Opinion If communism was to make a come back. Which country would be the first to see it?

The Nazi's(especially early on) includes some socialist elements in their politics to try and gain support but its pretty obvious they were corporatists right wingers, came to power via alliance with conservatives like Von Papen and Hindenburg, worked with big industrialists, suppressed trade unionists and the SDP very strongly.

Sounds like the majority of failed communism and socialism experiments.......
In what way? The home ownership rate in China is over 90%. Since the 70s, over 800 million Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty. That is the single greatest movement of upward mobility in human history. To lift nearly 1 billion people out of poverty in only 50 years, is just an unbelievable accomplishment. Based on the stats, I'd say their system has been a smashing success for delivering human prosperity, wouldn't you?

What are the statistics you would point to, to draw comparisons between Weimar Germany and modern China?

The Nazi economy has been described as dirigiste by several scholars.[11][12] Overall, according to historian Richard Overy, the Nazi war economy was a mixed economy that combined free markets with central planning; Overy describes it as being somewhere in between the command economy of the Soviet Union and the capitalist system of the United States.[13]

Similar mix as China right now and China is most definitely on an economic war footing with the west.

So you could say that Hitler should have started an economic war instead of a conventional war, he might have done better.
History is literally filled with the dead of one form of socialism/communism killing the other
what? No it isn't lmfao. Wtf are you talking about? Socialists nations typically align with one another because they have shared interests. The Soviet Union, the iron curtain?
"History is literally filled with the dead of one form of socialism killing the other". Literally just inventing alternative made-up history and then passing it off as common knowledge.
, that's not a very smart argument, Hitler had another sect of socialism purged from his movement???
You aren't very bright. He didn't have "another sect" of socialism purged from his movement. He had socialism purged from his movement. He didn't target one particular sect, he purged all of the people from his party that actually held socialist beliefs.

This fact COMPLETELY shuts down the made-up alternative-history you're trying to push. It's a historical fact that objectively destroys the idea that the Nazis were socialists. They targeted, killed and purged the socialists from their party.

"I'm starting a conservative movement, in which I purge all of the conservatives from my movement". Sounds pretty fuckin' stupid right? Yeah dude, that's you right now.
Wow you think that doesn't make the Nazi party the National socialist party, please explain to me what the Nazi party stood for?? What was their manifesto because it definitely sounds like a national socialist movement.
You know that it's possible for you to just read a book, and have these questions answered for you right? Like an actual scholarly history book. Not a youtube video.

It's not some kind of secret forbidden knowledge to know why the Nazis included Socialism in their party name. When Hitler was looking to gain power in Germany, nationalism and socialism were on the rise and were the two dominant political forces in Weimar Germany. Hitler, being a crafty politician, created a party that would appeal to both sides - nationalists, and socialists.

That's literally all that it was, political branding and sloganeering in order to maximize the possibility that he/his party would gain power.

So what sort of Kool Aid was Mussolini pushing?? Because Hitler and him didn't see eye to eye on lots of things and Mussolini's fascist party was full of Jews......
What? Nazis were socialists because Mussolini's party had Jewish people in it? What the fuck are you even saying here???

I think this guy might be able to answer why it's not taught in schools.......

Oh right right right! It's all a secret conspiracy! The whole world is out to get you! Your eyes and ears can't be believed!
The National socialist got destroyed, I'm guessing they'll not be writing history now.....

Do you want me to point out nationalism of industries and the division of the profits, sounds like socialism to me maybe it's the National bit of their manifesto that hurts you???
Do I want you to point out nationalism of industries? What?
Sounds like the majority of failed communism and socialism experiments.......

The Nazi economy has been described as dirigiste by several scholars.[11][12] Overall, according to historian Richard Overy, the Nazi war economy was a mixed economy that combined free markets with central planning; Overy describes it as being somewhere in between the command economy of the Soviet Union and the capitalist system of the United States.[13]

Similar mix as China right now and China is most definitely on an economic war footing with the west.

So you could say that Hitler should have started an economic war instead of a conventional war, he might have done better.
So modern China is a lot like early Nazi Germany, because both have elements of a planned economy and free markets? Am I understanding your argument correctly?
To answer the question of the thread - it would likely be somewhere in South America. Socialism has a rich history in Latin-America and has been used, both successfully and unsuccessfully, as a tool to repel American imperialism and protect worker's rights. Lula is extremely popular in Brazil and he's a socialist. Bolivia has a leftist government. Honestly, they might be the next country to declare a socialist state. So Bolivia, that's my answer.

Brazil is becoming like a police state, you need ID for everything and a CPF number when you purchase services I've even been asked for one in a restaurant. They basically use it to track what your doing........ Does that sound like socialism to you??
what? No it isn't lmfao. Wtf are you talking about? Socialists nations typically align with one another because they have shared interests. The Soviet Union, the iron curtain?
"History is literally filled with the dead of one form of socialism killing the other". Literally just inventing alternative made-up history and then passing it off as common knowledge.

You aren't very bright. He didn't have "another sect" of socialism purged from his movement. He had socialism purged from his movement. He didn't target one particular sect, he purged all of the people from his party that actually held socialist beliefs.

This fact COMPLETELY shuts down the made-up alternative-history you're trying to push. It's a historical fact that objectively destroys the idea that the Nazis were socialists. They targeted, killed and purged the socialists from their party.

"I'm starting a conservative movement, in which I purge all of the conservatives from my movement". Sounds pretty fuckin' stupid right? Yeah dude, that's you right now.

You know that it's possible for you to just read a book, and have these questions answered for you right? Like an actual scholarly history book. Not a youtube video.

It's not some kind of secret forbidden knowledge to know why the Nazis included Socialism in their party name. When Hitler was looking to gain power in Germany, nationalism and socialism were on the rise and were the two dominant political forces in Weimar Germany. Hitler, being a crafty politician, created a party that would appeal to both sides - nationalists, and socialists.

That's literally all that it was, political branding and sloganeering in order to maximize the possibility that he/his party would gain power.

What? Nazis were socialists because Mussolini's party had Jewish people in it? What the fuck are you even saying here???

Oh right right right! It's all a secret conspiracy! The whole world is out to get you! Your eyes and ears can't be believed!

Do I want you to point out nationalism of industries? What?

And you my blue haired friend are a member of the troll party........
Brazil is becoming like a police state, you need ID for everything and a CPF number when you purchase services I've even been asked for one in a restaurant. They basically use it to track what your doing........ Does that sound like socialism to you??
I would need to investigate the claims you're making here. But it wouldn't matter one way or the other. You can be socialist with high degrees of authoritarianism, or you can be socialist with high degrees of libertarianism. Both are still socialism. Socialism specifically refers to how production is organized - not how state security is organized.

However, during his first administration, Lula lifted over 20 million people out of poverty and he is now restarting the same programs that did that -
The new Bolsa Familia program is expected to provide financial aid to around 60 million people (just over 30 percent of the population) and cost 175 billion reais ($33.65 billion), an amount equivalent to roughly 1.5 percent of Brazil’s gross domestic product.

A total of 21 million families will receive 600 reais ($115) in monthly cash transfers, plus 150 reais ($29) per child six years and younger. Families also will receive an additional payment of 50 reais ($9.60) for each child between the ages of seven and 18.
Wealth redistribution programs to directly aid, assist and uplift the poor, is pretty clearly on the socialist spectrum though.
That is such a vague and grand condemnation there's no way to respond to it in any kind of way that is constructive or useful.

You can make the same types of vague condemnations against any system. Especially ours.

"Americans are alive but they're slaves to a financial credit and debt system, which is it's own permanent hell"

The statement makes just as much sense as yours does. They both feel right, but mean nothing. Both are nothing-statements.

they're not comparable, sir.
And you my blue haired friend are a member of the troll party........
I love being called "retard" and "troll" in one sentence replies after typing out thoughtful and detailed answers to right-wingers questions that include citations and careful analysis of what's being discussed.

I'm sure the irony is lost on you.

I get it, you literally cannot refute the points that I've made. It takes a man to admit when they're wrong, which you are not, so I will accept your concession regardless.
they're not comparable, sir.
Both are empty, meaningless, nothing statements. It's an emotional appeal. That's all. And it also applies to our system. Do you have anything meaningful to say or contribute?
I would need to investigate the claims you're making here. But it wouldn't matter one way or the other. You can be socialist with high degrees of authoritarianism, or you can be socialist with high degrees of libertarianism. Both are still socialism. Socialism specifically refers to how production is organized - not how state security is organized.

However, during his first administration, Lula lifted over 20 million people out of poverty and he is now restarting the same programs that did that -

Wealth redistribution programs to directly aid, assist and uplift the poor, is pretty clearly on the socialist spectrum though.

How about you come live in the country....... It's taxed to death, salaries haven't increased and of course that's socialism.

They've even got a centralized payment system called PIX ..... Add that to the CPF number and you've got a pretty good method of tracking people and what they spend........
I love being called "retard" and "troll" in one sentence replies after typing out thoughtful and detailed answers to right-wingers questions that include citations and careful analysis of what's being discussed.

I'm sure the irony is lost on you.

I get it, you literally cannot refute the points that I've made. It takes a man to admit when they're wrong, which you are not, so I will accept your concession regardless.

You didn't watch the YouTube video?
In what way? The home ownership rate in China is over 90%. Since the 70s, over 800 million Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty. That is the single greatest movement of upward mobility in human history. To lift nearly 1 billion people out of poverty in only 50 years, is just an unbelievable accomplishment. Based on the stats, I'd say their system has been a smashing success for delivering human prosperity, wouldn't you?
Not compared to liberalism. China has gone from a poor country to a middle-income country. Still a long, long way off from well-run countries. Per-capita GDP is only around $13K.
Both are empty, meaningless, nothing statements. It's an emotional appeal. That's all. And it also applies to our system. Do you have anything meaningful to say or contribute?

a system that watches, molds, and dictates behaviors down to microscopic levels makes them slaves. comparing it to the west is batshit crazy.


So modern China is a lot like early Nazi Germany, because both have elements of a planned economy and free markets? Am I understanding your argument correctly?
Yeah, every country in the world has elements of a planned economy and free markets. Reminds me of this:

I would need to investigate the claims you're making here. But it wouldn't matter one way or the other. You can be socialist with high degrees of authoritarianism, or you can be socialist with high degrees of libertarianism. Both are still socialism. Socialism specifically refers to how production is organized - not how state security is organized.

However, during his first administration, Lula lifted over 20 million people out of poverty and he is now restarting the same programs that did that -

Wealth redistribution programs to directly aid, assist and uplift the poor, is pretty clearly on the socialist spectrum though.

Typical socialist leader, super rich and plans on redistributing other peoples money by force..........by using methods that they would scream their heads off about if the right used them........which they do in some countries.....
a system that watches, molds, and dictates behaviors down to microscopic levels makes them slaves. comparing it to the west is batshit crazy.


I think it was a UK company that sold them the software for that originally.....
In what way? The home ownership rate in China is over 90%. Since the 70s, over 800 million Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty. That is the single greatest movement of upward mobility in human history. To lift nearly 1 billion people out of poverty in only 50 years, is just an unbelievable accomplishment. Based on the stats, I'd say their system has been a smashing success for delivering human prosperity, wouldn't you?
Very creepy drooling over China. As if having a greater population than almost anyone is supposed to be a hindrance, and as if achieving similar results to the West 40 years behind is an achievement.
Very creepy drooling over China. As if having a greater population than almost anyone is supposed to be a hindrance, and as if achieving similar results to the West 40 years behind is an achievement.

Justin has another account again???
Sounds like the majority of failed communism and socialism experiments.
No, it doesn't, it sounds like a far right political party allied to the right wing establishment in strong opposition to socialism who brutally oppressed socialists and trade unionists.