I Love Good Sportsmanship


Po Atan
Nov 24, 2022
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This is (IMO) the best UFC card of the year, maybe all-year.

Every fighter knows how much their opponent has gone through to get to this position.

So, rather than seeing "trash talk" and disrespect, it is so much nicer to see highly-focused meetings/greetings, with the utmost respect.

The intensity of the meetings, but the respect displayed in all, was absolute professionalism.

I think tomorrow's card will probably be the best of the year.

This is (IMO) the best UFC card of the year, maybe all-year.

Every fighter knows how much their opponent has gone through to get to this position.

So, rather than seeing "trash talk" and disrespect, it is so much nicer to see highly-focused meetings/greetings, with the utmost respect.

The intensity of the meetings, but the respect displayed in all, was absolute professionalism.

I think tomorrow's card will probably be the best of the year.

I'll take good sportsmanship over trash talking any day.
i prefer a healthy mix of promotional angles. the “respectful sportsman” stuff gets boring, and is actually pretty obnoxious when it’s forced or fake. but the same is also true for insults and drama. every fighter has to find a style that works with their personality, and every fight is different.
I enjoy both good sportsmanship and good trash talking.

One problem with trash talking in general is that 90% of it simply isn't any good.

IMO, trash talking = character defect.
Or just plain bullshit.

Real fighters are serious.
Real fighters go through incredible efforts + sacrifices to get to where they are.

Therefore, REAL fighters don't trash talk, they're serious about their profession.

By contrast, mouthy over-juiced fucks are usually the ones who create all the chaos ... and then fail to live up to the booking.
Me too. I used to think it was so cool that we’d go out on the ice and literally beat the shit out of eachother but shake hands after playing hockey. Sportsmanship seems to be something that is dying though and it’s a shame.

Your username should be "ThaiDomiEnforcer" lol

Your username should be "ThaiDomiEnforcer" lol
Not a bad one, I was among the top of the league in fighting majors lol.. It’s a lot different than fighting in junior though - the dudes are way nicer about it for the most part. It’s good hockey but the fights are what brings the fans so teams are dressing enforcers. Some of them are dudes I tangled with in junior. I was asked multiple times over the years to fill one of these roles but always declined because I got fat and couldn’t play anymore. I took on beer league last year and lost about 45 pounds. Started playing senior and it’s been a blast so far. I’m not solely an enforcer though, I play on the first line generally.

My first fight in an away game, afterwards a rink attendant was in the dressing room and asked me if I wanted a beer. I said yes and he asked me if I wanted to have one with the guy I just fought so I said sure and they brought him in. Good dude. He was really glad I gave him a fight at home because the fans love it. I wasn’t thinking about that but the whole situation was pretty funny and happened more often than not afterwards. I find that level of sportsmanship super cool. I hate these dudes on the ice but off, most are great guys.
Me too. I used to think it was so cool that we’d go out on the ice and literally beat the shit out of eachother but shake hands after playing hockey. Sportsmanship seems to be something that is dying though and it’s a shame.

Having spent my fair share in the sin bin... it always baffled me when the leagues would try to cut out fighting, it has created more problems than it has solved.

You haven't played hockey until you have played late-80's high school hockey in Canada. Fucking savage sometimes.
Good sportsmanship goes a long way. Fuck the idiots that need to see the theatrics and all the wwe shit that some fighters pull.

What''s funny is the "crazy assholes" almost always "shit themselves" ... while the polite sportsmen almost always have/show more determination in the actual fight.

This is the hurt business… and it’s a good business.