Don Frye VS Big Van Vader


Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
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Was watching a highlight reel of Don Frye. It mentioned he dabbled in prowrestling while in Japan, and showed a short clip of him wrestling Big Van Vader.

Did a quick search on YouTube and found...

...and its a surprisingly entertaining match.

Highly recommended if you're a fan of both men.

Really enjoyed the hybrid-MMA/ProWrestling style. There's some surprisingly hard shots that made you think 'Ouch, that had to hurt.' And I don't recall ever seeing Vader wrestling without his signature mask before.
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TKO's gotta get matchups like this going now that they got UFC and WWE.

I want to see how Jon Jones vs. Bobby Lashley. And lets see Jon Jones vs. Omos to take away his reach advantage.

I would like to see Izzy in the WWE as well and have Alex do a run in on him to playoff their multi-sport fued.

If things legally workout for Brock, then Lesnar vs. Aspinall at some point too.

Even having one of these MMA guys be special guest referee at Wrestlemania would be a good start.

There is document going around noting that Conor may be the special guest host for Wrestlemania 40 in April.
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I don't recall ever seeing Vader wrestling without his signature mask before.

Vader took his mask off at the 4:50 mark in this match against Stan Hansen, this was completely unplanned but Hansen punched Vader in the eye and broke his orbital bone and the pressure got so intense that Vader finally couldnt take it anymore and had to reveal his secret identity to the world in order to continue with the match, after that there was no point to continue using the mask in Japan

Stan Hansen was blind as a bat and had a history of potatoing people in matches purely on accident

Vader took his mask off at the 4:50 mark in this match against Stan Hansen, this was completely unplanned but Hansen punched Vader in the eye and broke his orbital bone and the pressure got so intense that Vader finally couldnt take it anymore and had to reveal his secret identity to the world in order to continue with the match, after that there was no point to continue using the mask in Japan

Stan Hansen was blind as a bat and had a history of potatoing people in matches purely on accident

Vader was such a tough SOB. Breaks an orbital bone at 5 minutes, goes 12 more. Respect.
Fuck yes! Frye was the guy and Vader is top 5 all time for me. Went to a 100 house shows and only saw titles change hands one time. Saw Vader beat Ron Simmons with a shoulder breaker to win the WCW belt. There was a 80 yr old black granny next to me screaming "you white motherfucker!" at Vader the whole time. Great memories.
Two hosses laying their shit in. You love to see it.
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"dabbled in prowrestling"

Yeah, that's quite the understatement.
Vader took his mask off at the 4:50 mark in this match against Stan Hansen, this was completely unplanned but Hansen punched Vader in the eye and broke his orbital bone and the pressure got so intense that Vader finally couldnt take it anymore and had to reveal his secret identity to the world in order to continue with the match, after that there was no point to continue using the mask in Japan

Stan Hansen was blind as a bat and had a history of potatoing people in matches purely on accident

Later removing his string stuff mask was like a spot when he got angry/ a match was getting tough/getting serius thing/getting beat up. Kinda surprised someone said he never saw him without his mask. Maybe he didn't do it in the WWF??



frye, coleman, randleman, and rampage all had prowrestling stints in japan during their pride runs

- Ron Waterman also.

Did you guys ever watch the Kerr and Coleman tat-team match?
I've never.
Some would say that ALL Pride fights were pro wrestling...

- I would get more ofended if they said Pride fighters looked like boxing. But since pro-wrestling is awesome, so theres no ofense take!
Vader was also in that shoot prowrestling federation Takada was champ

The one wher Sakuraba wrestled

Some would say that ALL Pride fights were pro wrestling...
If there heads had been entirely filled with Dana Whites fecal matter they might.

Vader did actually have a history doing shoot style pro wrestling doing back to the UWFi in the early 90's, had some very big fights with Takada.

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