Ians MT and PL log-2


Holding remark as I cannot remember what I did

Holding remark. Think I went for a run.

Went for a tick along run
4 miles
42 min 20 seconds
Total ascent 87m
Average pace 10 min 34
Average HR 144 bpm

If I did, I did the following

3 sets of 6 nordic curls using the black and yellow band
2 sets of 15 push ups
3 sets of 17 ab wheel roll outs

Single leg squat (bulgarian is what this means); 2 sets per leg of 15 using the yellow band to assist.

edit; forgot to add the sauna got fixed on Wednesday so did 15 minutes at like 80 degrees to finish the above.
Then ended up getting a shower, ending with cold and by that point it was raining and I wasn't feeling it, so took the van in.

Another edit; I also forgot to say, I didn't spend the whole night, but I spent maybe 0300 until 0500 (alarm went off at 0435) in the hammock in the garage.
It was a tester and I ust say, while comfy, I need to get a underquilt. I put the kingsize jerven around me but the gap is big enough to make it cold under my lower back.
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Cycled to gym




Legs feel fine, I'm just worried about the lower back

3 sets of 10 GM with only 40

Pull ups
5, 5, 6, 6


Back extension

Cycled to work


Cycled home
3 sets of 15 ab wheel roll out
15 push ups
1 set of 15 bulgarian split squat per leg using yellow band for assistance

25 minutes in the sauna

Felt like I was hit by a truck.
The wife and boy are both ill and baring getting up at 0200 to try and appease the boy, I was in bed for 11 hours (not asleep for all of it by any means).

Ended up just having a 2 part sauna.
First part was with the boy. We were in there a while but mainly because the temp was increasing.
I took him in at the 45 degrees point. He got flush in the face and he was happy to drink water, but first time in to get him in there went ok.
Second part I went back and got it to 85 and stayed in there for maybe 25 minutes. It wasn't all that as the temp was increasing from 65 when I got back in.

Cardio and garage gym

Went for a 4.5 mile run up and over the hills
Time 43 min 11
Average pace 9 min 30
Total ascent 138 m
Average HR 148 bpm

Lapses 1 and some of lap 2 were of the hill section
10 26 and 10 45 respectively
Lap 3 8 min 41
Lap 4 8 min 20
Lap 5 (0.55 miles) 9 min 8.

What surprised me was lap 3 and 4 were mostly on the flat, no real down sections (maybe some of lap 3) and HR was consistently around 148.
So theres an improvement I didn't expect. 150 ish BPM and in the 8 minutes region per mile.

Give some consistent training and I might actually get to low 8 minute miles on the flat at a HR sub 150.
Then I might get the hill sections under control and tick along at 9 min miles going up hill at sub 160 bpm. Because they aint at the moment.

Got back
2 sets of 12 nordic curls with red and blue band
2 sets of 12 bulgarian split squat per leg with the weighted vest on. I assume it is a 20kg vest, but I should probably check.
29/03/23 - 1/04/23

I've definitely forgotten what I've done.

I've gone for hill runs and done BW work in the gym, but as of the 7th when I've gone to update, I cannot remember.


Went for a hill run. 6.43 miles in the end with 270m ascent.
I did my usual hill route then did 2 runs up a 70m ascent over 0.4 miles.
The first was to get some elevation, then second I ran it as hard as I could to see what sort of pace I could maintain. HR of 185 at it's peak. Took me 4 min 50 seconds.
After that I ran back down and finished off the remaining 3 miles of running.
Got back and did some BW work.

I've started doing nordic curls, ab wheel roll outs and bulgarian split squats. This day, I also did 3 sets of 10 hip thrusts

Cycled too and from work.
Feeling ropey.

As above. Just the cycling cardio wise.
In the garage I did 3 sets of 12 nordic curls
Split squat with a weighted vest; 3 sets of 15
Ab wheel roll outs 18, 18, 18


Cycling again for CV work. No massively difficult but gets 2 stints of 30 minutes cardio work in anyway.
I think I did press ups 3 sets of 12
Split squat BW 3 sets of 10
Hip thrust 3 sets of 12 before cycling in to work.

Again cycling.
I think I just did some nordic curls, 3 sets of 12 with red and black band.
Push ups
Hip thrusts
Unweighted split squats

I also did 3 sest of 6 pull ups off the wood beams.

The foam on the bench I am using seems to be giving way (it came with the garage really), so while it felt uncomfortable, as the day wore on, it started to hurt and swell. It made the cycle home interesting, but needed to flush out inflammation.
I've developed a sore throat from all the joining calls I've been having with my personnel (8 down, 60 to go) which has compounded from me reeling ropey on Monday onwards.

Wanted to run but ropey, so stuck myself in the sauna at 90 degress for 20 minutes this morning then had a long cold shower to try and reduce the right knees inflammation.
Been using the home gym.
Injured my knee running 12 days ago so not been running and even weights have been slow to come back.
Did a set of landmine squats this morning, 3 sets of 20 with just 50kg I think.
I've been doing the knees over toes type lunge squat things which have been surprisingly difficult.
Still training AMs.

Not been updating the old training log though.
And again.

Although 22 days ago I trained and did a few sets of squat without probably a good warm up. Nothing crazy, but 2 sets at 100 kg.
Next day fine, day after, not so good with the lower back.

Still suffering, although since then I've been doing a lot of stretching, knees over toe lunges and other things.
From the looks of it, my right hip/groin area is horribly tight. Tie in with when I squat down I'm really tight but more so that side, so my back takes the strain hence back pain.

Working on so many stretches for hips and groin now.

When for a run on Friday just gone. Nothing major, HR monitor not working but 2.5 miles in 20 minutes along the flats.
Next day back was not happy. Surprise.
Still AM phys.

Example today was pull ups with plus 10kg

Did some front squats and light BO rows and GMs as my lower back still isn't all that.

Did like 30 or so minutes in the sauna at 80 between 85 degrees C.
Still doing phys

Did a bleep test on Thursday, needed 7.8, got 10 before my legs couldn't turn and pulled out.
Went away last weekend and since then my left knee has not been happy at all.

Friday 22

Did amongst other things
Zombie squats
1 set 6@ 30
1 set 5 @ 40
3 sets 5@ 50

Zercher DL
Only second session doing these again and noting my back and why I am doing them

1 set 6@30
3 set of 5 @ 40

Saturday 23

Went for only a 1.7 mile nothing hard walk, but chucked what turned out to be 70lbs on my back.
Came home and did 4 sets of seated GMs (30 set 1, 40 sets 2-4 for 10 reps) and 3 sets of 12 knees down ab wheel roll outs
I don't remember everything.

On Saturday I did some working sets of 5 zombie squats with pause with 60 kg, pull ups, GMs (50kg sets of 8) and zercher deadlifts with only 40kg.
I did some zombie earlier in the week and maybe the two lots of deep squat with the zerchers were too much as I got right inner thigh strain which I usually get when deadlifting properly.

Sunday I did 9 minutes in a water butt (aka cheap plunge pool), about 30 minutes in the sauna (I got in at 65 degrees and it was climbing still to about 80 degrees), 9 in the plunge, 25 in the sauna (start at high 80s, end at 90 or so), 9 in the plunge.

It was overcast and raining throughout so was quite nice.

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