Opinion Do you believe Pitbulls are genetically the most dangerous dog?

Do you believe Pitbulls are genetically the most dangerous dog?

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I love pit bulls but it's not a beginner dog.

Do you include bulldogs (which I also enjoy) as pitbulls? I heard it both ways.
I might take a 150+ lb Tosa Inu over a gray wolf. Not definitively, but wolves fight for survival/to protect food, etc. A massive dog that's bred to fight like a Tosa Inu isn't interested in survival, it will go to the death. The wolf would likely look for an escape route once it realized how formidable its opponent was. The wolf wants to survive, the Inu wants to kill.
I'd take a wolf over a pitbull, presa canario, dogo, overcharka, rottweiler.

Maybe it's just a person thing, but wolves just don't seem scary to me.
Pretty much, and all the ones close to then would probably be Pitbullesque. They are incredibly strong, good jumpers, runners, huge bite pressure. I think it's fine to regulate their breeding and make owners responsible for any injury they cause, but in the end it's never really the dog's fault. I've met some pitties that could melt your heart with just a glance, and want nothing more than to sleep on your legs all day. The "image" of the pitbull leads to shitty owners, and it just takes one bad reaction for a lot to go bad.
Man has dominion over animals. Sounds like a bunch of women in here.
And I'm sick of hearing about kids being mauled to death by dogs.
Its like I said. When I was a kid I use to go to my step dads friends house and he fought them. All these dogs were trained killers and I could play with any of them..............except one.............a boxer.
Its not the dog its the piece of shit owners.
Larry also on his death bed regretted fighting them then he died of cancer.
I'd take a wolf over a pitbull, presa canario, dogo, overcharka, rottweiler.

Maybe it's just a person thing, but wolves just don't seem scary to me.

Pit is too small. I'm not sure the breeding of Presa Canario, Dogo, Overcharka. Rottweilers aren't bred fighters.

That's the difference with a Tosa. Not only are they massive (not the biggest breed but are now bred to as big as 180+ lbs) but they're bred to fight to the death. Their "gameness" is pit bull level (the willingness to literally keep fighting until they die instead of retreating). So a larger Tosa will be as big or bigger than even a large grey wolf, but more willing to fight to the death most likely because it's bred for it. Wolves want to survive (can't blame them). These dogs sadly are bred to simply fight and kill, and not stop no matter if injured.
Fortunately for Pits, there are a ton of human beings just as dumb as rocks as they are, so they'll continue to exist.

In a society of intelligent and reasonable individuals, the breed would be dead-ended.
Pits are broken living being. Obey, obey, obey ... Random event : slaughter the smallest thing around till you die !

We human did this. Nature has it's own berzerkers mammals : mustelids

Difference is mustelids are fucking clever. Nature did it this way, a creature cant be both fearless and dumb or it'll just go down the evolutionnary drain. Wolverines take on bears, honeybadgers lions but they both have tactics and know when to call it a day. They roam their lands having 100 ways to get food. Pits dont. They are or own children and women munching stupid fuckups.

It was an error, let's call it like it is and stop it
IIRC, something like 90%+ of attacks are from intact males. My pitbull is fixed and 15 years old now, and he's attacked nobody. I'm also a member of the central South Dakota chapter of Patriots for Pitties, and no one's dog in that group or in any group we've ever worked with has attacked a soul.

People who want to ban pitbulls also want to ban guns. Molon labe, motherfuckers
I don't have the time to read the full thread but intact males are the only dogs who will attack without being crazy or defending themselves. With that said a female or neutered male may bite if a pack member leads the way.

Would be very easy to get dog death number down to 1/8th or so what it is by neutering all male dogs at 12 weeks.
Pitbulls of any variety are problematic. There is either the threat of physical harm


Assault on musical good taste.
RIP @Papi Chulo!
Awesome and let me know when you’ll become a brain surgeon donkey.

I never said I would but I have a basic grasp of language and grammar that you don’t seem to possess and also don’t make moronic utterances like you do. But like you admitted you do suffer from a mental defect.
Inspired by this thread.

I know people are going to say smaller dogs tend to bite more, that maybe true, but their bites are nothing close to what damage a Pitbull can do.

So therefore I believe Pitbulls and their types are the most dangerous dogs that's out there. They have enough bite force to inflict enough damage that can maim or kill grown adults.

I know some or most would say it's the owner fault Pitbulls are acting in this behaviour. But these same owners buy other types of breed of dogs, but you don't see as much carnage you see Pitbulls inflict on it's community.

I think they are naturally very aggressive and considering their size and strength it's a very dangerous lethal combination.

If you are willing to buy these type of animals, be certain of the consequences or worst case scenarios of owning these type of dogs.

That's just my thoughts on it.
There are more dangerous dogs easily.

But while a bazooka is more dangerous than a 38, one is far easier to get than the other and kills or badly wounds more a year.

A lab is like a nerf gun with the occasional pellet gun. Fatalities are very rare and usually a bad attack is mere puncture wounds and you can generally be ok with them around your kids.

Even ignoring pit fatalities and just focusing on damage done in attacks to survivors, you will see a lot of torn muscles and ligaments and massive tissue damage. And when it comes to pet on pet violence, pits are the worst.

You can go to any pit bull forum behavior and training section on the internet and ask "how do I train my newborn pit so I can leave it alone with my other dog or cat" and they will all tell you not to fucking ever think you can train their inborn animal aggression out. You can only control it and only when you are there
I never said I would but I have a basic grasp of language and grammar that you don’t seem to possess and also don’t make moronic utterances like you do. But like you admitted you do suffer from a mental defect.
Stank doggy it's ok to get a job and make a living and not stalk me.
Stank doggy it's ok to get a job and make a living and not stalk me.

I have a great job. I even get to poke fun at uneducated fools like yourself who make idiotic remarks on the internet while I’m at it.
Fortunately for Pits, there are a ton of human beings just as dumb as rocks as they are, so they'll continue to exist.

In a society of intelligent and reasonable individuals, the breed would be dead-ended.

I don’t think this is true. I knew a Pit once who knew every trick in the book. It even knew the difference between his left and right paw and his inside or outside voice.

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