Elections Government Voter Registration Website Has Sketchy Results - If You Like Democracy It's Time for Voter ID

Whippy McGee

Surf 4 Life
Sep 3, 2014
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Social Security Administration (SSA) Weekly Data for Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) Transactions by State Week Ending March 30, 2024​

The Government website is here: https://www.ssa.gov/open/havv/havv-weekly-2024-03-30.html

You can download the latest spread sheet and look at the numbers yourself on the right side of the page.

From last week's data alone, this is what happened in Texas.

Total Registrants: 225,132
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 30,424
Registrants with a deceased Social Security #: 4,515

Here is Texas for the week of 03/16/2024

Total Registrants: 227,077
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 30,499
Registrants with a deceased Social Security #: 4,571

Here is Texas for the week of 03/02/2024

Total Registrants: 224,569
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 30,787
Registrants with a deceased Social Security #: 4,650

Georgia was crazy too.

Total Registrants: 14,684
Registrants with a bad Social Security #: 9,402

That means 64% of all registrants were bad in Georgia. This type of metric is not uncommon as you explore the spread sheet for swing states.

As we look back in time and review these government numbers you will notice the "Swing States" and Texas are the highest. Why not California with it's huge population? When you review back Texas has a history of 50% of their voter registration in the recent cycle. That's new.

We need Voter ID and Paper ballots like much of the civilized world. How many of the new registered voters that got through are not legit? I think Texas is "in play" for this Presidential Election and that would change everything.

A question I have, do all the states share the Social Security Numbers of their voters in a pool to ensure no duplicates? I believe from my research, where no one answers the question, the answer is no. It would be easy to locate duplicates, so why not? Why couldn't a person get the Social Security Numbers of everyone in a homeless camp and register in every swing state?

it's still real to you right?

WTF are you babbling about now? Those are government numbers. Do you dispute them?

The short of it is, suddenly Texas has 1/4 of a million new voter registrations every week, many are fake Social Security Numbers, and dead people. Many Swing States have over 1/2 of their voter registration each week that are fake.

These numbers should make none of us feel good about the security of our elections.
"Since 2007, electors have to prove their identity (who they are) and their address (where they live) before they can vote in federal elections."

That is from Canada. Let's be like CANada.
"Since 2007, electors have to prove their identity (who they are) and their address (where they live) before they can vote in federal elections."

That is from Canada. Let's be like CANada.

Lol what constitutes ID in canada is pretty comical. Wouldn't use it as an example
WTF are you babbling about now? Those are government numbers. Do you dispute them?

The short of it is, suddenly Texas has 1/4 of a million new voter registrations every week, many are fake Social Security Numbers, and dead people. Many Swing States have over 1/2 of their voter registration each week that are fake.

yeah yeah that's nice. go tell it to the crackhead pillow guy and maybe they'll finally bring some of that evidence to court with them this time and overturn that cute little stolen election thingy of theirs.
yeah yeah that's nice. go tell it to the crackhead pillow guy and maybe they'll finally bring some of that evidence to court with them this time and overturn that cute little stolen election thingy of theirs.

This is justification for Voter ID, Day of voting, and paper ballots. Absentee Ballots should be reserved for the Military and special circumstances only. Ballot Harvesting and Drop Boxes are for those looking to have corrupt elections.
This is justification for Voter ID, Day of voting, and paper ballots. Absentee Ballots should be reserved for the Military and special circumstances only. Ballot Harvesting and Drop Boxes are for those looking to have corrupt elections.

I've voted by mail the last 3 elections. Any suggestions for hospital staff and other jobs that can't make it in the 12 hour window?

I'm also all for ID, if our wonderful government wants to provide it at no cost and make it easy for people from all walks of life to obtain.
"Since 2007, electors have to prove their identity (who they are) and their address (where they live) before they can vote in federal elections."

That is from Canada. Let's be like CANada.
To vote by mail here in PA, I had to provide my valid address along with my drivers license number. These idiots act like you can request and submit a ballot with just a name.
I've voted by mail the last 3 elections. Any suggestions for hospital staff and other jobs that can't make it in the 12 hour window?

I'm also all for ID, if our wonderful government wants to provide it at no cost and make it easy for people from all walks of life to obtain.

Here's a fine piece on Voter ID.... and it's funny.

I did say, "Absentee Ballots should be reserved for the Military and special circumstances only."

If a person has a shift that covers the voting day, then 100%.

Having nearly 100,000 fake / dead voter ID registrations in Texas alone over a 3 week period is should give us all pause.
Here's a fine piece on Voter ID.... and it's funny.

I did say, "Absentee Ballots should be reserved for the Military and special circumstances only."

If a person has a shift that covers the voting day, then 100%.

Having nearly 100,000 fake / dead voter ID registrations in Texas alone over a 3 week period is should give us all pause.

I'm hopeful that at some point it becomes a weekend event and any truly non-essential business is closed. On the topic of those fake/dead numbers, my cynical side thinks that trolls had a hand inflating them, but I also want anyone proven to be doing shady voting shit sent to prison.
Voter ID is ONLY a good idea if all citizens automatically get one sent to them upon turning 18, for free. Otherwise it's just a poll tax. State issued ID's work fine.
I like Arizona's rule, where you can only vote for president if you don't show proof of citizenship, but if you want to vote in state or local elections, we're gonna need to see some proof of citizenship.

A person is not required to submit proof of citizenship with the voter registration form, but failure to do so means the person will only be eligible to vote in federal elections (known as being a "federal only" voter). A "federal only" voter will become eligible to vote a "full ballot" in all federal, state, county and local elections if he or she later provides valid proof of citizenship to the appropriate County Recorder's office.
Voter ID is ONLY a good idea if all citizens automatically get one sent to them upon turning 18, for free. Otherwise it's just a poll tax. State issued ID's work fine.
I’m down for that. Would you support that legislation?
I like Arizona's rule, where you can only vote for president if you don't show proof of citizenship, but if you want to vote in state or local elections, we're gonna need to see some proof of citizenship.

A person is not required to submit proof of citizenship with the voter registration form, but failure to do so means the person will only be eligible to vote in federal elections (known as being a "federal only" voter). A "federal only" voter will become eligible to vote a "full ballot" in all federal, state, county and local elections if he or she later provides valid proof of citizenship to the appropriate County Recorder's office.

If the State issued ID doesnt count as proof of citizenship then that's stupid. Nevada has 2 types of ID's and one says "not a valid ID" on it, that's the one non-citizen residents get. If the State requires a separate "voter ID" that requires a fee, not recognizing their own State ID, and the voter ID doesnt function in all other aspects of identification, it's just a poll tax. Another way to disenfranchise voters from soecific demographics and nothing more.
I’m down for that. Would you support that legislation?

Yes, most advanced democracies already do this. And the ID's in some of them are swipe cards for the voting machines. You get your ID, swipe, it knows it's you, you vote. Easy peasy. You'd be surprised what Countries already use this, some arent even considered democracies.