Dumb things people do to their houses

The funny thing is a lot of houses here worth close a million dollars dont have lawns any more in this section of L.A county. It doesn't really disgure the street because they still have really nice fences and the street is concrete. These houses also attract less bugs and vermin because skunks like to dig in peoples grass for bugs. The places were you see all the vermin here are places were every one has huge lawns and plants I know this because I know exterminators.
Well having vegetation around certainly has its downside such as animals and insects but it's called nature. Sure, if your living environment is a parking lot, none of that but it's also because there is no form of life around.

I am not going to lecture you about the benefits of having plants, trees and flowers around you because none of us gives a shit about this conversation, but I have a hard time imagining someone having your point of view.
Installing Spanish roofs or 50 year shingles not realizing the under tarp is only rated for 20 years max
Walking around the lawn barefoot is one of my favourite things, it feels so nice. The little pricklies and then the soft cushion, absolutely love it. Step in about 5 dogshits a year, never wrecks my day.
It never wrecks your day to step in dog shit barefoot?

That would wreck my life. I'd be cutting off my foot like that dude in saw
It never wrecks your day to step in dog shit barefoot?

That would wreck my life. I'd be cutting off my foot like that dude in saw

Barefoot dogshit isn't a big deal - that shit comes off easy with the garden hose. OTOH dogshit on your shoes is a PITA to get out.
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I wouldn't want a house without a lawn.

One of my favourite things to do is just sit in my garden on a nice summer's evening reading a book.
Well he lives in SoCal and the problem is here is that it take a ton of water to keep grass green for nine months out of the year.

It's bad enough that I have a garden with six fruit trees, fruit bearing plants and other various plants. Watering just that section of my back yard is a chore outside of rain season here.
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The best thing about owning a house in San Diego is that when you go to sell it, it doesn't matter what color you have the inside and outside painted, what kind of tiling or flooring you have installed... people still pay top dollar for the house even if you don't put a dime into staging the house.

Most people in my neighborhood have their houses painted neutral colors and walls painted white on the inside. My house is painted navy blue with brown trim... and every room in the house i painted a different color. The master bathroom has spanish design tiles in the shower and the walls painted terra cotta. All very quirky design choices thanks to my wife... but at the end of the day, we'll still get whatever we ask for it.
When we bought our current house all the electrical outlets were installed with the ground at the top. Not exactly dumb since the original owners had a handicap child and that's how they are wired in Hospitals. It still bugged the crap out of me until I finally reoriented every outlet in the house.
Many sexual lubricants are glycerol based, so if my jizz contains nitrogen, does that mean I'm literally creating explosive orgasms?
Many sexual lubricants are glycerol based, so if my jizz contains nitrogen, does that mean I'm literally creating explosive orgasms?
Well, funny you would ask. Did you know that dried human sperm, if combined with highly alkaline products such as bleach, can create an inflammable gaz which liquifies at room temperature? It was used during the Boer war to provide light in trenches.

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