Movies Is The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction the two best movies in the last 30 years?

Is The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction the two best movies in the last 30 years?

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No country for old men
Sharknado 26

Just to name a few.
As the kind of film it is you could argue Pulp Fiction hasnt been surpassed I spose depending on how you like Tarantinos latter career or whether you consider if to be different enough to not be the same.

There were certainly a lot of vastly inferior clones of Pulp Fiction in the years afterwards from the likes of Guy Ritche, I'd argue the closest anyone has come to matching his style would be the McDonagh bros, films in In Bruges and The Guard.
fuck no. this is stupid. Shawshank is an overrated turd & Pulp Fiction, while undoubtedly great, as been surpassed so many times over by now (perhaps even by QT himself, depending on who you ask)
Shawshank really isn’t a good movie IMO
Shawshank yes. Pulp fiction no but is top ten or at least 25
Best? In the last 30 years? Dude, you're revealing your age...
Shawshank redemption has stood the test of time for me and is still top 5 for me.

Pulp Fiction is probably not even top 100 for me.
Personally I’ve got:

Mad Max: Fury Road
No Country For Old Men

But so many good choices and options, all subjective at the end of the day.
Any other movie better than these two since 1994?

Pulp Fiction is not highly rated to me, but I know it's highly rated by many on here.

As for The Shawshank Redemption, there is no film better than it in the past 30 years imo.


Both are great movies.
What are the best 2 movies of the last 30 years? For your age.
Personally, Shawshank's definitely a top 10, but PF isn't.

Off the top of my head, movies I'd put above or on par with PF are Inglorious Basterds, Sicario, Saving Private Ryan, Fury Road, City of God, Green Mile, Spirited Away, Parasite, Whiplash, Memento, No Country for Old Men. Heck, I even prefer Snatch, O' Brother Where Art Thou, Infinity War and the Spiderverse movies over PF.

I'm probably around the same age as TS, but you have to be speaking from nostalgia if you think no movie has gotten better than 2 from 1994.
Instead of shitting on the two movies in the thread title, lets try and name movies that are better!

Dumb and Dumber >>> Pulp Fiction <<<< Shawshank Redemption
Got off to a pretty decent start with the first ten or so and then went off the rails like Toonces the cat was driving.
I do kind of like when people go "off piste" with lists though, the older stuff feels a bit like just listing stuff which is often praised.

Granted this list seems not that great but similar kinds of lists have definitely gotten me watching stuff I might not otherwise have and enjoyed, generally I think a small number of people loving something tends to be a better recommendation than the majority just liking it.
I don't know if they're the best but the fact is that every time I see them on TV I'll sit and watch.

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