kind of revival I think thats actually when Hollywood lost its balls and shifted back to being more pro establishment.
There is better movie.shawshant was more of look black and white guy are friends jail is like community but other than that plot is really not that interesting it is like con air where here guy planed escape as sociopath vs average joe
I wouldnt say this stuff is "hidden", it is typically pretty out in the open but not what tends to be focused on.

The ironic thing is that I think Django whilst perhaps his most overt message film in the publics eyes was I would argue actually his simplest in terms of theme and character, we see the good guy kill the badguy at the end and thats pretty much it. The badguy himself being black you could argue is interesting(and Shultz character is definately a lot of fun) but the film doesn't really expand on that at all, he's just bad because he is.

Shawshank and that whole raft of "prestige drama" of the era for me was really Hollywood making pretty broad shmaltzy films with a pretty simplistic(often very conservative) message and looking to dress it up as something profound. Personally I think the blockbusters of the 70's and 80's often had a lot more real substance to them than that era of bland audience pandering, far from being any kind of revival I think thats actually when Hollywood lost its balls and shifted back to being more pro establishment.

Don’t disagree.

Not sure how it’s at all relevant to what I said, but good post.

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