PlayStation Helldivers II

Sure but every company does that and yet none get the response we see here. It's an overreaction.

Not every game developer/publisher does. An the ones that do have been met with the same backlash.
Not every game developer/publisher does. An the ones that do have been met with the same backlash.
Have they? Which ones? I know that Sea of Thieves released yesterday on PS5 and it was the best selling game in the store but not a peep from players even when learning that they have to create an account. PC players just extra salty about that stuff?
Anyway, not sure if I'm derailing the thread or not. Just though the reaction was interesting and a bit extreme imo. First world problems I guess =P. Carry on

I'll probably add more to the thread when I actually buy the game, won't be until I finish some other games up.
I don't own the game yet but was wondering why are PC gamers so mad about needing to sign up for PSN? Other companies do it like Microsoft, Capcom, Blizzard, Ubisoft, etc. There's a ton of drama online regarding it and even people review bombing the game on Steam. I follow Sony PlayStation news quite a bit so this comes as a surprise to me. I never thought signing up is that big of a deal when I play other online titles. What is it about this one in particular that has people furious?

And people are getting banned for using a VPN because that's a violation of Sony's TOS.
And there are countries where you can make a PSN account but you're required to have a PS4 or PS5.
Some countries require a photo ID to create a PSN account.
Sony's track record with data security is...not good.
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Maybe we'll just get back to the days of PC only gamers whining Sony doesn't release games on PC instead of whining about requirements
I don't own the game yet but was wondering why are PC gamers so mad about needing to sign up for PSN? Other companies do it like Microsoft, Capcom, Blizzard, Ubisoft, etc. There's a ton of drama online regarding it and even people review bombing the game on Steam. I follow Sony PlayStation news quite a bit so this comes as a surprise to me. I never thought signing up is that big of a deal when I play other online titles. What is it about this one in particular that has people furious?

If it's no big deal then why is Sony requiring it? Works both ways.
Maybe we'll just get back to the days of PC only gamers whining Sony doesn't release games on PC instead of whining about requirements
If killing off this game means Sony goes back to ignoring PC I’d be all for it. It’s pretty clear that they are hated in that space as their single player games sell poorly anyway. Just be like Nintendo and have exclusivity. I understand they the difference being Nintendo is much lower budget but I think Sony could adjust their budgets accordingly. They got where they are just making great consoles and games.
Arrowhead apparently knew about Sony wanting the PSN requirement from the get go but managed to delay it some.. but forgot to mention it to the players “because we wanted people to play the game”. Whoops.

All they had to do was offer some cosmetic shit and people would have been signing up all over the place.

Really stupid of Sony/Arrowhead.
If killing off this game means Sony goes back to ignoring PC I’d be all for it. It’s pretty clear that they are hated in that space as their single player games sell poorly anyway. Just be like Nintendo and have exclusivity. I understand they the difference being Nintendo is much lower budget but I think Sony could adjust their budgets accordingly. They got where they are just making great consoles and games.
Why would you be all on board for Sony leaving PC?

The only notable hate they've received from the PC crowd has been their fault, shitty to mid ports and this nonsense with Helldivers 2.

Why are you blaming the community for Sony fucking up? They knowingly sold Helldivers to countries that can't have a PSN account. If they had their launcher working and sold it to appropriate regions day one, they wouldn't be in this mess. It wouldn't have sold as well, but it still would have had strong numbers. No one wants another launcher, but they may warmed players up to theirs. Any future game that requires it day one will be met with far more resistance than it would have if this PR disaster didn't exist.

Helldivers is estimated to have sold around 8 million units on Steam, which (also estimated) accounts for half of all games sales including PS5. There's no way they are turning their backs on that moving forward. However, it seems they are doing everything to botch it lol

They've had lots of success prior to Helldivers, as seen below from a December leak. TLOU was an abysmal port, and Uncharted 4 launched in a bad state too. They should have paired Miles and Spiderman together if they were going to release them so close together. Spiderman remastered still sold well. I'm sure the number far exceeds the Dec leak now.

A proper Bloodborne remaster would be massive. However, being an MP game I'm sure they'll want players signed up to PSN. Prior to this Helldivers debacle, that just wouldn't have been an issue. This goes for Demon's Souls as well.

I'm curious to see how well Ghost does after this mess. I'm definitely picking that up, PSN required or not. It will come down to the port quality, but it's looking stellar so far.

Why would you be all on board for Sony leaving PC?

The only notable hate they've received from the PC crowd has been their fault, shitty to mid ports and this nonsense with Helldivers 2.

Why are you blaming the community for Sony fucking up? They knowingly sold Helldivers to countries that can't have a PSN account. If they had their launcher working and sold it to appropriate regions day one, they wouldn't be in this mess. It wouldn't have sold as well, but it still would have had strong numbers. No one wants another launcher, but they may warmed players up to theirs. Any future game that requires it day one will be met with far more resistance than it would have if this PR disaster didn't exist.

Helldivers is estimated to have sold around 8 million units on Steam, which (also estimated) accounts for half of all games sales including PS5. There's no way they are turning their backs on that moving forward. However, it seems they are doing everything to botch it lol

They've had lots of success prior to Helldivers, as seen below from a December leak. TLOU was an abysmal port, and Uncharted 4 launched in a bad state too. They should have paired Miles and Spiderman together if they were going to release them so close together. Spiderman remastered still sold well. I'm sure the number far exceeds the Dec leak now.

A proper Bloodborne remaster would be massive. However, being an MP game I'm sure they'll want players signed up to PSN. Prior to this Helldivers debacle, that just wouldn't have been an issue. This goes for Demon's Souls as well.

I'm curious to see how well Ghost does after this mess. I'm definitely picking that up, PSN required or not. It will come down to the port quality, but it's looking stellar so far.

Spidey sold more than 20 million copies on PlayStation. 5% over two years isn’t that impressive. Anyway I think all of this is overblown, it’s the weekend and people are off work. This gets resolved this week. People will forget and move on like they do every week. Gamers are just manchildren who never grew up and throw tantrums regularly. It’s all performative outrage, just look at Reddit. It’s toxic af. All this over two minutes to link an account. By the way it’s not even a launcher, one time link and never touch again. And people can just choose a region near them, I lived overseas in the past and that’s what I did. Even spoke to customer rep from Sony and they don’t care. Last week it was stellar blade drama over nothing and the week prior it was something else. See a pattern?
Being pissed because of someones incompetence or someone's bad intentions is legit, no matter how hard you lick Sony's boots. Usually people dont like to be treated like donkies. Some people don't have that problem, they would say "it is just 2 minutes of your life".
Spidey sold more than 20 million copies on PlayStation. 5% over two years isn’t that impressive. Anyway I think all of this is overblown, it’s the weekend and people are off work. This gets resolved this week. People will forget and move on like they do every week. Gamers are just manchildren who never grew up and throw tantrums regularly. It’s all performative outrage, just look at Reddit. It’s toxic af. All this over two minutes to link an account. By the way it’s not even a launcher, one time link and never touch again. And people can just choose a region near them, I lived overseas in the past and that’s what I did. Even spoke to customer rep from Sony and they don’t care. Last week it was stellar blade drama over nothing and the week prior it was something else. See a pattern?
Spiderman surely sold more than the data from 2 years ago shows, even then it's very profitable, around 90 mil in revenue from that data alone. Their cost to port is relatively small, like a few mil at best.

They'd be silly not to bring games no longer selling much to PC, even if it's a flop. Their risk is minimal.

btw, I love how you single out gamers like they're a unique group when it comes to being retards. People are clowns everywhere. Sony deserves a lot of flack for this debacle regardless.
Spiderman surely sold more than the data from 2 years ago shows, even then it's very profitable, around 90 mil in revenue from that data alone. Their cost to port is relatively small, like a few mil at best.

They'd be silly not to bring games no longer selling much to PC, even if it's a flop. Their risk is minimal.

btw, I love how you single out gamers like they're a unique group when it comes to being retards. People are clowns everywhere. Sony deserves a lot of flack for this debacle regardless.
But you’re not accounting for the damage it may eventually do to the brand by releasing more stuff on there. Is that little bit of money worth it? I’m not so sure. Consider the fact Xbox is struggling to move units because people know everything will end up on PC. As for gamers being horrible, the reactions speak for themselves. Every little thing is blown up to be gigantic drama. We see a new thing to be mad about every week and it’s almost never justified. I guess I’m just kind of over hearing about this stuff. People forget about it and move on until they watch a new video about sometime that angers them. All this had the unfortunate timing of happening on a Friday. Arrowhead hasn’t been perfect either, there’s a quote I’ll post later but basically he said they knew about the requirement 6 months prior to launch but didn’t make much effort to communicate with the players because they wanted to focus on the game. That’s a major misstep even if Sony is also partially to blame
But you’re not accounting for the damage it may eventually do to the brand by releasing more stuff on there. Is that little bit of money worth it? I’m not so sure. Consider the fact Xbox is struggling to move units because people know everything will end up on PC. As for gamers being horrible, the reactions speak for themselves. Every little thing is blown up to be gigantic drama. We see a new thing to be mad about every week and it’s almost never justified. I guess I’m just kind of over hearing about this stuff. People forget about it and move on until they watch a new video about sometime that angers them. All this had the unfortunate timing of happening on a Friday. Arrowhead hasn’t been perfect either, there’s a quote I’ll post later but basically he said they knew about the requirement 6 months prior to launch but didn’t make much effort to communicate with the players because they wanted to focus on the game. That’s a major misstep even if Sony is also partially to blame

Their revenue on Steam alone from Helldivers 2 is over 300mil, there's nothing small about that. They can't turn away those kinds of sales sitting in their own bubble. The profit margins from their ports is outstanding for the most part too.

Neither of us really know the risk to the brand, if there is one. I'm sure their money men have crunched the numbers and have looked at predictions/trends. PlayStation also has more brand loyalty than Xbox, and is outpacing PS4 sales, despite the ports.

People like their consoles and ease of use. I don't think PC is a threat, looks more like an opportunity to grow.

As for drama around them recently, it's self given in this regard; a bad decision that could happen regardless of the platform. Arrowhead didn't help, but Sony call's the shots. I'm sure it will blow over quicker than not, but it will be interesting to see how Sony responds, and if their player base takes a nose dive when mandatory PS account activation goes into effect.

And people are getting banned for using a VPN because that's a violation of Sony's TOS.
And there are countries where you can make a PSN account but you're required to have a PS4 or PS5.
Some countries require a photo ID to create a PSN account.
Sony's track record with data security is...not good.

If killing off this game means Sony goes back to ignoring PC I’d be all for it. It’s pretty clear that they are hated in that space as their single player games sell poorly anyway.

Sony can no longer afford to ignore the Pc market. Nearly a decade ago Pc became the #2 gaming platform behind Mobile. Year on year the gap between Pc to Playstation widens.

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