Movies HALLOWEEN: The Official Thread of Michael Myers

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I dont really like A24 but I was interested in seeing something different which they would have provided.

I saw a few articles where they are flexing the cinematic Halloween Universe phrase often and to me I'm like great JLC/Danielle Harris/Others have the potential to return when I just want some new blood injected into Halloween. Definitely rooting for it either way.

Miramax? This is kind of confusing because Miramax has basically been in the picture since H6. So I'm not sure what to make of this. I guess they just happened to hold on to the rights?

From the link:
Deadline reports, “Miramax Television has signed a wide-ranging deal with Trancas to develop and co-produce a Halloween TV series, which also includes a first-look agreement on other television projects for the international marketplace.”

The site’s report continues, “The new Halloween series is envisioned to potentially launch a cinematic universe spanning film and television. Miramax’s Head of Global TV Marc Helwig will be overseeing the franchise creatively in close collaboration with Akkad.”

“Jointly controlling both the film and TV rights would allow Miramax and Trancas to map out an integrated film-TV universe,” Deadline’s report also notes.

A cinematic universe? Good lord, that sounds terrible. Seems like they're trying to copy the MCU, which has completely nosedived since No Way Home. This is just going to water the IP down to bolivian. With crap on top of crap on top of crap.

Of course, my opinion could change once I hear more about what they're planning, and actually see some footage, but for right now...... I feel extremely trepidatious about this.

I was pulling for either Paramount or A24. Maybe there's still a chance for them with a theatrical film? The article mentions a film/tv universe, but didn't seem to mention anything about the film rights. So.... idk.

At the end of the day I feel like Malek has been a total failure replacing his father. Moustapha seemed to care way more about the franchise while Malek is just in it for the money.


Fan concept. I like to ignore all the shots used from the Blumhouse trilogy since those movies literally repulse me. But the rest of it looks cool. If some of the actors that pop up in this trailer popped up in the real trailer I would absolutely LOSE MY SHIT. Especially the shot of Michael with the gray coveralls, burnt hand and thorn symbol. (tears of pure joy)

Anyway, it's a pretty cool concept. How much do you want to bet this fan trailer is going to be way better than the actual trailer? I'm gonna bookmark this post to compare. (Get real, there's absolutely no way the real thing is going to come anywhere close to this - Malek Akkad sucks)

Bloody Disgusting: Time frequently changes perceptions about projects. I immediately thought of how when the new ‘Halloween’ trilogy came out, many people gained a greater appreciation for those older films, including yours.

Dwight Little: That’s another movie that was not received very well. It did well commercially, but the critic response was not great. I don’t know what the expectations were with Michael Myers. There’s an initial resistance to that movie, but later over the years, there have been several reissues on DVD and Blu-ray, and so forth. And of course, it plays every year, and I think people really love it now. Maybe you’re right, maybe the trilogy made them nostalgic for ‘Halloween 4.’

With the recent news that ‘Halloween’ might be getting a TV series, would that be something you’d be up to doing?

Oh, definitely. I know Malek [Akkad] is guiding that. But it’s really Universal’s play. I mean, I think they’re really… I would love to do it with Alan McElroy. Of course, we have to be invited, and I’m sure they have people that they’re interested in, so we’ll see how it plays out. But sure I would jump into that in a minute if we could figure out how to make that work.

Considering the greater appreciation for ‘Halloween 4,’ many fans are clamoring for more Rachel and Jamie, particularly a direct sequel to your film. If that would ever come into the conversation, would you do it?

Not only would I do it, I’ve actually pitched it. You keep [Rachel] alive and follow through with Jamie and Rachel. Ellie Cornell is alive and well, and living on the east coast. And I just worked with Daniel Harris, and she’s a doll. I think that’s a great movie. I think they should call it ‘Halloween 4: Part Two.’ Just be upfront about it and say what it is because that’s what it would be. In my own opinion, more than a TV show, I think that would get a lot of attention.


Good lord, this would be a freaking DREAM COME TRUE if it actually happened. If it got officially greenlit, I can tell you right now it would be the most excited I've been for this franchise since H20. I would absolutely be over the freaking moon for this! The return of Danielle Harris and Ellie Cornell, the return of Dwight H Little to direct, the return of Alan B McElroy to write, hopefully the return of Alan Howarth to score, for an official sequel to HALLOWEEN 4.......



(No way this will ever actually happen as Malek Akkad is a fucking stooge)

Bloody Disgusting: Time frequently changes perceptions about projects. I immediately thought of how when the new ‘Halloween’ trilogy came out, many people gained a greater appreciation for those older films, including yours.

Dwight Little: That’s another movie that was not received very well. It did well commercially, but the critic response was not great. I don’t know what the expectations were with Michael Myers. There’s an initial resistance to that movie, but later over the years, there have been several reissues on DVD and Blu-ray, and so forth. And of course, it plays every year, and I think people really love it now. Maybe you’re right, maybe the trilogy made them nostalgic for ‘Halloween 4.’

With the recent news that ‘Halloween’ might be getting a TV series, would that be something you’d be up to doing?

Oh, definitely. I know Malek [Akkad] is guiding that. But it’s really Universal’s play. I mean, I think they’re really… I would love to do it with Alan McElroy. Of course, we have to be invited, and I’m sure they have people that they’re interested in, so we’ll see how it plays out. But sure I would jump into that in a minute if we could figure out how to make that work.

Considering the greater appreciation for ‘Halloween 4,’ many fans are clamoring for more Rachel and Jamie, particularly a direct sequel to your film. If that would ever come into the conversation, would you do it?

Not only would I do it, I’ve actually pitched it. You keep [Rachel] alive and follow through with Jamie and Rachel. Ellie Cornell is alive and well, and living on the east coast. And I just worked with Daniel Harris, and she’s a doll. I think that’s a great movie. I think they should call it ‘Halloween 4: Part Two.’ Just be upfront about it and say what it is because that’s what it would be. In my own opinion, more than a TV show, I think that would get a lot of attention.


Good lord, this would be a freaking DREAM COME TRUE if it actually happened. If it got officially greenlit, I can tell you right now it would be the most excited I've been for this franchise since H20. I would absolutely be over the freaking moon for this! The return of Danielle Harris and Ellie Cornell, the return of Dwight H Little to direct, the return of Alan B McElroy to write, hopefully the return of Alan Howarth to score, for an official sequel to HALLOWEEN 4.......



(No way this will ever actually happen as Malek Akkad is a fucking stooge)
wow if that happened my head would explode

would be the best thing in the Halloweeneverse in a long time
That would be badass if they went the H4 route, id be more excited for Ellie Cornell as what they did with her character in 5 was a travesty. I would also be shocked to see it happen.

I'd be cool with a nice little detour to tie up the H4 story while they figure out a road map on a fresh scary take on Michael Myers for a new long term story. I'm just worried JLC will smell that Halloween money again and force her way in.
Time Scare

This was a place in time square NY a decade ago ,it was actually based on the Halloween movies it has a replication of his house inside here a kitchen and a few other awesome stuff , I actually slept in this place over night bf it ever opened in Myers Kitchen just me and this construction worker I convinced to let me in I met at a bar that night he had access to it and it was Fing awesome. Lol
Unrelated but still sucks

Yeah, but honestly I wasn't really feeling it. TV shows almost always water down the IP. I've seen very, very few shows that lived up to expectations. At least in the modern day. I mean look at Chucky. There were a few good scenes throughout but overall it was pretty crap. Same with MCU and Star Wars. Those TV Shows are just trash. I don't wanna see that happen to Jason, where he gets watered down to bolivian.

I'm also not enthused about a Halloween TV show. I'd rather they just kept it theatrical. The time for a Halloween TV show was the early-mid 90s, pre-Scream. But now..... nah. Keep it theatrical. (I feel like Malek is once again just chasing the bandwagon, like his dad. His father did it with H20 (post-Scream influence). His father did it with HR (chasing the reality TV hype). He did it with the remake. He ALMOST did it with 3D. He ALMOST did it with found footage. But it looks like he's actually going ahead with the TV show)

I would love to eat my words (like I did with Top Gun Maverick) in the off chance that it's actually good, but based on the last 26 years of this franchise, I just don't see it.
Looks like they are halting to do some retooling, I think they'll still eventually shelve the project. It took them a while to get it off the ground and they are already having problems lol. I agree that doing a series like this will be a tough task and I think A24 quickly realized that.

The problem with both a Halloween and Friday the 13th series is that the less you see of The Shape and Jason and the less you know about them (that's including their family as you know the Friday the 13th one is going to try to work Jason's mom's origin/earlier life in there) the scarier and more impactful they are; a tv series is extremely likely to break these rules unless the creators and writers show a ton of restraint and make it all about regular people leading up to a two episode finale where the villains do their thing (maybe find a dead body here or there or some weird signs of the villain being around, maybe a glimpse of the villain from the shadows a time or two). The thing is you know that won't happen.

Man there's been an absolute ton of tv shows based on theatrical horror series' too, the first wave started in the early 2000's, then a new wave after Bates Motel became a hit, and now the current wave. A Psycho series in Bates Motel, there was an Omen tv series called Damien, an Exorcist tv series, Hannibal, Chucky, Evil Dead, From Dusk 'Till Dawn, The Dead Zone (which is probably the one that preceded and started the trend), Scream, a Japanese Ju-On (The Grudge) series, I Know What You Did Last Summer, a Day of the Dead series (more so an in name only connection), The Purge, there was a Tremors tv series in the early 2000's, a One Missed Call tv series in Japan in the mid-2000's, and that's not even including the anthology Friday the 13th: The Series, or Freddy's Nightmares back in the day.

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