Law House passes antisemitism bill that will target free speech and criticism of Israel

White Whale

Black Belt
Feb 25, 2006
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The House voted on Wednesday to pass the bipartisan Antisemitism Awareness Act, a vote that comes amid heightened concerns over antisemitism with Israel at war with Hamas and as pro-Palestinian protests have sprung up on college campuses across the country.

Supporters of the legislation say it will help combat antisemitism on college campuses, but opponents say it overreaches and threatens to chill free speech.

The bill would mandate that when the Department of Education enforces federal anti-discrimination laws it uses a definition of antisemitism put forward by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

Critics of the bill argue that definition is overly expansive and could lead to censorship issues.

The House vote was 320 to 91 with 70 Democrats and 21 Republicans voting against the bill. The GOP opposition largely came from the right flank of the conference. The bill would next need to be taken up by the Senate.

New York Republican Rep. Mike Lawler, who introduced the legislation, said in a statement, “it’s critical that we crack down on antisemitic hate within our own country.”

“I’m thankful for the bipartisan support of the Antisemitism Awareness Act and for the support from a wide range of Jewish organizations that are standing up, endorsing this legislation, and saying enough is enough,” he said.

This bill passed the House and is going to the Senate were it will hopefully die for being unconstitutional.

There is no definition of antisemitism so that means anything can be labeled antisemitism which goes against freedom of speech.
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Make no mistake, the US government is willing to go as far as shred the constitution to protect Israel. This anti-zionism criticism Bill (which is what it really is) should be the scandal of all scandals, but you won't hear much of a peep from all the free speech warriors.
you know who i want to hear speak of it? Jordan Petersen, who's very outspoken about free speech. i want to see if he has character about it or if he'll just use some rhetoric sophistry to avoid it.
They're all frauds. There are only a handful of public personas who are genuinely for free speech, either on the left or the right. 90% of the public commentators only support speech that they agree with. The biggest frauds are people like Ben Shapiro, David Rubin, etc. who built their reputation as free speech warriors.
This bill was passed the House and is going to the Senate were it will hopefully die for being unconstitutional.

There is no definition of antisemitism so that means anything can be labeled antisemitism which goes against freedom of speech.

What’s wild, is a lot of federal contractors in the US have to sign a pledge to not boycott Israel… clown world.

The Israel Anti-Boycott Act (IABA) (H.R. 1697; S. 720) was a proposed anti-BDS law[2] and amendment to the Export Administration Act of 1979 designed to allow U.S. states to enact laws requiring contractors to sign pledges promising not to boycott any goods from Israel, or their contracts would be terminated, and to make it a federal crime, punishable by a maximum sentence of 20 years imprisonment, for American citizens to encourage or participate in boycotts against Israel and Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories… As of 2020, 32 state legislatures have already passed bills similar to IABA. If the law was passed in the federal legislature, it would be easier to enforce.“

Make no mistake, the US government is willing to go as far as shred the constitution to protect Israel. This anti-zionism criticism Bill (which is what it really is) should be the scandal of all scandals, but you won't hear much of a peep from all the free speech warriors.

There's already a bunch of states that have passed unconstitutional laws where you cannot receive state funding without signing an Israel loyalty pledge.

This shit needs to go to the Supreme Court to get shut down.
The far left were the largest block of Representatives who voted against the bill (the squad, Ro Khanna, etc.). Republicans were the ones who wrote the bill and got it passed, although it had bi-partisan support.

Hopefully the Senate kills it, whole thing sounds unconstitutional.

There's nothing criminal about saying the IDF is murdering civilians.