News Do you blame Universities, Student Loan companies, or students?

I blame turbo capitalist murrka for allowing that shit in the first place. I also blame pathetic "countries" like Canada to imitate murrka on every retarded shit that morally bankrupt, decadent corporate fuckhole invents.
If you are an american why the hell you would not serve in the military to get GI bill if you are healthy person?

Its such heavy benefit
You raise a very good point, and after thinking about it I tend to agree. Lots of folks including myself have often criticized the "useless" courses offered by universities such as leisure studies or early Mesopotamian history since there's little relevance to any job that one is likely to hold after graduation. As you pointed out this would be looking at it from the investment & business point of view, as in what does one get in return for taking those courses?

But if we view education as a pure learning experience where students can learn about things which they'd otherwise never be exposed to, well, that changes a lot of things doesn't it? Universities usually have large archives of rare books, music, papers, and other materials along with researchers & staff with deep, specialized knowledge in all kinds of esoteric subjects, it's a giant collection of knowledge along with the people who can make sense of it and teach it to others. If I want to learn about the history of Ukrainian folk dances or how magnets really work, there's gonna be someone at my local University who's an expert on that stuff and can teach it to me and help guide me on my journey of discovery.

Once again, thanks for your post, and thank you for reminding us what learning & education is really about.
I would say if your making an argument against it then it would be that its become a bit of a class gatekeeping mechanism, the career potential without higher education is vastly more limited today than it was in the mid 20th century, even if your not looking at direct skills needed then higher ed will tend to be the first filter of CV's for most decent positions. I'd guessing this is a significant part of why social mobility has greatly declined in the US in the last 40+ years, poor kids don't get to go to collage/uni nearly as often.

Maybe you could argue as well that this tends to warp higher ed? not so much courses which have direct skills needed for a certain career but rather bland courses which look "business like". You end up with people in these kind of non descript courses there not even very interested in just because a degree of any type is considered essential.
I blame the fact that the system misleads people into believing the degree will inevitably pay for the loan.