Social Did Kristi Noem ruin her political future?

Do you agree with Kristi’s actions?

  • Yes, just goat though

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Dogs are killed for killing livestock all the time on Farms and 90 percent of these people bashing Kristi for this nothing burger never stepped foot on a farm in their life....
There have been several situations where dogs were chasing my family's cattle and the dogs were removed from the gene pool.

Once case the owner was informed and basically said do what you need to do.
If she said the dog was killing chickens and she had to put it down ole yeller style that would be different. It looks like she just said she hated the dog because it was worthless and untrainable.
If that's the case here she's a pathetic excuse of a person pretending to be a rancher/farmer.
Rehoming is probably a better bet than shooting it in the head though
It probably depends on the situation. Rural folks have to deal with dogs getting dumped by others more often than "city folk".

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of rural farmers and ranchers that take in strays and end up with awesome pets.
Pretty sure dropping a book in which you detail shooting a dog you refer to as less than worthless is going to rub even many Republicans the wrong way. Especially if you blame it on just being a normal part of rural existence

Isn't there an australian guy on here who brags about shooting dogs and cats?
If that's the case here she's a pathetic excuse of a person pretending to be a rancher/farmer.

No, it killed some chickens. So as I said in OP, even if it warranted being put down, I never been a farm boy, so I have no frame of reference, but how can she write about it. I would say the vast majority of people don’t have that frame of reference at all
No, it killed some chickens. So as I said in OP, even if it warranted being put down, I never been a farm boy, so I have no frame of reference, but how can she write about it. I would say the vast majority of people don’t have that frame of reference at all
The people she's appealing to and who are already fans of her know exactly what she's talking about. The folks who are on the fence about her or don't care for her are roasting her.
No, it killed some chickens. So as I said in OP, even if it warranted being put down, I never been a farm boy, so I have no frame of reference, but how can she write about it. I would say the vast majority of people don’t have that frame of reference at all
Yeah they automatically jump to the conclusion that she was killing a dog for pure enjoyment and since she doesn't align with their political becomes an automatic witch hunt.
I dont see this hurting her with Trumpers. Intent here is to show she's not weak and for Trumpers to draw parallel association to this story.

Wouldnt be surprised if a publicist leaked this to help her VP bid.
Isn't there an australian guy on here who brags about shooting dogs and cats?
Checked and yeah, it's @Ruprecht. Apparently he's shot dozens of them. I can't quote the posts for some reason but you can just search 'cats' and @Ruprecht and they pop right up.
Brags? They are a feral pest. Cats more so than dogs. Shooting them is straight forward conservation, and more humane than the traps and poison.
There's no native equivalent, so they are literally driving native species to extinction. Along with goats, pigs, deer, foxes and horses. Importing them was pure ignorance.
Yeah they automatically jump to the conclusion that she was killing a dog for pure enjoyment and since she doesn't align with their political becomes an automatic witch hunt.
I will admit my mistake about the chickens part. Headlines said the part about "worthless" and "untrainable". I saw a story that said she was defending her story about the dog and it basically led to the tweet below. It didn't say anything about the chickens and in my opinion she should have led with mentioning that the dog was killing her other animals.

I will admit my mistake about the chickens part. Headlines said the part about "worthless" and "untrainable". I saw a story that said she was defending her story about the dog and it basically led to the tweet below. It didn't say anything about the chickens and in my opinion she should have led with mentioning that the dog was killing her other animals.

Yeah...that wasn't a smart move on her part especially when it doesn't matter which side of the political party you belong to people are foaming at the mouth to pounce on people and ill admit I do the same.

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